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Everything posted by Ash

  1. What is your favourite TV show of all time? Someone Dare me before Bubbles ;-;
  2. I'd say joining the Rwby PM and just chatting with you guys is really fun! That, or about 3 years ago, Azaxx, The Director, Donut, a few others and I did like a Halo skit thing in the SB and that was really fun too! ToD?
  3. http://puu.sh/dX2K3/0f882a81a3.png Done
  4. RWBY Mode: Engage

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Delpen9


      Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Red, White, Black, Yellow.

    3. depressant
    4. depressant
  5. What do you want to be in the future? I'll take another truth
  6. I'd have to say Fairy Tail. But if I had to choose a non continuous anime, i'd pick Angel Beats. Truth or dare? ~Yang, what is your favourite type of weapon?
  7. Have you ever taken something really valuable from someone and not given it back?
  8. Gonna be completely honest, Halo 5 MP feels way better than any other Halo MP.

    1. Azaxx


      It feels a lot like Halo 3 to me.

  9. Aside from what RSR said, it may have to do with your Gold subscription, so be sure to check that if you're still having issues. P.S~ It has nothing to do with the campaigns.
  10. Oh Twin, using those big words to confuse me Honestly, I think if Halo is ever brought back to PC legitimately, then they could add a "Mission editor". But otherwise, forge is just fine. I think they should add 16 player Firefight. But that's just me
  11. Co-op is still a big issue in MCC, and is still being worked on. Future updates should fix this soon. Until then I suggest passing that segment solo, then having your co-op partner re joining you. P.S.~ This is the Halo 5 Guardians thread, please remember where you're posting in the future.
  12. Welcome to current gen gaming. You can buy external hard drives for extra space, but 343i isn't going to give you a hard drive. And if your xbox is full already, you could probably delete an older game you don't play anymore. P.S~ MCC is made up of 4 (soon to be 5) games, it should be obvious that it's going to take up space.
  13. Well, I was going to change votes to Delpen right before votes were locked for fun. But you ruin my fun. I change my vote to Delpen.
  14. True, but you don't know what I am, do you?
  15. On my last birthday, a friend bought me "50 Shades of Grey". I can't think of anything worse than that.
  16. Change your member title to either I love Hello Kitty or I love Ash Your choice Lasts one month
  17. I haven't >.> Truth or dare?
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