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Everything posted by ZB-85

  1. I went to jail for calling the police department to help me with my homework
  2. I ban you for banning someone who was already banned
  3. Two story building Run into a wall or Run into a pole
  4. And then simultaneously ate all
  5. Dinner: Hotdogs, Sweet Potatos, Brocolli, and Salad. Yum

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      salads are good if you put cheddar cheese, onions, hard boiled egg and Caesar dressing onthem

    3. ZB-85


      - high fives Vitamin PWN -

    4. Donut


      :D Yay for Vitamin P!
  6. I am not disappointed with it so far. I think and know that it will be
  7. Adios King. I hope that you get everything fixed and I hope to see you soon.
  8. Hello there I am glad to make your aquaintance, and I do hope to see you around soon.
  9. Gladiator Death Race The Guardian The Eagle
  10. I think salmon, its a nice color. And looks better than pink
  11. I like Dr. Pepper. I don' tdrink soda that much, so I only can have it rarely. But when I can, I really enjoy it.
  12. No You ever put someone in the hospital?
  13. Those are some pretty funny text messages. I love these things.
  14. Once I read them all again, I fell off my chair laughing
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