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Everything posted by Skys

  1. I hate it when everyone hits on your girlfriend..But on another note we reached 1 million shouts? Can i get an amen brothers?

  2. No he doesn't deserve to die..His punishment..must be more severe
  3. If One doesn't get on to say hello to me in 10 minutes..I will implode. :) Jk I don't need you..Jk to that jk. Or am I?

  4. No fighting I just want some opinions..This site is going to be a main forum user once halo4 comes out. With a domain name like ours..we will grow fantastically
  5. well seems like there should be donations or site offerings. I'd be down to help this site.
  6. The site looks great at a reach stand point. Were moving on. There is always room for a change. And not only that but room for challenge that comes with change. Challenge accepted?
  7. Skys, I have been frequently getting on and I feel like this thought isn't taken seriously between others. I believe this site needs a little makeover visually. Forum runs great nothing bad but let us not be content or take action once halo 4 is officially launched. Why not change now for the better? We need visual improvements through the whole site. No more spartan II's or III's.....We are Spartan IV's and the site needs to adapt in that way. Maybe even make it more forerunner savvy. The request isn't impossible just take it into consideration. I visually love the site..IF..I was playing halo reach for the first time..We are past that lets move on and create a better website for our Spartan IV's If I was modding i'd pitch this idea..But I R Skys a more then friendly community forum user Agreed? Also please like or disaapprove in the comments below.
  8. I get on here daily to make sure someone doesn't say mean stuff!!!! That's my job @-@

  9. Another tournament needs to commence please Choot em at the end took charge and made it happen! Lets start one soon!
  10. I wish the moderators would just say "hello" to me. I'd feel special for exactly 2.3543 seconds..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr. Bashful Brute
    3. Skys


      One..I teared up. It took me exactly..2.3543 seconds to fully read and grasp that message. thank you.

    4. Skys


      Also thank you AD i feel special x3

  11. Halo 4 should be completely about the chief..*no arbiter bs* just chief throughout the campaign. But as i stated above. I want my Spartan IV to atleast acknowledge the MC. Maybe even have a voice? I just want to here "Yes sir" even if he isnt in a mission completely. Just a cinematic presence
  12. I think this is very achieve able..I mean all it consists of is our character being an AI. Our Spartan in Halo Reach is the prime example. "Noble 6" I just believe it would bring the chills upon us seeing our MP Spartan responding to the MC himself.
  13. Thanks mate. I just thought of how my Spartan can help the MC:)
  14. Okay..So everyone is giving there two cents and quite frankly i love everyones. I just haven't seen the one I am asking..Here it is. Skys, So we all know Spartan IV's are going to be in the campaign..if not..we'd be with the best UNSC has to offer assuming? The occasional normal marine here and there. But if there will be Spartan IV's we all would hope to "assume" that they wouldn't be like any AI. Smarter. (Kat, Jeorge, Carter etc..) So let me get to the good part..What if since the Spartan IV's are integrated in the MP and Campaign..They somehow join? Here me out..Our Spartan IV is featured in our campaign? If you create a MP Spartan and fully customize it. It comes to life in halo 4s campaign? Maybe in a mission..We see our spartan in battle and it is integrated with the halo 4 campaign. Maybe tie it in depending on skill/rank. Prime examples..Not comparing. Mass Effect 3 after level 20 in MP you can ship him off as a War Asset. Sort of the same thing but with a cinematic presence.. Sorry for the long post and kind of meaningless banter. But i felt it neccessary to get the point across:) Anyone like it? I just sat here at work thinking of what I'd like to see my Spartan do..Besides basic training in war games:P Also like it if you agree or comment:)
  15. We need something to follow on..This is dying pretty fast..We need more. Can you enlighten us?
  16. Girl problems. If only there was a cry to us forum page. I'd vent to everyone for hours on end.

    1. One


      My PM box is always open.

  17. It would be stupid to say this idea isn't awesome. But sucks that nothing like that will appear til xbox 720 where capture cards become obsolete.
  18. Doctor..do a little research!
  19. You are waiting for a train. A train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you..But you can't know for sure. And it doesn't matter because we'll be together. Offbeat yet some will know. Maybe none at all.
  20. Whoa..so much info has been given out on my weekend break .. I as a Reclaimer shall use this knowledge and apply it to my research..
  21. The girl I was supposed to go to prom with..Got asked out to prom by another guy. She said yes. haha great night.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Skys


      Drizzy one step ahead of you. Might not go at all..who knows. Seems like nothing is going my way.

    3.  Twam


      Never went to mine as well, think i was working i don't remember but didn't miss much.

    4. Azaxx


      I have one soon, id rather go with cortana.

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