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Everything posted by Skittlze

  1. Skittlze

    Halo 4 Maps

    Lockout pit gaurdian amazing maps and should be remade but rather than being on disc they should be dlc with some other classics so those who miss them can have them and those who want all new can get all new plus itd be nice to name a map pack based on what it is instead of what sounds the coolest i don't care how much if they make a classic map pack with these three I'll buy it
  2. Agree with almost everything here especially bringing back the classic maps cause it's 343s game but if they brought back all of these maps and just redid the look like with halo cea I would play just for the awesome maps. Lockout gaurdian and the pit have never given me a boring game. But All of those new ways to find matchmaking games seem a bit far fetched and over the top. Captains seem like a bad idea too because if I am going to be picked for a team then the captain should better know my strengths weaknesses what guns I like my best maps but that's not gonna happen in matchmaking with a bunch of randomize instead I'd rather go in with three of my friends that I know I can work well with And I love the glitches in halo 2 but they were so much fun because they were glitches which are accidents and since 343 is using a modified engine I don't think that there is anything for them to mess up I think 343 should wait till they build their own engine and make a game from the ground up to start having their own accidental glitches
  3. Skittlze


    In halo cea it was only possible to switch because it was the old halo ce engine with the reach engine running on top of it but since halo 4 is going to be a brand new game and will play like a completely new game they wont be running the halo ce engine behind it so switching to it isn't going to happen
  4. I want more unsc weapons that shoot lasers and a unsc version of the ghost, faster with less fire power but can actually do damage unlike the mongoose
  5. lots of cool weapon ideas for H4
  6. quick thing im pretty sure every sports league in the world has a reset at the end of the year ya know after some team has won a big trophy its called the off season the next game they play they start of 0-0-0 any whooooo not my point Twin sorry but all this stuff you say about how the system works doesnt make sense to every person and second if your playing on a number based system then you are competeing and if your a casual gamer then why not play in the casual playlists...look at my account if you wanna i love trying to up my skill but also have a good amount of fun social and and custom games too my main problem with the Halo 3 ranking system is that i would spend hours getting better at halo but to do this i had to play competetively and now that ive played so many games that my rank is stuck it is much harder for me to rank up than the people i play with and i dont want to just make a new account because Skittlze is the account ive had since i got my 360 and its the account i want to bring to the 720 next year why should i have to do more work to level up than the people who just make new accounts ya halo 2 had flaws but the things you are pointing out are in the game not the ranking system COMPETITIVELY in anything winning is good and loosing is bad so when my rank is determined partly by a game that i play 3 years ago back when i was getting used to halo 3 i feel that thats not fair the best thing about the halo 2 ranking system was that it made sense! and actually was competitive (not completly sure how to spell it whatevs) when i play to rank up winning should be what matters cause that is the point of a COMPETITIVE game in H4 I hope they go back to a simpler ranking system that is affected only by how good i am now please 343 dont judge me for how i play when im getting used to the game Halo 2s ranking system was by far the best and most competitive system ive ever seen in any game ever
  7. i wouldnt mind being able to modify you AR BR Pistol or (i no people are going to start b*tching) DMR but only the guns that you would normally start out with and not adding things like stopping power or noob tubes but things like modified scopes on the guns that you start out with and use most would feel more like your own personal gun but nothing too drastic
  8. Its already been confirmed that the reach engine is part of whats in H4 but that doesnt mean that the game is going to play at all like reach. the reach engine was great they just have to fix the gameplay and go back to the classic and by classic i mean back when halo was in its prime (halo 2)
  9. i just want something fun that flys fast and a mongoose that goes really fast
  10. i deffinitly would want halo 2's number ranking system back but throw reachs credit system on top so you can still feel like you accomplish something when play community games.
  11. I actually love assassinations cause they were just fun and were like bragging rights and halo should be about fun cause it's not like you were forced into assassinations if you didn't want to
  12. so there is something that ive noticed a lot when i look at different threads and that is that many people dont like the idea of AA is halo 4, but still like the idea of sprint and evade. Would you rather have sprint and evade in halo 4 or just get rid of it completly? and this is just what i would like to see but i think that itd be cool if they kept them but put them on the same button so you could tap it to evade or hold it to sprint. i just think it would make for fun gameplay. what are your thoughts halo community?
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