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Everything posted by s0me-kind-0f-m0nster

  1. This is what I did, hopefully it will help you. I called xbox support for the australia region, explained to them the issue throughly. Tell them that you can play any other game's matchmaking fine and that you can also play custom games, co-op campaign firefight and can connetc to friends in pre-game lobbys on reach but can't join matchmaking. Tell them that the issue is world wide and you would likethe matter to be escalated. Tell them that you believe the problem lies in the way the 343i servers communicate with you ip address, and that you believe because of the TU back in October something changed in 343i's MM servers that is causing the servers to not "see" your ip address. Be firm and persistant, make sure they escalate the matter and be sure to ha,,er home the fact that it is a known world wide issue. This is what I did, and within 14 hours of doing this the 101ip issue was fixed. That could (and probably is) just coincidence, but its what I did and it got fixed so give it a shot.
  2. Twin, the issue is actually resolved on my end. I talked to xbox support yesterday at 5pm, told them the issue told them my ip and told them that I thought the TU had changed some of the perameters in the 343i MM servers and that the changed had resulted in my ip address being omitted. I woke up this morning 8am and lo and behold, it works I can now play halo reahc matchmaking. SOme people are still having the issue however, I have suggested to them that they all do as I did. Call xbox supprot explain the issue tell them their IP address and say that their IP prefix is being ommited from the MM servers becuase of the title update. HOpefully this works for them as well Thanks Twin for all of your help through this
  3. Everyone who is experiencing an issue, please try halo reach again, as of today I am able to access matchmaking
  4. Thanks for your reply, it is a confusing issue then, for me at least. I understand what you are saying but it seems to me that if my modem did have these issues with communications protocol that the problem would be universal over all platforms over all games. It seems odd to me that I can play co-op campaign, customs, go into forgeworld, and play regular firefight and connect to people on my friends list to do so, but can't enter matchmaking. Wouldn't all aspects of reach's features use the same servers ? I understand that from game to game the communications protocols would/might be different which would result in some games working fine and others like reach not working at all.....but when you can use 99% of the features on a game save one. Admittidly I don't have much knowledge on the subject, kinda wish I did now
  5. so this is also intresting.... I can play customs with friends, firefight with friends (not firefight matchmaking) and forgeworld all with people on my friends list all connecting over live, but still can not access the matchmaking portion of reach..... Any ideas?
  6. Incidently, thank you reaper for trying to get this sorted out your efforts are appricated
  7. I do however have somethign intresting to report.... I masked my ip address and tried to enter matchmaking, still was unable to I know XBL needs certain ports to be open but does 343i servers require certain ports as well?
  8. I apologize if I came off stand-offish reaper, I didn't intend to sound that way. It was honestly just a curious question, you had said that it was ISP specific which is why I asked since my ISP hasn't changed only my internet plan/modem. Could the problem lie in the actual internet plans possibly? It seems that its only people on "ultimate" broadband experincing the issues as well. It shouldn't be however anything to do with the modem since I can access any other game over xbl perfectly fine. Its only games run on 343i servers that have this issue. (halo 3 halo odst halo reach and halo ce:a) I can play BF3 MW3 MW2 Dead Island Skyrim anything else over XBL, which is why I believe it has to do with 343i's servers (altho I could be wrong) Also it couldn't be that the ISP is blocking certain things since I was able to play just fine before the 101 ip Sorry Choot, I can appricate that you are trying to sort out the issue and am thankful for that
  9. Then could you possibly explain why I would play halo reach with telstra as my ISP just fine until I upgraded my modem. I have only been expereincing this issue for a week, and it started once I was given a modem with the 101ip range
  10. The problem is Ashlynn that they are actually saying something, just the wrong things. I recieved a email from BS Angel today and all she had to say was that they were working with slingshot and xbl to resolve the issue. This concerns me for a number of reasons and leads me to believe that there won't be a resolution anytime soon since they are completely looking in the wrong direction. How is talking to slingshot and xbl going to fix the issue when I am not even on slingshot ISP and slingshot isin't even active here in Australia? 343i is basically saying the fault does not lie with them or their servers so they are not investigation where they should be....their servers. Until 343i pull their heads from their asses and look into their own end of things this won't EVER get fixed I wish 343i had a contact phone number so we could all call and complain to them and actually direct them in the right area since they seem to refuse to acknowledge the forums
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