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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Wow, i'm never going to doubt your intelligence again... Ever...
  2. Fire.. Yes your right.. Haha and AD thought you meant you knew me 5 years ago..
  3. Here you can put RvB pictures for the community.. Enjoy!! Note for Moderators: If this topic is in the wrong section, then please move this to the proper section. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/277/5/6/rvb___private_sister_by_captainfriedatimber-d303m5d.png http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/274/8/2/rvb___private_tucker_by_captainfriedatimber-d2zwabo.png
  4. Can someone please post all the forums post ranks (e.g Jackel Major) and how many posts you need for each level... Please and Thank you.
  5. Well i have both haha, but i'd pick iphone... WYR lick a frozen turd or dance on the queen lap?
  6. Wooot!!! Was #1 poster yesterday :D 30 posts!!

  7. Wooot!!! Was #1 poster yesterday :D 30 posts!!

  8. Interesting.. Caboose up to dumb A.I? Never woulda guessed..
  9. Ensemble may be shut down, but alot of their employees are still jobless... Halo wars 2 is a "decent" possibility if 343i felt the need to expand and hire them... Not 100% though...
  10. And assassinated him sooo brutaly..
  11. I love you Simmons TPAM has lots to say.. TPBM must post Justin Bieber's "Baby" lyrics
  12. An xbox with no halo games cause I can rent games. WYR jump into a freezing pool or eat coke
  13. See... This would,normally be easy, but I don't know what the second thing is... So i'd crap my pants... -.- WYR eat a (live) hornet or run around a library naked ^^
  14. It was really fun, it was also when I discovered energy drinks..
  15. Congrats Vitamin PWN on 1000 posts :)

  16. TPAM - the person above me TPBM - the person below me PM you? Ok. TPAM is an awesome blonde (Wooot!!!) TPBM has road rage..
  17. Well that last one... Can't say i've seen it done before... o.o
  18. Proud of it The person above me has a cool picture... Th person below me has a potty trainer stuck to their bumm..
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