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Everything posted by ZB-85

  1. 8.85/10 Its an awesome signature. Like the pics on it
  2. I never kill marines. Cause when i kill them my team mates kill me so, it never worked for me.
  3. Time to get a job and save my money. If it is 6x as powerful, that would make it GREAT!!
  4. How is everyone today?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ash


      I'm good thank you. :)

    3. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      I'm great! I bought Skyrim yesterday and didn't get any


    4. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      But I don't care. I played Skyrim!

  5. Who's rooting for the Giants!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      i dont care who wins, but if the giants win i can rub it in my friends face lol

    3. DaveAtStateFarm



    4. Drizzy_Dan
  6. ipod with Halo music. WYR have a horse or own a Toyota Hybrid
  7. ARTIST: Jimmy Buffett TITLE: Volcano
  8. 8 games of invasion WYR drive a Wraith or drive a Scorpion
  9. Neither. I don't drink. WYR play a whole basketball game or a football game
  10. My controllers right thumbstick doesn't go to scope.

    1. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      Use the green thumb layout


    2. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      You may try to repeatedly push it in and manually pull it up. happened to me once and I got another month or so out of the controller.

  11. I do 30 push-ups, 60 sit ups, and 30 leg lifts every night before I go to bed. I'm 5' 11", and weigh 152 lbs.
  12. Nicest Member: Donut Funniest Member: RANMAN10 Toughest Mod: Spectral Jester
  13. Just got an Xbox LIVE account

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spectral Jester

      Spectral Jester

      congrats, dont forget to add the gamertag forum 343i

    3. Azaxx
    4. M DooMknight

      M DooMknight

      Congratulations and welcome!

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