I'm sure quite a few people don't want sprint in Halo, but that number is way smaller than you think. Sprint only adds to the game, it doesn't take anything away from it. Being able to get places like weapon spawns or where your team is at faster is clearly a plus.
Also, you do realise that Halo already is on a 3 year cycle. 343 did very little work on MCC. Saber Interactive, Certain Affinity and other studios did the most work on MCC. 343 has been focused on Guardians since after Halo 4 launched, which was in 2012. It's now 2015. I'm sure you know simple math.
So, saying that they "stole" abilities from other games is just plain stupid. Sprint has been in almost every FPS in the last 10 years. No one game owns it. Clamber and slide haven't have been stolen, considering CoD AW, Destiny and Halo 5 were all in development at the same time. Also, those are pretty general abilities. Nothing unique about them.
You back up almost every point by saying that "most people don't like it". Who are these most people? Of everyone that's played the beta that I know, I've only heard good things about it. So you are in the minority.
Lastly, saying that 343 sucks at halo is irrelevant. They make the game, it's up to the player to adapt. It's very clear you can't handle simple change.
Cute rant though