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Everything posted by Timbit

  1. so you want the smg bck
  2. I don't know why you wouldn't like duel wielding it's an amazing idea
  3. that wouldn't be that bad of a idea
  4. I not realy wowed by this idea I wouldn't like it for the pc honestly
  5. I like it ll but the sholduRs are to high up
  6. Have Some grunt graffiti on the walls or something
  7. So like mw3 survival or black ops training
  8. i personally want the smg back it was a good gun.
  9. oh i didnt realy understand whatt you ment
  10. i think all the armor anilites were good exept for armor lock
  11. i hope not because halo reach was not a sucseess
  12. no bots that would just ruin the game
  13. i dont think the covenant will be in halo4 maybe in halo 5 or 6 because haalo 4 is dedicated to the foreners
  14. yyes it should all the way i dont know why they dont have duel wielding in halo reach i hope the smg is back to
  15. they probily have finished the campian and fixing glitchs adding easter eggs and starting the mp maps
  16. i dont agree at all they need to make halo 4 the best tthey might add it in after halo 4 has gone old to test it for there future games
  17. id like the chopper and the warthoge they are my all time favorites
  18. i love forging but i realy succk and need training badly
  19. yes all the way i love mlg i try to play it all the time
  20. i hope so but we wiill have to wait to find out
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