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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Just a heads up, this is a Community Forum. If you purchased it and it's linked to your profile, why not just delete the corrupt file and re download the game. Also, if it didn't get downloaded to your console, perhaps your profile's licenses are set on another xbox. You can change it back via account settings on the dash. But if it's been recently changed, you'll have to wait a certain period of time. (around 4 months) I hope this helps you, Ash/Weiss
  2. Welcome back! I don't think we've met before.. I'm Weiss/Ash, nice to meet you!
  3. Ash


    After the beta ends, 343 will likely see how many people like AR starts compared to how many like BR starts. What ever is more popular will have more game modes start with that weapon when the full game launches. As for loadouts, I don't know what they plan to do with that. I personally wouldn't mind it, but wouldn't miss it at the same time.
  4. Fairy Tail's world for sure. Freedom and magic, what more could you ask for
  5. The snow princess has returned ^.^

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom
    2. Delpen9


      You chose a snow princess over a cat girl. -_-

    3. joshyzburton
  6. AnimeAddict is one of the best people on the forum, and I'm happy I got to know him!

    1. AnimeAddict
    2. Delpen9
    3. Melody


      ♥ Love is in the air in this status update. ♥ :3

  7. I dare you to write all posts, shouts and PM's in Black for 1 week. Dare me
  8. What kind of gaming community are you a part of?
  9. It's still buggy, but it's getting there. I've never had a 3v3, but that does sound less fun. Be sure to submit a bug report about it. Better chance of it getting fixed sooner
  10. I don't think it should be 10-20 minutes right off the bat, maybe 2 minutes initially, then the duration would increase for every game quit after the first.
  11. I think that equipment in Halo 3 complimented the slower paced gameplay. But with Halo 5 being a much faster paced game, equipment that you would have to pick up would just be tedious.
  12. No tv. Would you rather have blue hair or green hair?
  13. A Templar. Would you rather be paralyzed from the waist down or be unable to speak?
  14. The only two things I can think of is either you HDMI cord isn't working properly, or that it's a bug in the game. If it's your HDMI cord, you should try switching sides or buying a new one. And if it's a bug, you should report it on Halo Waypoint as soon as you can. That's all I can think of, hope this helps
  15. I think the frags bounce pretty normally. Maybe it's just me... I'm sure they'll be fixed by Halo 5's launch. Probably.
  16. Go on a date with Azaxx Would you rather have a fear of heights or a fear of water(like a pool or bigger)?
  17. I'm sure quite a few people don't want sprint in Halo, but that number is way smaller than you think. Sprint only adds to the game, it doesn't take anything away from it. Being able to get places like weapon spawns or where your team is at faster is clearly a plus. Also, you do realise that Halo already is on a 3 year cycle. 343 did very little work on MCC. Saber Interactive, Certain Affinity and other studios did the most work on MCC. 343 has been focused on Guardians since after Halo 4 launched, which was in 2012. It's now 2015. I'm sure you know simple math. So, saying that they "stole" abilities from other games is just plain stupid. Sprint has been in almost every FPS in the last 10 years. No one game owns it. Clamber and slide haven't have been stolen, considering CoD AW, Destiny and Halo 5 were all in development at the same time. Also, those are pretty general abilities. Nothing unique about them. You back up almost every point by saying that "most people don't like it". Who are these most people? Of everyone that's played the beta that I know, I've only heard good things about it. So you are in the minority. Lastly, saying that 343 sucks at halo is irrelevant. They make the game, it's up to the player to adapt. It's very clear you can't handle simple change. Cute rant though
  18. Yeah, every 360 Halo titles MP servers are still up, so it's going to be years before they take down MCC's servers. Like, you'll be playing the 3rd halo trilogy before MCC servers get taken down.
  19. It may have a really bad first playthrough of the "story", it has more replayability than most AAA titles. But this was a pretty solid review EK.
  20. A chicken the size of a t-rex. Would you rather get payed to play video games, or have your dream job, but not get paid?
  21. Asthma sucks >.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pbrabbit
    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Don't stay out in the cold for too long I guess.

    4. Delpen9


      haha inhaler. get it, sucks? bad joke is bad

  22. This is really good Caboose I'll have to go look at your previous stuff now.
  23. What is your ideal vacation?
  24. There are lots of people still playing Halo 2 PC (according to Twinreaper). You should totally get in touch with him and he'll help you get sorted into the community
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