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Everything posted by ZB-85

  1. Universal Child - Annie Lennox
  2. Your new name makes me want to puke up .
  3. 3.26 Light Years How small is a Peco Second?
  4. Up All Night - Drake I'm a soldier - wounded so I must give up the fight There's nothing more for me - lead me away... Or leave me lying here
  5. ZB-85

    Halo 4: Scenery

    Everything was awesome. I loved when he was walking through the woods and you could hear all the noises and see the water on the leaves. It is definitely going to be an purely epic game.
  6. Payin' anything to roll the dice,
  7. I'm sure she's married. So, you two can have fun getting past Hippiewaterskie. Two ponies going after an elf,
  8. After a long day of driving around and going places. I cam home to 2 large pizzas.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ZB-85


      I already ate them. :)

    3. Archangel Tyrael
    4. ZB-85


      I would have saved some for you if I had known.

  9. Good Job Nova. Nice thread
  10. Haven't watched it much. Might as well go for the best: Arceus
  11. Get the million dollars. I'm sure they'd come back to me. WYR Be alone in life or be surrounded by extremely annoying people
  12. Member I wish to ban: Reason: His color in the shoutbox is just like mine.
  13. You have a big nose.
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