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Everything posted by ZB-85

  1. Congrats to all the people who got upgraded to day. You all deserve it.

    1. Azaxx


      Cyan for everyone!!

  2. I haven't gotten it yet. And I hopefully never do. Thanks for the info though.
  3. The AR looks really good. Hopefully its as good or even better than the Halo 3 AR. Can't wait for Halo 4.
  4. WOW. By the way, how much is a stuffed teddy bear at the gift shop.
  5. I like the Mark V armor. Its the original Master Chief.
  6. Have a great time Luke. Now who will talk to me in the early morning *sigh* back to talking to myself. We will be awaiting your return.
  7. To not be able to come on here and talk Favorite sports team?
  8. Sadly Johnson won't be returning. He was my second favortie character after Master Chief. If he returned, Master Chief would be hallucinating or having a dream. But, he won't return
  9. Just got home from the 4 hour trip of bringing my sister back from college. Now, I will get some, ZZzz

  10. I will not be on much of today. I'm going down with my mom to bring my sister up from college. I will be back later.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MCPO Mayh3m
    3. L4B


      so many bye's thought ill say hi :P

    4. Lᴜᴋᴇ


      Stop calling him bisexual.

  11. Their not going to catch us. We're on a mission from God.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Zuko 'Zarhamee
    3. Iиversiσn


      Mrs. Murphy: May I help you boys?

      Elwood: You got any white bread?

      Mrs. Murphy: Yes.

      Elwood: I'll have some toasted white bread please.

      Mrs. Murphy: You want butter or jam on that toast, honey?

      Elwood: No ma'am, dry.

      [Mrs. Murphy gives him a look, then turns to Jake]

      Jake: Got any fried chicken?

      Mrs. Murphy: Best damn chicken in the state.

      Jake: Bring me four fried chickens and a Coke.

    4. ZB-85


      another good quote.

  12. I like the saying and it has a nice picture. 8/10
  13. What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening?

  14. Amazing clips. Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla ice cream.
  15. Finally, after 5 hours of straight forging. I have finished my map.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Donut


      :o Done already? lol I would work on it some more if I were you, you got 3 weeks, don't waste em. K?
    3. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      I haven't even started.

    4. ZB-85


      I just have to work the kinks in it.

  16. Finally, after 5 hours of straight forging. I have finished my map.

  17. Going to work on my race track today.

  18. I have always liked the Assault Rifle. But I like it better in Halo 3 than in Halo: Reach, the look is cooler and feels better when your shooting.
  19. German Shepherd. They are fun to play with.
  20. Welcome back Director. Glad to see you back so soon.
  21. Hello and Welcome to the Forum. I am positive you will enjoy your stay here with all the nice members.
  22. No On a scale of 1-10, how much do you want Halo 4?
  23. Just got the book, Art of War. Can't wait till it gets to my house.

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