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    Phisco reliK

Phisco_reliK's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. So how does matchmaking decide that a bunch of lower level players should play against teams that have all Inheritors and what not. I myself am a Mythic, but when my teamates are all Warrant Officers, it's hard to have fun against a team of 8 highly ranked players. Shouldn't people in parties be matched against other parties? And shouldn't ranks on opposite teams be rather close? Someone who plays the game once a month is not going to have fun losing 100-20 against a highly ranked team. I get very frustrated because half of my team won't see the point in playing a bunch to these types of parties and will either quit, or go hide and let the game end. What can 343 do, if anything, to fix this? BTB is one of my favorite matches and this is ruining it for me. Any thoughts? *Also, I realize rank doesn't necessarily mean skill, but if someone plays a lot, they are probably going to be a lot better than someone who doesn't play very much, and the ranks reflect this.
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