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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Map Name: Mayan SX Gametype: Racetracks Gamertag: GOLDLINER 49NER Player Count: 1-16 Description: This is a short supercross map that with 6 jumps, some aesthetics, and has a mayan theme. Unfortunately there is no starting gate because the starting area is too close to the track to make a proper one. Here is a review of it, my map is the first one. Also I have updated the map since this video and the final jump now has a safety on it so you won't get stuck if you fail. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvlLMU12nLc
  2. Oh, Well I fixed up that jump in the cave so now it works more.
  3. Map Name: CumuloNimbus Creator: GOLDLINER 49NER Download Link:http://www.halowaypo...etails=31223587 Description: This is my last map in halo reach, it is also one of my very few rollercoasters. This map has 4 jumps that all work except one that works 95% of the time. It has some storm clouds, a rock tunnel jump, a satellite tower. This is my best coaster yet. I wish I could've put more asthetics on the map but I ran low on pieces and money.
  4. The Download link is at the top, right below the Gamertag.
  5. GT: GOLDLINER 49NER Map Download Link:http://www.halowaypo...etails=30808724 Map Name: SuperPark SX Gametype: Race This is a supercross map that is staged in a stadium. It has many jumps, a split section, a rollover, and a starting gate. This map was inspired by another map called Sprint park SX by Datastorm 1.
  6. Well thats why it would have to be spartans versus elites because its easy to tell the difference between them.
  7. I think that they should only have abilities like sprint and drop shield, definetly NOT armor lock.
  8. I agree with the assault rifle, but with the pistol I dont agree because it was annoying to me when I played an anniversary gametype online and everyone would just use the pistol, it was just way too overpowered for matchmaking.
  9. In Halo 4, if it will have invasion, they should give us the option of a gametype in matchmaking with forced colors off. What I mean by this is that in Halo Reach, in invasion if you were on the red team then your character's colors in game were automatically red. 343 should give us the option to have no forced colors in invasion so that when we play we keep the colors that our character already has. It would work without the forced colors because I am pretty sure that everyone can tell the difference between a spartan and an elite.
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