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Everything posted by Skys

  1. Sorry i havent been on much. But i found what i lost so i'm back for good!

  2. i like pizza

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShockGazm
    3. CandiBunni


      A supreme with anchovies is amazing. I also want to try chicken and pineapple.

    4. Skys


      Ms. Mystic that sounds fantastic except i'd add spinach <3..pineapples and spinach!

  3. I think if I'm not mistaken. There will be a sense of control with custom loadouts. Nothing major like automatic spawn with power weapons that can excel ones team dramatically at the beginning of a map. I like the idea of custom loadouts. Not comparing gears of war with this but it will sort of be like that except with our start up weapons. BR, AR, Pistol maybe and we get to choose to go into battle with that. Customizable yet not OP'd in any way. Just assume 343i knows what they are doing with that custom stuff. I trust it.
  4. I'm getting old.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skys


      lucky him..

    3. One


      Actually, I am sporadic when it comes to ageing. I do not know my actual age, so 16 is just a place holder

    4. FIREN4


      I'm getting younger! :D (not) lol

  5. Skys


    I really want customization to be vast..if there is certain classes you can create im perfectly fine with that. Some love starting out with a BR some love AR some love magnum. three perfect starting weapons of your choice at the beginning. Also custom powers personally sprint and camo would be my top 2 classes with BR equipped on both <3
  6. I actually like the thought of armor effects..Not with just speed and agility but for everything in total. Shield Recharge rate..Shield Strength or even how much damage someone can take before going down without shields. If someone is more of a recon character well maybe there armor ability can increase speed..a little more ammo and the ability to self camouflage. Now if you're a tank and want to be in the middle well then Noble Five..You can have enhanced weapon strength as well as shields but with this power your mobility is taken up a bit. I dont believe each spartan should run jump and act the same. Jeorge and Emile are perfect examples of diffrent spartans who dont just have to run and act swiftly like Kat or Jun. Plus i would love to start a game and set up some nice invasion tactics with a couple spartans..instead of just picking a gun up and sprinting and or camo but we still walk and act the same..We should beable to texture our guy to our feel <3 thankyou.
  7. New Halo 4 BTS trailer is confirmed fake. Before you get on and post about it read this. And watch for link descrpitions in youtube videos. 343i hasn't released any info yet. \
  8. What will you do when the new trailer announces :)?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Destroyaaa


      and then proceed to tell everyone i know

    3. Lᴜᴋᴇ
    4. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      i would explode, i do that some times

  9. We host an event and have 3 full lobbys with 16 players...Then divide each 3 full lobbys by four and each lobby of four completes it on legendary? take it nice and slow and read terminals and help those who need all skulls. I am so DOWN!
  10. Skys

    Halo 4 3rd-Person?

    3rd person should always be in the back pocket of a game. If you watch theatre mode and just click the right thumbstick you will see the game through a 3rd person perspective aiming and all. It's rather nice and i would love to be able to see the Spartan i created. Im more a FPS guy but with the ability to switch freely would be great. I would love to see maybe a certain playlist in it. Nothing more than a playlist or a few gametypes. Halo is a FPS by heart. But that ability to see my spartan sprint and evade danger sounds oh so sweet <3
  11. In my office..by boss said "no joking around lets do something big today" Im on the forum ;) big enough for me.

  12. My wish list. OP based 1. Campaign that keeps you wide awake after midnight release..I mean literally your heart will race for the whole game as you see MC. 2. Weapons that are so textured you feel as if you can hold one in real life. 3. A multiplayer that is diverse between the Try Hards, Casuals, Forgers, Infectioners, boosters and the nublets. 4. Custom Armor Variants throughout the whole spartan. I dont want to look like a spartan that was already created. I want my very unique Spartan with its own number. Maybe a number base on xbox live that shows when your spartan was created. 5. I want halo 4 to be for machinima. A gametype that lets you do machinima without an ugly hold on a controller or no gun on the screen. Maybe a spartan can actually walk? or move its hands and do something besides awkwardly hold its hands up. 6. Diversity in sexes 7. I want to see beauty everywhere i go like in gears of war 3..not comparing but I mean in gears 3 most of the texture was perfect so you rarely saw a texture mess up or a piece of ground not loaded right. 8. I want more than 20 easter eggs..i want to LOL and ROFL as i go through them..maybe cry like i almsot did for the tribute room. 9. When i finished halo ce anniversary my heart was warm because i know that this isnt over. I want that feeling of knowing that when i beat halo 4 on legendary and see the ending..i want to almost cry and feel joy as i know the forerunners and precursors know that MC is no joke. More added later. The end:)
  13. Im getting the edition that says "Sir you can spend this money on your girlfriend..Jk halo is awesome" I like that edition ^^ so ill spend any amount for the best.
  14. You guys will not believe this..i believe this game was actually new. Halo CE and i just got an xbox..I was watching DragonBall Z in my liverroom when my friend runs in my house and says "RICKY COME SEE THIS!" i go into his APT..living upstairs and i walk in. Its a scene of halo ce..the scene right after 343 Guilty Spark where Cortana confronts the monitor and tells chief "what have you done?" Well to make the story short..i laughed at that scene and my friends got pissed because they took it seriously so they kicked me out.. I got so mad so i bought the game the next day with my dads xbox and started playing since i was around 11..so 8 almost 9 years.. True Story
  15. Cup of Coffee..Hans Zimmer and vision. Big things happening today.

    1. TheTallmidgeT24


      *sings* its the best day ever!

    2. Fire


      "Mr sun came up and he said to me"

    3. ZB-85


      that is a great song.

  16. i think the painting of another versus character is sort of like what gears 3 did? I like that very much. It is a call out without even talking. Which should be used with any weapon and or view of an enemy. If i see someone camping making smores with a tent and all..i want to paint him so my team can join him
  17. So i wake up to my professors email..No class for me. I'm usually drinking a redbull..in class but I'm playing mass effect ^_^

  18. A game is completed til its release..Thats like saying mass effect 3 is finished..when its mearly a demo. Bugs need fixing and texture and plus the final launch trailer.
  19. You can't start a day without vision. Ones goal should be to wake up with vision each day. Goodmorning 343i

  20. So i woke up thinking of posting on here. Well here I am. Goodmorning 343i lets do something productive today.

  21. So i love posting on here because i feel like my opinion changes the halo universe..:)

    1. Spectral Jester

      Spectral Jester

      I'm glad you like it here.

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