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Everything posted by Lᴜᴋᴇ

  1. England are out :( Penalties again. Just as we had got out hopes up :( *Rages*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nitsua Asuka

      Nitsua Asuka

      Lol I told everyone that we wouldn't make it

    3. Quantum


      I was wishing for you guys, Luke.

    4. ZB-85


      I wanted England to win. :(

  2. Hi guys! I'm sure some, if not most of you, will know who I am. I'm called Luke, and I used to be staff here (I used to run the forum YouTube Channel), and then things changed and I took a break from this site. Quite a long break, although I have occasionaly popped back online to check how things are going. I missed everyone, and the site, so much, and now I'm back Also, it's great to see people who I welcomed to the forums become staff Insignia, did I not say that you were a "great guy" and I could see you "becoming staff" easily, when I first met and welcomed you in the shoutbox? Well, now you're staff, and it's great to see that. Congratulations to everybody else on everything I missed, whether you were promoted, reached a post count, or whatever. Well done <3 Thanks guys, Luke
  3. From 10PM UK time, I'll be playing MC:XB360 for a couple of hours, working on an epic house. Feel free to join me, it'll be epic! Love you all.

  4. I couldn't not come back to say this: Congratulations Biggles and the Director, you are two awesome awesome guys, and were, no, are, amazing friends.

  5. Well done Director. You are still an awesome guy and I enjoyed the great times we had together I'm still better than you at SWAT <3
  6. Well done Biggles ♥ I had to say this, you are an awesome member, congratulations. A lot of people say this, but the forums really wouldn't be the same without you. I miss you, and I think it's safe to say that many newer members look up to you, I know I once did All the best, Luke <3
  7. I'm leaving now, permanently. Not only have there been some things that have happened here, that have, let's just say annoyed me, but I am working on something quite big and need time - but also need time to focus on my exams. So I won't be coming back, at all. I had one thing which would keep me here, but it fell through. Also I am realizing that some people I thought respected me, perhaps don't. So this is goodbye. Thanks for all the great memories
  8. Leaving for good. Bye everyone.

  9. You may be aware I'm not running the channel anymore, but they have to be good quality, clean, and to do with Halo.
  10. Is there such thing as nothing? Can it physically exist?
  11. The YouTube channel just hit 250 subs, and I'm not there to see it through :(

  12. I've decided, after reading your such humbling responses, that I will be coming back. I just want time to think about what happened. Obviously, being demoted came as a huge shock to me, and I am as of yet still to see the reasons justified. Your responses have really humbled me, and so I thank you for that. See you soon, Luke (p.s I'll still make the funtage, and it will be submitted to whoever is running the YouTube channel)
  13. So, you may notice, my lack of cyan name. This is the main reason I am leaving. I was, in my opinion, unfairly demoted, from my staff rank. I feel I've been betrayed by the community, and the mods, and the admin. This may come as a shock to you, but I'm leaving now, for good. I can't take the fact that I have been cut down after everything I've done for this community. YouTube is no longer my thing, and these forums are no longer my thing. I'm no longer making the funtage, or handling requests, or doing anything to do with the forums. You probably wont understand, but I held my position with respect and to have it cut down from me, well I can't really put it into words. Thanks to the few that made these forums a better place. Luke
  14. Cya Ashlynn, have a great trip! ♥
  15. 8 players? Zombies is epic anyway, adding 8 players would take it to a whole new level. If this is true, I can't wait!
  16. How much better am I at Swat than you?
  17. No, that's wrong. It's there for a reason, for members to earn. If only two members get it, and then it's locked, then what's the point of it being there?
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