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Kodman Eats

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Everything posted by Kodman Eats

  1. About th Tournament I am hosting a tournament just for fun and it will be a 1 v 1 tournament. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Playlist Playlist will be MLG Team Slayer v.7. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Maps Maps will be determine by me. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Time 2:00 MST - 5:00 MST ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rules I have to watch. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How to sign up Reply with your XBL Gamertag. Send me a friend request my GT is GENARAL KODMAN ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Participants Me (GENARAL KODMAN) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bracket Will be there soon.
  2. What is your top 5 guns in this world mine are: 1. Sniper Rifle 2. M16 3. Shotgun 4. Machine Gun 5. Flame Thrower
  3. Well i think Halo 3 is better in multiplayer of course and in campaign.
  4. Battlefield 4 is coming out on April 2013 through March 2014.
  5. BF3 looks good should i but it.
  6. Black Ops 2 looks stupid.
  7. Nice those are cool things you guys said about those two halo games.
  8. Yeah i see that it seems to be good as my opinion.
  9. I have the blue Flaming Helmet and it's awesome.
  10. I miss the first Caged map but i hate the regular infection the zombies would always evade and kill me easily.
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