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Everything posted by Skys

  1. Spartan Ops Episode 6 part 5!
  2. Dark Souls Part 4 :D Finally..
  3. Spartan Ops Episode 6 Part 4 :D
  4. Dark Souls Part 3 :D In a strange land!
  5. Dark Souls Part 2 :D
  6. Dark Souls the begginning :D
  7. Spartan Ops Episode 6 Mission 2 :D
    1. A71william


      Don't spoil it for those who haven't witnessed the fun you can have on the new content!

    2. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Nice work Skys.


  8. Halo 4 Spartan Ops Episode 6 Part 1 :D
  9. Finally finished the Skyrim Dragonborn DLC! and dragon riding!
    1. Kiing 0f Coffe

      Kiing 0f Coffe

      Nice, I wish you could have more options when you ride dragons though.

  10. After a year of being on this forum...I am finally.....Purple :o

  11. Just like any good game. They turn there heads at the beginning to let other feel the water. But the mighty ban hammer....will be awakened and all the modders, boosters, and cheaters will be banned thus leaving us with a healthy community.
  12. I've gotten dozens of perfections. But the only way I can assure I get one is... 1. Team of choice. No randoms 2. Loadout has to be right 3. Calling out and teamshotting. 4. Actually be the person to kill the enemy. Assisting won't help and camping will not either 5. At the last minute if you do have over 15 kills.. HIDE!
  13. I do say. I rather like my light rifle 1 shot to the dome and 4 bodies. Is a KO i believe. And a lot of great halo players use this weapon. Very well balanced and not to fast or slow.
  14. I'm glad I'm not the only one...I literally have awkward encounters....left and right..
  15. I actually like seeing the retextured maps Shows growth and it's better then actually seeing the same land over and over.
  16. Nice video. But why does this belong in MLG? Put this in maybe some general discussion or advertising
  17. Well commendations atleast unlock cool stances, emblems, and even new spartan armors. Getting them wasn't a waste
  18. Halo 4 Missiom 5 Part 2 :D
  19. Xbox Love any type of RPG game related to the xbox as well <3
  20. I believe 343i..Is currently catering to most requests. It's not like they are not making improvements. And remember it's there first attempt at recreating our halo universe. Give them a few more months and our game will be up to date with everything we will need.
  21. Because I like building an emotional relationship with my games. Wether I am a space commander trying to convince a fleet to work with me. Or a dragonborn saving tamriel from being destroyed..Yup.
  22. Basically letting us know..it's not over yet.
  23. So........arrow in the knee...not happening in this post?
  24. Skyrim Dragonborn Part 12 :D an actual puzzle!
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