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Everything posted by Ash

  1. TitanFall at #3? Awesome I can't really agree with telltale games since in terms of content, they lack that of a full retail game, but it's your list.
  2. Personally, I'm more interested in Evolve than Halo 5, since Evolve bring a gamestyle that's not really been done before. Whereas Halo 5, while the beta was very enjoyable, I still don't know much about the story, nor if there is going to be firefight or an equivalent to firefight.
  3. Earth. Would you rather smash an Xbox One, but get a new iMac, or smash an Ipad Air, but get a gaming computer(of equal value to the iMac)?
  4. It might be an issue with the content from the second disc, so you may need to reinstall it. I hope that helps.
  5. The new sounds are great They sound more like weapons, and I like that they're getting away from the old sounds.
  6. Pop is another name for Soda.
  7. Yay, Seahawks won! ^.^

  8. I walked into a walmart once, and they had cases of pop stacked about 15 feet high, and right beside it was an invisible puddle.. I walked by it and slipped, almost caught myself, then fell into the stack and toppled it... It would've been okay.. If the cans didn't explode.... Let's just say it was colourful.. And messy.. And sticky.. And I was covered in it for an hour ;-;
  9. What... How do you find these things? >.> Amazing though, well done
  10. Am I the only one who felt really bad for Naminé? ;-;

  11. Well done, I'm really enjoying this
  12. Most AAA titles only have a MP that offers good replayability, whereas Destiny has both a MP and Co Op that offer a decent amount of replayability. I'm not saying Crucible is better than AW MP or MCC MP, but the rest of the game gives you a reason to come back and play it even after you beat it.
  13. Oh, that makes sense.. So by theme, do you mean like a specific game theme? Or just anything "geek" related?
  14. 10.0 looks interesting to me, although i'm not a fan of zombies.. And yay, TSC for 11.0 P.S~ Is 9.0 still going?
  15. Could you elaborate on your matchmaking issues? Is it just not matching you with anyone? Or do you get an error message? If you could be specific, then it'll be easier to discern the issue.
  16. Do you mean looter, as in scavenger? If not, could you explain, please?
  17. Aww, that's so sweet!
  18. You had a good childhood if you remember Hikari and Passion ~ Utada Hikaru

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Delpen9


      My childhood was christian rock.

    3. E-Runner


      My childhood was Pokemon and Spongebob.

    4. rrhuntington
  19. Hiya, it's nice to meet you, and welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your stay, and feel free to ask any questions you might have
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