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its LilBeast

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Everything posted by its LilBeast

  1. Do as i do biggles. Run through wooded areas where there is a good bit of uneven terrain. It helped me improve very rapidly, as you have to constantly adjust to it. But then again.. most of my family is marines so i tend to go on runs with them when their around which usually ends up in the woods and since i have legs like a deer i always win.
  2. Total, this contest is for people to make one that fits the gametype that the moderator chooses, so unfortunately premade maps won't be considered.
  3. Sail. WYR: Eat steak with me, or eat steak with a zombie?
  4. I've attended a university and i have to say i loved it. So university! WYR: Smoke Ciggerettes or Cigars?
  5. You better be able to participate lol, afterall i still have to manage to get you on those maps i made.
  6. It would be a lot of fun i am sure, i know me and donut would be in the contest although i will have to start brainstorming what i'd make. But it depends on what the moderator would choose for a gametype. If it's a race map i would be out of luck since i have never made one lol.
  7. Here's a little idea i got while sitting here looking through the maps a few of us have posted on the forums. I'm sure a forge contest in Halo: Reach would be quite fun, since there are quite a few of us here that are talented. Here is what i was thinking, we can either have it as a solo contest or a team contest. Teams - Two people per team, 4 teams. Create a map for the gametype and size of the moderators choice. After it's done, we get as many screenshots as possible and post them on the forums. Have a few games on them and then hold a vote for everyone to vote on. Solo - Everyone who wants can participate, make a map for the gametype and size of the moderators choice. After it's done we do the same as for teams, only difference in this one is that EVERYONE can participate and it won't be in teams. Rules. You've got to have enough bases and spawns for the teams. During voting you can't vote on your own map. Be respectful, do not make fun of anyone elses work. My last rule would be, if you disrespect any contest members, try to copy their map you get disqualified. I'm open to suggestions on this, and would like to know what the mods think.
  8. Andrew, you come across as a generally rude person in my eyes simply by saying the ones who like TU don't matter. You also do not represent the majority of the community. You're 1 little dot in a vast gaming world, on top of that you have the wrong facts when it comes down to it and so i have no other choice then to burn you in my next statement. Title Update was implemented for the users who left reach because of the vanilla settings. From the entire time i have played reach i have seen more people online since TU has been added then before it was. So that to me, speaks for itself. If you don't like TU then i would suggest either picking another gametype, or pick another game period. But coming on a forum, acting rude and being biased won't get you much praise in fact people will turn their heads. TU has been implemented and it's highly doubtful that it will ever be removed from reach. So posting threads whining about TU is old and unneeded in my humble opinion. Personally, TU brings back the classical feel of Halo CE, Halo 2 and Halo 3. Which is something i really like and yet i can still adapt to vanilla reach as well. But that is what a true gamer is at heart, no matter what the change is they adapt and continue to have fun.
  9. Looks good other then the filter (dark effect). But that is because those things make it hard for me to see, and i am blind enough as is lol. But other then that i think the map looks real good. You've got some talent in painting and forging Azaxx. Sometime me and you should get together and see what we can create in forge. Got a trick that i have been itching to use in a team map, AD showed me how to make a trick door and i reversed his effect and made a zipline.
  10. Let's see, in the mornings i start off with a 2 mile run around the 9 acres of land we own to wake me up from sleeping and being groggy. After that i come back to the house and get a chair. I put my feet up in the chair and my hands on the ground, and do push ups. By the way, using the chair and having your feet higher then your shoulders tends to work the arm muscles more then a regular push up. I do this until i hit about 150, and when that gets easier i do more. After the pushups i do about 80-100 pullups on the bars outside that i have, and due to the earlier pushups 80-100 is about all of these i can take before my arms flail like dead roots lol. Once i have done the pushups and pullups, i go inside and work on situps which i can do about 120 of before the floor starts killing my back. After all that is done, i get a shower and relax until lunch time. I eat, then do it all over again and the same with dinner. Btw, you can use this guys videos as well. Hes funny and gives great tips! http://www.youtube.com/user/scooby1961
  11. Flying, because mind control is a form of manipulation and i am excellent at manipulating others. WYR: Have sirloin steak or salsbury?
  12. Mudkipz! WYR: Be mutated into a vile creature, or have to scrub the hulk down after his rampages?
  13. Congratulations on the winners, can't wait to see what the next member voted awards will be!
  14. All i can say is sit back and prepare for a ride. Hopefully 343/Waypoint won't let us down.
  15. I'm not sure rocket, next time i have 6 or so people in a match we'll see if it works. Although i would like to do ff versus simple as that lol.
  16. It's one of the few helmets that i have seen that i like so far on reach.
  17. I loved minecraft, i am pissed that this computer is a pos and can't handle it.
  18. Total & Azaxx, what helmet is that and when do you get it?
  19. Made sure to sign this, and i shared it on facebook as well as twitter. I'm hoping this isn't passed as it will render the internet practically useless imo.
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