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Everything posted by Lᴜᴋᴇ

  1. Survival of the fittest ^^^^ What One said.
  2. I agree, DMRs would be better, or at least have a couple of DMRs which can be picked up off the spawn.
  3. Good, that is another idiot I don't have to play against. Just because perks sound like they are from CoD or battlefield, does that automatically make them a bad thing? I don't think so.
  4. Lᴜᴋᴇ

    Stop complaining

    Yes One, was about to make a topic about this myself till I saw this. I can't believe how narrow minded and stuck in the past some halo fans are. They really need to adapt and learn that change is good, not bad.
  5. Congratulations, thoroughly well earned So glad to be part of what makes your time at 343i.org great haha xD But seriously well done
  6. Like, what? I don't know where to start! You can compare any science fiction genre games and there will obviously be similarities.
  7. Welcome to the forums Good manners sure are great.
  8. No, CoD is bigger on both consoles. It is mainly due to it's fanbase which will continue to buy games year after year. *Pulls Collar*
  9. Sounds like a corrupt file. Unlucky. Have you ever connected your xbox to live? If not, it will be lost forever, sorry.
  10. lolwut? You just failed my friend. Failed troll just failed.
  11. Jesus christ I really am sick of these threads. Really. If you are so narrow minded and unopen to change then go to the waypoint forums. You might feel more at home there.
  12. I don't know, I think they could lose a hell of a lot of customers if they got rid of disk drives, and so the ability to play old xbox games. I would certainly be annoyed. I knew microsoft where Money grabbers but if they forced everyone to re-buy games in new formats then..... Unless they offered free downloads if you have that game in your download history, for example.
  13. I don't think 343i will be focusing too much on Reach now. H4 is their main concern.
  14. Halo 4 is definitely Halo. I've seen the box art. It says Halo on the front. So no doubts about that.
  15. Yay! Go Jester Congratulations!
  16. Going away for the weekend: No 343 :(

  17. Lᴜᴋᴇ


    Welcome to the site Have a good time.
  18. Why do those who play reach not count? Am I not a dedicated member? Is my opinion invalid due to the fact I love Reach, and I only mildly enjoy H3? That's garbage. Am I not dedicated because I didn't play much H3? Wow. See, the thing is, even by saying this, you are being just as bad as all the haters. You are hating on Reach, and saying that it isn't Halo, so if you play and enjoy it, you can't be a "dedicated Halo fan." I think you really need to think about and evaluate what you just said. As for the complaints, that is just a matter of opinion. I love AAs. Does that make me an idiot. No. It makes me someone who is open minded and can adapt to change.
  19. I love AAs. They provide a tactical and fun way to outplay your enemy. I don't see why so many players complain. What is the problem. I think the fact that people say "It isn't halo is it manzzzz" is ridiculous, of course it's halo; look at the box of reach. So I would be happy to see AAs in H4. Pickups too. Possible not both, that wouldn't work.
  20. Lᴜᴋᴇ


    I knew you would pop up in this thread eventually Theorix
  21. Lᴜᴋᴇ

    I'm done

    Good. I'm glad to see players like you go. Good riddance.
  22. What is your source? If this is legit, then this is a great find, good job
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