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Everything posted by ZB-85

  1. If you listen to this and don't get pumped to do something, you have no feelings: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znye1DGK3YE&feature=related

  2. Having 2 beef and bean burritos.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ZB-85


      I love Cheese burritos.

    3. DaveAtStateFarm
    4. FIREN4


      I'm having an Asian BBQ sub.


      Like a bawse :P

  3. He shouldn't die. When they finish the trilogy, they should still have him live. If they do have him die, I will be very, very upset. At least just end the trilogy with him still living.
  4. My mother says something, my ears hear something else.

    1. xxBEASTLYBOYZxx


      That's like that for me and m teachers.

    2. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      That's how i'm like all the time!

  5. Welcome to the Forum !! I am sure you will enjoy your time here with us The awards tab should explain what you have to do to get them. Again, Welcome
  6. WOW. I got a few tears in my eyes when I heard this:

  7. WOW. I got a few tears in my eyes when I heard this:

  8. Ditto. I would like to be myself, just be Master Chief at the same time.
  9. That's okay Spectral, I am fine with it. There was to many awards anyways.
  10. Those are the two most deserving members to earn it. Thanks for explaining it Spectral!
  11. I could only imagine how fun that was. Those are some very very lucky video gamers. Now I will sit here and dream of it.
  12. Which type of equipment do you like, by equipment I mean: Weapons Vehicles Armor Abilites Armor And feel free to tell us why you like that type of equipment. I prefer UNSC weapons, because their precision and effect. I like Covenant vehicles because you get to boost with them and you get to fire by yourself without someone else. I do like the Covenant Armor Abilities just a tad bit more than the UNSC. I like the UNSC armor 100% more than Covenant armor, no question about that. Now tell us about what you like.
  13. Nelkrons are an ancient enemy of the fore-runners, but were eventually defeated and all trapped inside a giant prison until the halo array fired which freed them. The nelkrons are biomechanical life forms with the power to convert energy to matter and matter to enercy at will. They are able to mutate into any form they want, but their appearance generally esembles a mechanical humanoid with a birdlike head. Somewhat similar to the myrs from magic the gathering. The Nelkrons after they escaped their prison began rebuilding their civilisation on sigma 17 as well as other nearbye worlds and systems. Their ancient quarrel with the fore-runners is unknown (to me), but the reason they are attacking the humans (as I have been able to put it together) is because the ancient humans had allied with the fore-runners against them.
  14. ZB-85

    The Halo 3 Chopper

    I would be so happy if they brought the Chopper back. It was an awesome vehicle to run people over with.
  15. It gets confirmed, but you can't use it and only die by it. I wish I had a bunny for a pet
  16. Starting : 4/7 of carrier Quantum 2 F-22's
  17. I enjoy: Big Team Battle Team Objective Invasion Team Slayer S.W.A.T Team Snipers Grifball Super Slayer
  18. ZB-85

    buck in odst

    Yeah I noticed that. I knew that I heard that voice before, It took me a few minutes to narrow the game. But I was like
  19. I would take a Scorpion, blew up the whole world with that thing.
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