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Everything posted by Lᴜᴋᴇ

  1. Welcome If you need any help feel free to message me!
  2. Hmmm... I would say... I can't answer: I like pretty much all food. Favourite Halo game?
  3. Welcome If you need any help, be sure to message me!
  4. Yeah. That is what you get if you read the Sun.
  5. An English, Irish and Scottish man were arguing on the hospital ward who was the most careless. The English guy said, "I'm the most careless, this morning I ramped a pavement and went head on into a wall, totally writing my car off, and now I have to wear this neck brace." "Wow that is careless." Said the Scottish man, "Not as careless as me though. This morning I drove straight through a red light and into the side of a van. My car is a write off and I've fractured my shoulder." "That is careless." Said the Irish man, "Not as careless as me though. This morning I took a corner too fast, spiraled out of control, went straight into a lamppost and broke both of my legs." "That is careless." Said the English man, "But what happened to your car?" "What car?" Replied the Irish man, "I was walking."
  6. How is my rank still Brute Major?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CandiBunni
    3. FIREN4


      Maybe a temporary lag?

    4. Drizzy_Dan


      How do you jump in posts so rapidly?? Haha

  7. How come I'm still a Brute Major? I have over 600 posts!
  8. Guys - look at the post date of this topic. He is already in a clan now. Don't post here any more please.
  9. I don't think there is a user with that name on this site. One?
  10. It's simple, and not that bad. Who knows when all data will be transferred. At the moment, even the official waypoint data is from Bungie.
  11. See you in a few weeks Twin I hope you get done what you need to get done!
  12. Hello everyone. I am pleased to inform you that our clan website is up! Why not check it out: http://undying-resistance.tk See you there!
  13. Steamingly Hot, massive, erroneous...
  14. Yeah, is that why they are the ones developing a multi-million pound game franchise and you aren't? Thought so.
  15. You guys, welcome to the forums I can see that both of you have points. BtB does vary hugely from classic BtB, however seperating all the playlists would create a number of problems. People would start requesting that other game modes are put as seperate playlists: CTF, King of the Hill, etc. This would thin the problem and create matchmaking problems. Despite this, I can see where you are coming from.
  16. One! Our late night Conversations, I suppose, must come to an end!
  17. Oh. My mistake, I thought you were going to actually be saying something good for once. How wrong was I! Again, another member who just can't handle change. Although not always good, Change is not bad. I use Reach as a perfect example of this. I love reach. Armour abilities add a great and fun tactical element to the game. It's something new and exciting done by Bungie and I don't think that is a bad thing. At least you aren't completely against them. Also, welcome to the forums :D
  18. Hey, spoke to you in the chatbox Welcome to the forums If you have any questions feel free to PM me
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