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Everything posted by Caboose

  1. true altho i never really built anything just looked for the raygun and shot things lol i cba. i will most likely get it i guess.
  2. he shot me then i shot him back
  3. Caboose

    Beta Testing

    halo 4 will prob have a beta the others did i hope it dose
  4. i dont play this on pc ? i have those other games indie games forge something so i prob wont buy this
  5. i don't know who you are but welcome back
  6. Can you describe everything that has ever happened in halo in 1 word ? AWESOME
  7. i can see you are all friends I love all halo games made 1 2 3 CEA and most likely 4 I played it from the start I still enjoy it And i am sure many others do to
  8. just voted on the vote thing

  9. just voted on the vote thing

  10. just voted on the vote thing

  11. NICEEST MEMBER (donut) funniest member (One) Toughest mod (Absolute dog) NUFF SAID
  12. when was clicking buttons classed as skill ?

    1. iTz KeeFy

      iTz KeeFy

      Since halo was invented lol. Everyone thinks they are better than the next guy, its kind of funny to me.

  13. Hi so yeah the DLC is here for elite premium members. Did you get the DLC ? What did you think of it ? If you do not know how to download them go here
  14. So this site clearly has the best smilies which is your favourite ? <----- thats mine If you dont have one and just come here to moan =======================> <========================== Enjoy
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