I love the armor abilities and I thought they were evenly balanced. There are options to play games without the armor abilities like classic slayer. Yes, armor lock can escape death but that means it adds a little more stragety to the game not just who has the better aim and a quicker finger. If you feel cheated by armor abilities because the make it harder then play games that don't use them so you can take advantage of your skill not stragety. If you play like you did in old halo games where you just see, shoot, kill and you don't adjust then ya the armor abilities slow the game down. It can be frustrating to be the more skilled player and lose to someone that is not as good as you because of an armor ability, but that just means you have to have a better stragety. You can be the more skilled player but have a weak stragety and that will get you beat. I love it like that because it's about thinking and setting up people not just see, shoot, kill. If you want that play classic slayer.
But ya armor abilities rock and should be back for Halo 4!!!!! However, there needs to be an upgrade system.
Ex. Active camo could have options for extended cloak time or harder to see when moving at fast speeds. Or with armor lock you could extend the EMP blast radius or have a longer time frame for armor lock form 7's to 10's.
Just my opinion. I know most of you don't like them but I love them and think that they should return.
HALO 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!