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    Mckinney, Tx
  • Interests
    Work, Machinmas and halo for about 10 years thats a strong love:)

    I also am the creator for the new 343i series. 343i Great World War. If you'd like to feature in a few chapters. Message me and also tell me about your character. Medieval times of course.

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Prophet of Regret

Prophet of Regret (11/19)



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  1. hey. relationship problems are the worst huh?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Yeah, especially when they keep calling you about the break up after 2 months.

    3. Skys


      No I just might be the best sherlock holmes in history..always snooping around finding out mysteries..

    4. Azaxx


      No idea Quantum

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