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Everything posted by SixWaysToSunday

  1. The problem I have is the way their used. Part of what I love in Halo3 was when people engaged each other it almost always lead to the death of one of them. It created a need to try and outskill your opponent instead of retreating when in danger. Im aware that sometimes you can get away but that required alot of skill and map knowledge as well. But with sprint and evade its very easy to disengage from a firefight and I dont like being able to do that. It makes the fight less intense and personal. Maybe if the maps were made so sprint was more for mobility it would be fine with me, like Halo CEs blood gulch. If you only had 1 evade and it didnt take you nearly as far that would feel balanced as well.
  2. Youve got a few things wrong here. First, its spelled "strategy," it sounds like you dont know what your talking about when you consistently spell it incorrectly. Second, AA's do NOT promote strategic gameplay or decisions. Sitting in armor lock or hiding in a corner with active camo is the exact OPPOSITE of what true strategy is. Go watch MLG pros play the game, there you can learn how what the actual strategies for Halo are. Third, most gamers hate AA's, not just Halo veterans. Actually, this forum is one of the few places people will defend AA's and almost everyone here has been playing since haloCE (Im new so Ive only met about 5 people so Im generalizing here). Fourth, AA's are not "hard," they are unfair. People dont hate them because they die to them, but because there is no way to defeat them. Armor lock is the perfect example and the lead offender. How do you beat it? You cant hurt them, you cant really reduce the time in it, and cant stop the user from activating it. It has no weakness and reduces you to doing nothing. All AA's leave you helpless to deal with them with the exception of hologram. Fifth, Halo3 has just as much strategy as Reach. Real strategy isnt in the AA's but in map and weapon control. Sorry but saying Halo3 is all about seeing and shooting makes you look like a noob and appear stupid. Watch this and try to tell me to me that again: Not trying to be mean to you but when people claim that AA's are a good addition because they add strategy it pisses me off. Its like people saying camping is a strategy because it works.
  3. Well I want the modding and fun of HaloCE combined with the competitiveness of Halo3. I want to see the return of the party-up system, with reachs voting system. I want to return to the movement and jump of Halo3. I want to have Halo3 awesome maps with ODSTs atmosphere. It looks like whatever 343i does theyll make someone happy!
  4. This idea is a mechanic that can be put into maps to have a history. What if we were fighting inside the Pillar of Autumn, or another UNSC ship and the gravity was out? Thats sounds like the history you want. Having low G feels purely halo, no other series has the background that would allow them to have maps like that. It could become Halo's new stamp of originality.
  5. Well I dont use my mic in reach. I feel like i dont want to talk to the players in the game, since most people use tactics I find cheap or unsavory. Reach makes me rage alot and I really dont want that getting through on the mike. But when I play other games, I make it a point to try and communicate with my teammates when I play solo. Something about the players on reach discourage me from making the same effort with them. And lets just forget insanebear existed.
  6. Love how everyone has a completely different list!
  7. Guess were gonna have too. I hopped on Halo3 and people were chatting on mikes and giving great callouts, why its so different on Reach Im not sure.
  8. A few things that havent been mentioned, so heres the history I know of: Humans had an empire during the time of the forerunners that matched their power. These "prehumans" came into contact with the flood and eventually a war was started between them. The prehumans were losing for a long time, at which point they attacked the forerunners and colonized their planets to try and survive against the onslaught of the flood. The forerunners struck back, creating a 2 front war for the prehumans. The prehumans then collapsed from the other 2 factions power. Before their destruction by the forerunners, the prehumans created a cure for the flood! This allowed them to defeat the flood, but they no longer had enough resources to combat the enraged forerunners and were defeated then de-evolved as punishment. As an act of vengeance before their destruction, the prehumans destroyed their cure and allowed the flood to come into contact with the forerunners, starting the flood-forerunner war. Which the forerunners eventually lost, leading to the creation of the ark, shield worlds, and rings, and the eventual "destruction" of all life. The forerunners then "revived" most of the species of the universe except themselves. During their war with the flood, they had learned why the prehumans had originally attacked them and were horrified of what they had done to the prehumans. So to pay for their "crimes" against the prehumans, they destroyed themselves along with the flood when the Halos fired. Some of the monitors can be quoted saying, "We deserve to fade away and be forgotten." To make up for de-evolving the humans, they gave the keys of their technology and civilization to them. Thats why the monitor calls Master Chief The "Inheritor" or "Reclaimer," because the forerunners wanted the humans to regain the power they once obtained. But the humans took too long, instead the Covenant was formed and they found the ancient technology left by the foreunners. Eventually they found the humans and attacked them since the prophets feared the humans would throw the covenant out of balance and out of their control. So the human-covenant war started, eventually leading Master Chief to the first Halo Ring, where HaloCE takes place. The rest of the history is played out in the games. So its; flood-prehuman war, flood- -> prehuman <--forerunner war, prehuman-forerunner war, forerunner-flood war, and finally human-covenant war. Whew thats alot to read! Thats all I know, omitting small details. If anybody knows anything about the Precursors thatd be awesome!
  9. If your not spotting in BF3 then your a noob. Sorry, but any good player knows that you should spot first then shoot, because you might just die.
  10. The living dead maps are AWESOME!!! Games are no longer campy and are crazy cluster **** of fun!
  11. Uh kinda means you found it and started spreading it before anyone else even noticed it xP And the posted date is right under the title.
  12. Think you sniped it bro, it was just posted a few hours ago. Looks like 343i is working hard and is confident theyre making the right decisions. And it looks like theyre working really hard to make Multiplayer awesome again.
  13. What would you like to bring back from each Halo? Looking back across all of the games, people love the different interpretations. Some swear Halo2 was the best ever made, some think Halo3 was great, there are those who love ODSTs story, and others love what Reach included. What do you want to see in Halo4? What do you think makes your favorite Halo so amazing?
  14. Lets calm down here. We are all here to make halo a better game, even if we disagree on what exactly that is. Insanebear we get you dont like Reach, but this is the exact worst place to rage against it. Please keep in mind there are people who deeply love Reach. On a side note, why did you all just get blue diamond awards? O.o
  15. Guess I should change it to low gravity then because thats what I was trying to promote.
  16. Im probably over excited like your warning about xD Just like Reach, I cant imagine the developers adding things we dont agree with. I really want the fun and competitiveness of halo3 back. If they could turn Forge into the modding of HaloCE PC, H4 would be the best console game ever.
  17. Bro stop hating on Reach and NEVER hate on players. IMO reach has issues, but its not the reincarnation of evil like you keep posting. Calm it down otherwise people wont listen to you.
  18. Yes I know those things, what I want to know is what YOUR doing. Thats the point im trying to get across. I want to know who on your team is doing what so i know whats going on in the game. When Im losing a game its not easy to tell why, theres a whole host of reasons. But a good scoreboard can show in 2 seconds why my team is losing and give me options. Heres an example: I see in a CTF game that 1 guy has the flag caps for the team and 2 guys have been going for kills. Now I know, whenever I see that guy anywhere near the flag he should become my priority otherwise he will probably pull another flag. I also know, killing the 2 slayers could help to break my team out of spawn. So now I know how to change the game. If im playing with a team I can tell them that. Im a tryhard and I hate losing. Its just how I game, nothing I can do about it. Good scoreboards are a great tool for people who want to win, so I guess I want to abuse it exactly like you dont want. Lol. Also, this would not be hard to make. Halo already tracks all of these stats and more, twinreaper can attest to that. It would be simple to write a program to show people this information ingame. One of the reasons im fighting for this so hard is because other games already have these things. If halo doesnt continue to update the sideline mechanics then it will become even more unpopular. Im still amazed the killfeed is written in full english instead of using symbols. Its the little details that make people stay with a game after the honey moon period is over. No matter how fun it is at the beginning, missing the little things will grind against most players and make them leave. Thats one of the reasons CoD can only last a year, vanilla reach was unpopular, and Gears3 is going to last a long time.
  19. I really want armor that slim instead of the bulky stuff in reach, hate looking like a football player. And I want armor to be unlock through achievements or challenges, NOT LEVEL OR RANK. Armor should show off what youve done. Like: recon- 10 headshots in 1 game, ODST- 3 air assassinations, Operator- 1,000 kills with the AR, etc.
  20. ....it would be nice if people checked the vid.
  21. I would love to see a gametype that included playing as the covenant. I always thought a mode where you "level up" what covenant you are like in BO's "Gun Game." Imagine starting off as a grunts, ranking up through jackal, brutes, and elites, up to hunters bashing around by getting kills!
  22. There are alot of amazing and fun possibilities! What if the makes had the gravity like in the vid? Would that make it more okay?
  23. Bro how can you tell me it isnt helpful? How can you type out my experiences? Im telling you that it has helped me play better. The more information I have access to, the better decisions I can make. I cant always see whos capping the flags or planting the bombs. Even though I can be aware of my surroundings and use that knowledge, things happen outside of my sphere of influence. Why are you so against this? It wouldnt take too much effort on 343i part, and if you dont want to use it you wouldnt have to.
  24. Actually, having access to that information is incredibly helpful to good players. I used to play alot of BO, and it has the best scoreboard in gaming. It tells important information in the gamemode, like flag captures/defends, kills/deaths, bomb plants/defused, etc. This allowed me to change how I was playing to defeat the other team. If I see theyre winning because theyre killing us, I can toss out stuns to get an advantage on them and break their setup. If I see theyre PTFOing, they I can focus on capping and defending the objectives. You would probably do the same things if you had access to this info. Also, when people see someones stats change because they PTFO, it causes them to want to PTFO. Mw3 does not have BOs great scoreboard, and less people go after the objective because it does not show up on the scoreboard. There are many times in Reach when people spawn trap instead of going after the win because the scoreboard wont show their work anyway. Wow im quoting alot of you stuff today xD
  25. But it makes escaping too easy. In halo3, when you were in a firefight most of the time it was impossible to escape. If you started losing the fight, you had to stick with it and try to outskill your opponent. In reach, when you start losing a fight, you sprint away from danger and hide. That is the difference between halo3 and reach. In Halo3 people stood their ground and fought. In reach people use their armor abilities to escape when about to die, like a get out of jail free card.
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