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Everything posted by PH4NT0M

  1. Haha, guessing that's a creative way of asking for mods?? Jk jk, but from personal experience with forums, asking for moderation power never really gets you to the rank... You have to earn it and prove yourself as a helpful/active/friendly member. But idk.. Sometimes mods could get soft and easy and if you know them, you could possibly join the ranks
  2. Atta boy, I dont really know what happened in that shoutbox but glad to see your not gonna let it phaze you just yet :]
  3. Well.. I wouldn't leave just because of a shoutbox incident.. Sorry you feel that way, hopefully you come back...
  4. It just came to me that grifball was named after Grif... wow xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Director

      The Director

      Yeah, it kinda is isn't it? xD
    3. SuperIntendant


      *gives up on humanity*

    4. PH4NT0M


      Haha yes, it kinda was a Eureka moment haha it all just came to me while watching old halo robot chickens haha

  5. It just came to me that grifball was named after Grif... wow xD

  6. Agreed with Spectral as well, I am pretty sure the BR will come back and the DMR... Well, that stuff probably got blown up on reach. I don't think it would be necessary to have BOTH though as they are fairly about the same except the BR is like a 3 round burst while the DMR is a 1 shot burst kinda thing. And besides, I always thought the BR was cooler and it IS the age of Master Chief in Halo 4. Oh well, guess we will find out soon :]
  7. Im not gona make the battle if you guys are doing it this week cuz im on vacation but you guys could still battle. Tell me how it goes!
  8. You just got me into forging.. when I get back on halo (Im on vacation), I SHALL MAKE MY FIRST OKAY MAP
  9. Yeah, I really liked all the maps! I didn't vote, but they looked nice! Congrats to everyone
  10. I never really said it, but I was expecting him to be it and I WAS RIGHT! Congrats Mr. Biggles, you definitely deserve it!
  11. Shane (SavagexCabbage) told me in school today that we will soon have 2 new members. I will edit and welcome them when they come And guys, it never hurts to post here.. Start a convo... something?

  13. Yeah I gotta agree Firefight was my favorite aspect of the game
  14. I wish I had fans lol I dont cuz I suckk
  15. Ahhhh Chief, recruiting I see. WELL WAIT TILL MY CLAN FACES YOU xD lol good luck and welcome to his clan lmao
  16. Well, in ODST I really liked the campaign and firefight and stuff. The multiplayer was exact halo 3, but thats okay I guess cause I loved the halo 3 stuff. Wow, I just noticed I say stuff a lot.. and STUFF. lol but on task, maybe they should expand on a future game to finish the ODST campaign and make the ending lead up to a new story? Idk
  17. I wouldn't be jealous of recon armor (LOLOLOL I HAVE IT BE JELLY! jk) thats just stupid... Theres no reason to remove armor. Armor is armor its not really too much.. I mean like you could be all "Yooooooo dude, your armor looks sickkk" but I don't think its something to be jealous over. If you have skill/buy it or something, you could get it on your own.. As for armor changes/add-ons, if they didn't have to make us download every map over again, I would be for it I guess. That would be pretty cool and I guess I could always be challenged to obtain the armor and stuffs.
  18. I accept all friend requests and stuff (Feel free to stalk meh JK DONT OR ELSE I WILL FIND YOU AND HUNT YOU DOWN!), but if they don't really play with me I'll delete them... If I don't know them, I'll probably keep them if they play with me but if your my friend irl, your on my friends list unless your a jerk
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