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Posts posted by Hellsarchangel

  1. Hi there.


    So I'm looking to get all of the acheivements in the game, and what would help me the most through this? The bandana skull of course.


    I set out to get this skull first, before the others. After just spending an hour watching videos on how other people got the skull and trying for myself, I've gotten frustrated. I've thrown the grenade exactly where they have, and the most help I've gotten on aquiring it was "grenade jump". That's what I've been doing all this time however, and the closest I got was my chest reaching the upper platform but not my legs.


    As I don't have a second controller, The only option I have is to try and do this. But I need some help on some proper instructions on what to do. Should I be jumping straight after the frag grenade is thrown? Do I move forwards a little and then jump? I've tried all these in varying way but with no success.


    Thanks for any and all help.

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