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Everything posted by Timbit

  1. playing infection ftw got a 7 kill streak like a boss :D and if any of you guys are going to comment things like thats not even good please dont i barely play :D

    1. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Ive gone all rounds without dying. and with a 17 kill streak.


      btw thts a good streak for you. keep practicing

    2. Timbit



  2. the one thing to me is tthat if they had the halo 3 ranking system and not the halo reach
  3. i personal dot thinn it will be in halo 4 and the br hill be in halo 4
  4. i would perfer to have the halo 3 way aka 1-50 but maybe i wouldnt have the number beside it and insteed have 50 diferent rank names like reach but i liked how in halo 3 you had to be good at the game
  5. halo 3 all the way haoo reach you just had to be a nerdd and play 247 or credit boost halo 3 you had to be good at halo and win games and to be a high rank you musst of been good
  6. Who wants to play reach I'm having a party tomorrow and today anyone

  7. if any one wants to join send me a message on xbox live it will be a 6 person to 4 person clan for swat and first one to post on this topic will have a spot on the clan and will judge with me
  8. Im just really pumped for this event I hope we all have fun
  9. Because I'm talking about if there will be a beta and about the beta so basically when it comes out I wont have to creat a new topic
  10. Exactly my point there are old bungie employees but we might be able to tell when the beta is going to come out un Gil the 24 when more info can possibly given out.
  11. I want the br and halo ones pistol but they have decided what the weapons are for the campaign because cheif only has the weapons on the ship and in the planet
  12. No it would probilly not that would not be halo any way how will you even shoot I know that it will be in 3d because aniversary had it.
  13. Halo 4 is using the same engine as reach so in a way they will be alike
  14. Why Arne where would master cheif get the boots also where wold under water vehicles fit in its un halo.
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