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Zuko 'Zarhamee

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Everything posted by Zuko 'Zarhamee

  1. How do you focus while your dreaming? Ok. Here's my dream, but it's kind of disturbing. I was a minivan with my sister and father. The minivan was in a garage. It was packed up like we were going somewhere. I suddenly remembered that I had forgot something important. The dream skipped ahead (or maybe I forgot a little bit) and I was at the top of the stairs at my brother's house in Chicago. The walls and floor were covered in blood. (That's not even the disturbing part.)My sister was screaming up the stairs that "They already got Mom!". This only made me more determined to go ahead. I ran down to the other end of the house. I reached the room where my family stayed when we visited my brother and I saw something lying on the ground in the room. The door blocked most of it, but as soon as I saw part of it, I knew that if I did not leave right now,I would be killed. But, then the thing stood up and opened the door. It looked like a human that had skin like the covenant elites and no face. It was only wearing a pair of tattered jeans. I ran, reached the end of the house and lept down a flight of stairs while it chased me. I hit the ground hard and woke up. The end. (I think that it was kind of like a zombie. I don't even want to think about the "They already got mom" part...)
  2. They don't have Blood Gulch in CEA? But that's the best level from CE!
  3. I wish they would, but like when they made Halo 2 Vista only (which most people just modded to work for XP), they're trying to push people into buying the 360. They honestly might never make any more Halo games for PC. This marketing tactic, while being completely senseless, does work because I broke last week and decided to start saving up for a 360.
  4. I'll eat anything. Who cares how long it's been on the floor, it's still food.
  5. Almost any type of rock music, but usually something fast.
  6. Get an Xbox 360 and Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo Wars, and Halo Reach. And to learn to play the guitar.
  7. I went to the event viewer and found some stuff. Under Applications, there was something that the computer called and application error. I clicked on it and it said this:"Faulting application halo2.exe, version, faulting module halo2.exe, version, fault address 0x00381110." I also found some stuff under System, that talked about a warning about a disk (I left the Halo 2 disk in my computer). Here's what it said when I click on it : "An error was detected in the device /Device/Harddisk0/D during a paging operation."
  8. After I beat the level Sacred Icon, it goes to a loading screen and then nothing happens. It just stays at the loading screen and the game stops responding. To get my computer to do anything, I have to restart it. Does anyone know how I can fix this?
  9. This bill won't just affect people in the United States. It will affect anyone who uses the internet.
  10. Cortana could go through rampancy and become metastable (in fact she might already be metastable). There are four stages of rampancy:Sadness,Anger,Jealousy, and (in theory) meta stability. The first stage is pretty much self-explanatory. In the second stage, Anger, the AI begins to hate everything around it and will try to enact revenge and free itself from programming constraints. In the third stage, the AI will seek to grow and develop as a person. In the theoretical fourth stage, the AI can be said to be a true "person". The only two AIs who may have reached metastability are 05-032 Mendicant Bias and Cortana. Link: http://halo.wikia.com/wiki/Rampant
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