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Everything posted by Skys

  1. God good lord. This is very intrigueing..I'm a bit late. But this seems like too much to handle.. Is this AI real? Is the other a real as well..This has my tongue tied. I want to get to the bottom of it. I will help in anyway. I think it could be hints for us in halo 4. And or future gaming for the halo series.
  2. I will spend more than that..for my legenday and or reclaimer edition for this new halo. Can't complain about a few prices changes. I work now. Save up your moneys kiddies
  3. Now that i look at it. It's an eye with an "X" so it could easily be forerunner vision.
  4. Always good when you win last minute with The Director

  5. good news thanks theorix saw a bit more then the first
  6. Halo 4 news today. Stay tuned in! Halowaypoint is supposedly posting it up today!

  7. Don't know wether to believe it..Or troll :l But if even an ounce of it is true. sounds great:)
  8. Also numerous amounts of new gamemodes will be put in. So you won't see boring same ol same ol in playlist.
  9. Hey lets all like what i post so someone can get this ? No **** move intended. Just a good story i tell many. Halo 4 will not be like Halo 3 in gameplay. Why? Because Halo 3 is Halo 3 and Halo 4 is Halo 4. Halo 4 will have its own gameplay and modes and ways it can help MP. But for now all we can ask 343i to do..Is make Halo 4 more Halo 4ish because thats what it will be. I do like your idea. But its already intended in the "First Look" All maps in MP will not be tied to campaign at all sir
  10. That feeling when Seargant died and we escaped Halo for the second time was my piss my pants moments.. I remember just saying to myself..wow? This is it..
  11. No elites man. Besides your heads are to fat makes my sniper look even better.
  12. Halo 4 again gives my butterflies in my gaming tummy. More news and some screenshots always make going through emails worth it :)

  13. This is all 100% true guys. Read the gameinformer. I have read through it constantly.
  14. Halo soundtrack sounds great guys :) also congrats on this forum. I'm pretty sure your analytics can tell the number of joins is increasing:)

  15. Halo soundtrack sounds great guys :) also congrats on this forum. I'm pretty sure your analytics can tell the number of joins is increasing:)

  16. I'm a DMR guy. One shot is my thing. 3 round burst is awesome. But i love a good one shot like my DMR. Just no Bloom..
  17. For now opinions are needed. But let us see the first gameplay mission..let us see a good gameplay trailer.
  18. Cortana looks great! Graphics superb! Overall great look. I love it and it is just the beginning of the release news!
  19. Well I am off to work. I get updated constantly about new gaming news. So if i hear something yall will be the first to know :)

  20. I played..i have stats if you want. Its the only updated stats on there lol havent played halo 3 before that in a while.
  21. The depths of the underworld..
  22. Halo 4 news this week..We get a trailer of the campaign and stuff we need to know. So they say :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iTz KeeFy
    3. Skys


      There was a sort of like the microsoft showcase in rome..that is releasing game info for this year and unveiling new titles..today lost planet 3 was announced..be ready for halo 4.


    4. iTz KeeFy

      iTz KeeFy

      Cool, I saw the LP3 trailer. The graphics look awesome but its just not my kind of game.

  23. My Opinion all summed up of 3 days reading..Again this is all my opinion Spartan Points: Seems like nothing new. A currency used to buy better stuff am i right? Credits did the same thing except these points may or may not enable us to buy OP armor abilities if those purchase armor abilities rumor is true. Idc to much for spartan points. I always love in game currency. Spartan Ops: I actually smiled reading this i love it so much I personally love firefight..but i hate that there is no objective in it at all..why are we being attacked..or why so many covenant are coming after me?..All we hear is a the dudes voice telling us to "hold out" or "stay alive.." This game mode brings the spartans to an objective and they said it would change monthly. Basically like 20 missions..and every few months those 20 missions would change? Maybe they will bring back some key points we missed out. Battles in the book "First Strike" maybe some battles from the "fall of reach" who knows. But i love knowing what i am doing while i assassinate all the covies <3 Sprint: I welcome you with open arms..welcome to the new generation of gaming where we run our asses off when we are getting shot at..I personally love sprint it helps out in many situations. Situations like seeing a team spawn in front of you and you need to make a quick break out..Or a power weapon is dropped from the "Drop pods" and we need to haul our a**** before the other team secures it. I love sprint <3 it will always be handy no matter how much you despise it..we all like it in that moment where your moving fast and need to get out of there.. New and Old Armor Abilities: I don't have any good nor bad feelings toward these abilities..I used them all according to the way my gameplay felt. Sprint for evasive and pushing gameplay i love it. Invisibility i love because when you need that ninja feel you go camo and provide cover fire for teammates that are needing help yet you dont want your cover blown fully. Forerunner vision I'm iffy about. I love the new idea but it sort of gives a camper more marshmellows to make and make a bigger campfire..I mean i camp with snipe i won't lie but if i can see through walls..you wont catch me if you get to close with thatt vision. Seems like a campers choice of ability..still iffy. Jet pack is still an unbalanced power..The maps playstyle is ruined by a jetpacker simply because he ruins players being even on all fronts..if one person is jetpacking the game is weird all around. So as much as it pleases to most.. I respectfully decline it. But 343i its your game i will smile either way. Instant Spawn: Good and Bad..Ever have that intense one shot duel? where both of you try to clean each other up..well welcome to a day and age where when you kill that person and one shot them..they can spawn hella fast and run to you..hopefully without forerunner vision and clean you up..not fair but hey 343i has a plan for this. so i smile again. In game joining: A thumbs up thats all. Not really useful..i wont bother to invite someone in the middle of mayhem. So maybe clan vs clans will end up using it most. Other than that its a useful tool for those who actually will use it. As for "Punk" I do believe elites will be in multiplayer..I don't see it confirmed yet. But i do remember leaving halo 3 with humans and elites at peace. So i'm sure they will be in the multiplayer "training exercises"..To many elite players will cry so lets atleast give them hope that they can see them there. All my opinions again. I will add more this week since i know with the recent leaks they will give us gameplay and break downs..like they did with reach.
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