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Everything posted by Lᴜᴋᴇ

  1. Guys, new video just up, be sure to check it out! Also, from now on, I will "Like" any posts with videos I am going to upload in them. I will also message the user, as there are a few conditions that have to be satisfied. Have fun, and keep submitting! Luke
  2. Check out our latest video on the official forum YouTube channel!

    1. GermanShepherdD


      I have see that one. It was funny but true; people do take Halo to a whole different level sometimes.

    2. call me graham

      call me graham

      I really enjoyed it kepp up the good work :)

  3. These look great! I can see how much time and effort you have put into this, and I can see it is going to pay off!
  4. These are delicious! I love them, great job
  5. Well it's a nice idea, however there are a number of issues. Due to creating things in a third-party programme, then importing the file, or the code derived from the file, into game, you are creating huge problems in terms of security. Just think how easy it would be for hackers and modders to get onto the game. Also, people could create incredible maps which would be impossible to make otherwise, which many people would deem as unfair.
  6. Welcome to the friendliest corner of the Halo Universe
  7. The DMR. Do you prefer hardback or paperback books?
  8. Sorry Guys, there are now no more Xbox 360 Beta Codes.
  9. Did you know, in every single one of "Jesters this week on xbox live," He is got the name of the thread grammatically wrong.
  10. They can be very annoying. Are you subscribed to the forum YouTube channel?
  11. So the beta of Ghost Recon Future Soldier is released tomorrow (April 19th), and Spectral Jester has kindly come across a few UK and US codes for the Beta download! So some members are going to be having a little mini-playdate, where we will be trying out all aspects of the beta! We are also going to record everything we do, and then work closely with the Newsgroup to create a great review of the Beta, which will then be published on the Forum YouTube channel! Be sure to attend the Shoutbox in the next few hours, where Codes will be randomly given out! Good luck, and see you there
  12. Welcome to the friendliest corner of the Halo universe
  13. Yes, just post your Facebook Username and your YouTube username and someone will get onto it.
  14. Welcome, glad to see you getting stuck in already
  15. This would be awesome! Killcams are always something I've missed from Halo, especially Final Killcams, which can be amazing. Could work, although I have a feeling a large proportion of the community would resent it because it's in CoD
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