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Everything posted by Skys

  1. I want someone to post a logical halo 4 ranking system..Not a silly post of a mixture of halo 3 and some god forsaken opinion that we know will not happen. I want it naoo
  2. 69086 AURORA CYNGUS. Who are you? Who is the one sending us these..messages? Stating revenge upon someone we don't know.
  3. If they continue the halo reach ranking..itll be a little disapointing..But they do need to make a couple final ranks almost impossible to get. only for elite players. Like TRUE SKILL STATS RANKS. Like maybe you're a 50 in 4 or more playlists..example persay. And when you reach 50 in a couple you progress past a rank like inheritor. Do i make sense?
  4. Goodnight guys. Long week ahead of me. Ready to grasp what i can..Also I start filming in a short indie film pretty stoked.

  5. I'm more focused on campaign. I grasp the beginning persever through the middle and triumph in the end..Overall feeling great I watch each cut scene and explore a bit like Ms. Mystic said as well as try and not die in the game realistically. I look at scenary and potentially find some small easter eggs.. Than those jitters..carry over to multiplayer. And i begin a frenzy..after that dies down maybe spartan ops. Followed by some filming ill do for my machinima.
  6. Powerful..it feels and sounds like i just figured out chief was alive..
  7. I actually believe you have the DMR and BR confused BR has a square scope..sniper scope i guess you can compare. DMR has stayed circular sir.
  8. Who are you talking too..? You're losing the very little focus you have on you..We need answers.
  9. Whatever took over 69086 AURORA CYNGUS is pissed off..and as the marine once said "I wouldnt want to piss that thing off.." So the "Dagger" hypothethically speaking is going to be placed on the person who placed it there well..there back for revenge. This thing has awakend "or become conscious" and is now wanting revenge on the things that did that too him. The question isn't too AC..it is too this thing that took over. Who do you want revenge from? Where is it that you want this revenge..Installation 010? Why is it so mad? What was done to you..?
  10. \%SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM010\ Is it on Installation 010?..That has to mean something..
  11. Director or Choot em. When you got on PM me. May have relevant information about our AC.

    1. Choot 'em
    2. The Director

      The Director

      I added you to our giant PM lol

  12. 69086 Aurora Cyngus..What installation are you on? We are the reclaimers.
  13. Guys we need a code or a way of speaking to this AR..It needs to hear us through its own ears not ours. Choot em, Director, Or Adam..we need to ask it either the right question. Or ask it with its own tongue. I just don't see how..with the info we have and the dialect we haven't got much on..Hmm.
  14. x.10.713...*60-43240>ghost.713

  15. Goodbye misused armor lock You will be missed.. I will miss those golden days when i used you for the sole purpose of sticking people face to face
  16. Who is in control now? Someone else..or something is controlling or has regained control of this AC..AI..idk.
  17. I think its deactivated..something took over it..who is it? Requesting that information AI
  18. Are you hacked 69086 Aurora Cyngus? Has ghost taken over?
  19. This forum should be locked..and Drizzy Dans post should be kept showing. No need for constant fighting over something 343i already solved.. Probably from square one.
  20. Sounds a little suppressed but still powerful i love it. DMR i need to hear you!
  21. I want my spartan to represent me. Not another guy is going to look like my spartan. I want to be unique on the infinity. 343i needs to understand diversity. And i know they won't disapoint.
  22. This AI hasnt replied since April 3rd. If it plans too it must be soon. If not..it has given us all the clues and wonders it can. What are we missing..does this relate to the didact? It seems to be talking about the future..not the present. So it could be possibly talking about the future halo series..since all our speculation of the flood was turned down by frank. In halo 4 atleast..
  23. Can you or someone who is caught up with the information. Reply with a what we already know thing. How much do we know so far in bullets. Maybe post what we are trying to figure out. The more I know. The more I or others can contribute.
  24. How long has this aurora cyngus this been around?.. In other forums..it started in September of last year..yet this was recent. Does this AI only give out relevant information to good or progressing forums? Does it want someone to did it out..ughh my mind is boggling wether it's real or fake..
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