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Everything posted by Lᴜᴋᴇ

  1. Welcome to the forums. Glad to see such happy people around these days.
  2. It didn't ruin Halo. When you played Halo Reach, how on earth can it feel like you were not playing halo. Look at the box. It is halo. Just you have your head too far in the past - of pretty bad halos compared to reach, to see it properly. Armor abilities are great. They allow you to play more tactically and thoughtfully, as well as adding a fun element to the game. With this kind of attitude you are much better off at the waypoint forums. Anyway, welcome to the forums anyway.
  3. I never play BTB. I hate it. With a passion.
  4. ZB-085 Great Poster Really friendly in the chat box Great at putting himself in your shoes Knowledgeable.
  5. Great. Another player stuck in the past, against change. Sprint is great. It speeds up games, makes them more exciting and tactical. I love it. Why would you not want it?
  6. SWAT? MLG? What you are looking for is in halo. If you want simplicity go play packman. Do you think Halo is simple? You are wrong. Nothing in Halo is simply. Are you saying you think real life games like football and cricket aren't competitive, because everyone is different. Are you saying that a maths exam isn't competitive, because everyone has different levels of intelligence?
  7. This isn't the finished game? And you need to get your head out of the butts of the previous Halos. Like I will keep saying, Reach was not a bad game. The only reason haters hated is because it was different, and change is often good. I love playing reach. Does that mean I am an idiot. Sprinting is good. It leads to faster more exciting gameplay. You really need to come back to the present.
  8. Haha. I don't even like doodle jump. There seems to be a pressure as soon as you get any kind of touch screen device to download two apps: Doodle jump and Angry Birds. They're not even good.
  9. Hey, welcome to the forums. Hope you have a good time
  10. How does bloom give more time to aim? There has been bloom in every halo game. Did you complain, or even notice, in Halo 3?
  11. Not true at all. Simple =/= How competitive a game is. I do agree many people were dissapointed with Reach, however a lot of people don't play competitively. I play for fun with my friends, and I play to win, this doesnt mean I dislike game modes that are not simple. I can see what you are saying, but I have to say I feel that custom load outs with Halo 4 would not be a bad thing. Definitely a level playing field shows off skill but it does not create a more competitive environment.
  12. Well I have to say I do like stuck in the mud.
  13. Lᴜᴋᴇ

    Cyclops MK 2

    Haha, Cyclops slayer, that would be so funny
  14. First, welcome to the forum Secondly, that looks pretty damn sweet. I love the 3d effect and the shading. Great job
  15. Finished your rant? Halo Reach isn't a bad game. In my opinion it is the best Halo. Armour abilities add a new, tactical, and fun element to the game, especially after the TU evened things out a little. And most likely there will not be Armour Abilities in Halo 4. If you look closely at the MP gameplay, there are three "Grenade slots." Two maybe for your standard plasmas and frags, one for equipment? Which would negate the use of armour abilities. Either way, I'm buying the game, and that is the only time I am going to find out.
  16. Ah well. I suppose it builds up the excitement. And possible disappointment at the end for some fans.
  17. Welcome to the forums. The community here sure is great
  18. So I was playing hockey, and somehow my nose connected with someone's shoulder. Blood literally everywhere :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZB-85


      Ouch... that really must've hurt

    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      ouch i bet that didn't feel too good

    4. Lᴜᴋᴇ


      I didn't feel anything. The whole of my face went numb.

  19. LUL! Love editing posts Back to original topic: Makes quality posts.
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