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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. CIA thanks for signing up here! Glad to see more crossing over! We could use someone to ignite a little spark in the Halo lore section lol Stop by the Shoutbox and say hi whenever!
  2. I hope this reminds everyone of why we're still here and why we chose to stay (for those that are and did). And I hope it motivates some
  3. I think we may have a machinima short on our hands here.
  4. Max Extra's Forged Fridays lobby is tonight! Resort to the Community Calendar for info and the stream!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Wouldn't have known about it if it weren't for your Status Driz, so cheers!

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      ^Active Halo community member. You don't know how much it means Lewis

    4. Halo6 Follower
  5. Disclaimer: It isn't the nicest community but I've found cool people like Sir Iron Wolf on there among others. If you need ideas or any Forge help then this is the place to be. Their map library is also the largest if you wanna find and play cool new maps.
  6. Hey Aschur I recognize you from ForgeHub. I've looked at screens of this map before but haven't played yet. Welcome to the site and thanks for submitting to Zandril here!
  7. While I am totally skeptical of Caboose, I have seen Axilus's pixel picking prowess firsthand in mafia. He'd tell us if Caboose was lying. I mean... Unless Axilus is mafian himself...
  8. Yea this seems like a mistake on the mafia's part and if this is a way to confuse us then it's not a good one. I'm all for killing someone off though so I'll vote Frankenzer too!
  9. There is no matchmaking. There are custom games where you can invite players but there is no server browser.
  10. ForgeHub is the center for all things Forge-related in the Halo Community. From map design to scripting, ForgeHub has a tutorial and/or several individuals who can help at any time. ForgeHub is home to several well-known Forgers and community members including WARHOLIC, Chronmeister, Commander Colson, and xdemption just to name some. Above you can see an image of their homepage which is updated frequently with news and tutorials (look at that awesome screenshot they got there!). Speaking of front page articles, this one is one of my favorite recurring articles on the site: "...Forge-Cast is an article idea that i came up with that comes out every Monday. It gives a little recap of the previous week but mainly lists and talks about upcoming lobbies and article that are happening through out the week. This way people who visit the site can click on the front page article and be taken to a list of lobbies and what time they start, as well as a link to the lobby's thread. Getting a lobby into the Forge-Cast is easy, all you need is to be a member of the site, post in the forums that you are starting a lobby, and list the times and other details about the lobby. I then see the lobby and put it into the article." - Sir Iron Wolf. The Forge-Cast is also the number 1 source of our Community Calendar's content and we have Sir Iron Wolf to thank for that. The Forums page hosts the Shoutbox which stays active at almost all hours of the day. ForgeHub doesn't have a lot of different forums as you can see so that keeps things easy and less cluttered. Being a Forge-based community, they don't need many other forums. This tab is also the place to find the most recent threads and see who's online. The Map Database is separate from the Maps tab and is found in the forums. It's a catalog of different maps and discussions from each Halo game era. This keeps their Maps page and forums clean and up to date. Thousands of threads kept for accessing old files and proof of ForgeHub's transcendence through the different ages of Halo. The Map library on ForgeHub is rivaled by none even today. Above are the 2000+ maps submitted to ForgeHub in only Halo 5: Guardians. Adding a map starts with a click of a button but then requires a description, player count, supported gametypes, images, and more. Not actually a difficult process. At the top you'll spot featured maps which include Sikamikanico's Fever Pitch, SaltyKoala's Port 66, and WyvernZu's Infinity Siege. You can't go wrong looking for a map on ForgeHub. And if you're a Forger yourself, then this is also a great place to get your map tested. Lastly, here's a view of the current staff on ForgeHub minus a couple (sorry AlexVan and Doju). This is also not counting cartographers and 343 employees that frequent the site like WARHOLIC, AnonFriction, NOKYARD, and Godly Perfection. So whether it's a place to show off your latest project, get it tested, or even get ideas or inspiration for future projects, I'd say ForgeHub is your destination. And then Twam said 'let all the Halo niche sites work together in piece and reunite the Halo Community.' Don't forget to follow ForgeHub on Twitter for updates like their interview with the Tom French and Nahil Sharkasi of 343 Industries. While you're at it, read me and ForgeHub admin Sir Iron Wolf's latest interview. And finally look to their YouTube for map features and tutorials. The end.
  11. ForgeHub is the center for all things Forge-related in the Halo Community. From map design to scripting, ForgeHub has a tutorial and/or several individuals who can help at any time. ForgeHub is home to several well-known Forgers and community members including WARHOLIC, Chronmeister, Commander Colson, and xdemption just to name some. Above you can see an image of their homepage which is updated frequently with news and tutorials (look at that awesome screenshot they got there!). Speaking of front page articles, this one is one of my favorite recurring articles on the site: "...Forge-Cast is an article idea that i came up with that comes out every Monday. It gives a little recap of the previous week but mainly lists and talks about upcoming lobbies and article that are happening through out the week. This way people who visit the site can click on the front page article and be taken to a list of lobbies and what time they start, as well as a link to the lobby's thread. Getting a lobby into the Forge-Cast is easy, all you need is to be a member of the site, post in the forums that you are starting a lobby, and list the times and other details about the lobby. I then see the lobby and put it into the article." - Sir Iron Wolf. The Forge-Cast is also the number 1 source of our Community Calendar's content and we have Sir Iron Wolf to thank for that. The Forums page hosts the Shoutbox which stays active at almost all hours of the day. ForgeHub doesn't have a lot of different forums as you can see so that keeps things easy and less cluttered. Being a Forge-based community, they don't need many other forums. This tab is also the place to find the most recent threads and see who's online. The Map Database is separate from the Maps tab and is found in the forums. It's a catalog of different maps and discussions from each Halo game era. This keeps their Maps page and forums clean and up to date. Thousands of threads kept for accessing old files and proof of ForgeHub's transcendence through the different ages of Halo. The Map library on ForgeHub is rivaled by none even today. Above are the 2000+ maps submitted to ForgeHub in only Halo 5: Guardians. Adding a map starts with a click of a button but then requires a description, player count, supported gametypes, images, and more. Not actually a difficult process. At the top you'll spot featured maps which include Sikamikanico's Fever Pitch, SaltyKoala's Port 66, and WyvernZu's Infinity Siege. You can't go wrong looking for a map on ForgeHub. And if you're a Forger yourself, then this is also a great place to get your map tested. Lastly, here's a view of the current staff on ForgeHub minus a couple (sorry AlexVan and Doju). This is also not counting cartographers and 343 employees that frequent the site like WARHOLIC, AnonFriction, NOKYARD, and Godly Perfection. So whether it's a place to show off your latest project, get it tested, or even get ideas or inspiration for future projects, I'd say ForgeHub is your destination. And then Twam said 'let all the Halo niche sites work together in piece and reunite the Halo Community.' Don't forget to follow ForgeHub on Twitter for updates like their interview with the Tom French and Nahil Sharkasi of 343 Industries. While you're at it, read me and ForgeHub admin Sir Iron Wolf's latest interview. And finally look to their YouTube for map features and tutorials. The end. This post has been promoted to an article
  12. Hello 343i Community Forum and other readers. This week I decided to interview Sir Iron Wolf who is a recently appointed admin on ForgeHub. He's a totally nice dude who supports his community and provides content. He's also the reason our Community Calendar has anything on it. Enjoy: DD: "Hey SIR IRON WOLF, so how long have you been a member here on ForgeHub? SIW: "I'm still actually a little new to the site, I have only been here for close to 9 months now" DD: "9 months and already an admin on the site? You must've been doing something very right! ForgeHub has gone through a staff overhaul lately actually. Can you give us a little insight on that?" SIW: "I had the skills they were looking for, I honestly didn't expect to get the position but I am grateful I got it. For our recent staffing overhaul we needed more staff to help with producing additional content and help spread the responsibilities a little bit. With the large staff we have now, we have been able to provide more content to the community and update the site where needed." DD: "I really admire how active the new Staff members are and I'm sure I speak for many when I say we're looking forward to what ForgeHub is going to bring to the community in the near future. This place is home to groups like Creative Force and the ATN. Speaking of which, can you tell us what the Creative Force on ForgeHub is?" SIW: "Sure thing, but I think the person who could answer that better than me would be Ray Benefield (Godly Perfection) himself, the one who created Creative Force: 'Basically it's a team I put together to create a content pipeline. Responsbilities are split by parts of the creation process and you are only really responsible for a couple parts of that process. We have people that create Blockouts, people that do Art, people that work on writing/lore, people that help with publishing, people that work on marketing. The person who perfects the blockout doesn't also do the art for that layout, someone else does. This encourages collaboration, shared investment, and allows projects to quickly and easily be passed on to others to finish up. No single person is in charge of an entire project. The team is in charge of it. There are 17 active members.'" DD: "Awesome stuff! That's something I've been curious about for some time. So what are some of the responsibilities you've taken on moving from member to Staff to admin?" SIW: "Well when I first was accepted onto staff I was tasked with creating articles and i helped out making new graphics for the article pictures. When i became one of the next admins my responsibilities and tasks greatly increased. Now I handle things like moderation reports, scheduling articles, helping come up with site improvements on the backend, writing Forge-Cast and everything else in between." DD: "I'm sure you know, but I'm a big Forge-Cast fan lol. Can you let readers know what the Forge-Cast is and maybe how they can get a lobby on it?" SIW: "Gladly! Forge-Cast is an article idea that i came up with that comes out every Monday. It gives a little recap of the previous week but mainly lists and talks about upcoming lobbies and article that are happening through out the week. This way people who visit the site can click on the front page article and be taken to a list of lobbies and what time they start, as well as a link to the lobby's thread. Getting a lobby into the Forge-Cast is easy, all you need is to be a member of the site, post in the forums that you are starting a lobby, and list the times and other details about the lobby. I then see the lobby and put it into the article." DD: "That's really convenient for Forgers and players alike. I actually like to post lobbies found on the Forge-Cast on our Community Calendar. So about Forge, do you have any Forge projects of your own?" SIW: "That's awesome! hopefully people are able to make it to the lobbies, i know sometimes the lobbies need people after they have been going for a while so if someone can't get in right away then chances are a spot will open up a little later. I have a couple projects going on. I have my SPLORF Arena and game type that is completed and just going through a couple small game type tweaks (it's a minigame) and I am currently working on a BTB map that is almost done in its final stages before testing. I also made a couple of Prefabs already, a Energy Reactor and a loud speaker (still needs pics though). I have a couple ideas I want to do, one of which is a Griffball map, but it will probably be a little while till i start those." DD: "Yea I even keep streams embedded in the Calendar event for members to watch the lobbies! BTB is something I've had a lot of experience with this year and I'm really looking forward to hopefully get in on a testing session of yours. What would you say is your favorite Forge feature that came with the latest update?" SIW: "I'm looking forward to testing mine too, it has been going on for a almost 9 month build haha. That's what happens though when you are busy and time flies by. My favorite feature with this update is the ability to forge on the PC. Prefabs are a close second but with me on the move a lot I don't always have my Xbox or have it set up so Forge on PC allows me to forge without setting the Xbox up and I can also forge and watch my shows. Hopefully now I can start creating more maps." DD: "Solid choice. There are so many players making the switch or just starting now that Halo 5: Forge has released on PC. Forge in general is just so popular now that Halo 5's can do so much more than ever before. Can we expect plans from ForgeHub in the near future to maintain this reputation or even grow more?" SIW: "Forge is definitely bringing more people to Halo 5, I have seen a lot of people recently come back to the site and forge because of Halo 5. Since December, ForgeHub has grown an immense amount and we have updated the site and pumped a little more life into it. With the growing staff we are able to produce more content for those that visit the site and with our growing connection with 343i we are becoming more well known in the general community and even got to get an exclusive interview with them for Halo 5 Forge for the PC, something we were really excited about! I can't say too much of what we have planned since some of it is on the down low but i can say we are going to continue to do what we can to make sure ForgeHub continues to grow like this, and we have some sun stuff planned for the months to come." DD: "Awesome stuff Sir Iron Wolf. I was surprised (and super jealous) when I saw that you guys had Tom French and Nahil Sharkasi for an exclusive interview. The ForgeHub community as well as the general Halo community is definitely looking forward to the site's future content and developments. With all the info you've been able to provide, I think it's safe to say we could wrap up the interview! So, Iron Wolf, do you have any words for the readers or any shoutouts you wanna make?" SIW: "Thank you for interviewing me, it sure was fun! I'd like to give a shout out to the staff at ForgeHub, they have been incredible and really active in getting more content out there for everyone. We wouldn't be where we are today without everything they do. I'd also like to tell the readers that if they ever need any forge help or want to join in on some testing lobbies they know where to come!" That's it for me Sir Iron Wolf's conversation but head on over to the Announcements to see the full Community Spotlight on ForgeHub! Thank you for your time Iron Wolf and thanks to anyone who read!
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