Hello all thanks for clicking this link to the Weekly Site Wrapup I am Drizzy_Dan if you didn't know. Let's get right into now:
Spades N AZ's Custom Games Night
Alright so I found myself back in Lil Dog's party once again on Custom Games Night. We always play fun games in Lil Dog's lobby like Flood gametypes on cool maps. Skumm hosted a little bit and we played a fun game of Ro Sham Bo Jr. where our Spartans were modded to be smaller but our weapons were the same size and that got laughs out of everyone. We played Drag Race and Minotaur and we even did some regular Infinity Slayer which was nice.
DoctorB77, Banehalo, skummgummigubbe, Lil Dog, Osama Bin Bungie, Church, GermanShepherdD, Spyro, and Diskreat
Spades N AZ's friends list is full so to get onto his alternate account's friends list to participate in Custom Games Night click here.
- All participants of Custom Games Night hosted by Spades N AZ receive his Golden Spade Award.
Legends of the gaming industry, Bungie, launched their ARG, or Alternate Reality Game, for their upcoming title: Destiny. The ARG requires fans to attend alphalupi.bungie.net where they input geomantic symbols that unlock encrypted pictures that started blurry. The pictures increase in clarity with the increase in people that frequent the site. Each picture unlocks poems that supposedly leave hints to the game Destiny by Bungie but who can say what they really refer to in the game?
Find Adamj's thread on the Destiny ARG here.
The conclusion of Bungie's ARG will end in a new ViDoc. Hopefully this won't actually end the ARG but will give hints to the next direction Bungie wants us to follow it.
Here's Bungie's new ViDoc about Destiny called Pathways Out of Darkness
Week 4 has begun.
Info on the DGL can be found at these links:
A71William, Ryboss96, Skys, Drizzy_Dan, asdf_wrex, Gazzy Mill Mill, Neurotic Kasper, Vinceee, Real Talk, Vaulting♥Frog, Kalaphite250, IKKSE2113
da monsterchief, Hater, GermanShepherdD, Oni, Sarge, SikSlik7, M4L1C1OU5, EpicEthan97, Lil Dog, Badass_Sniper, Choot 'em, Liam Simmons Sheeran, Forum Dinosaur
Results from the past week:
2/10 - Choot 'em went up against da monsterchief and lost unfortunately 11 to 16
2/11 - GermanShepherdD once again crushed his competition and beat Lil Dog 20 - 4
2/13 - M4LIC1OUS overpowered Hater in their match and won 20 kills to 1
As of now no division leaders have been announced due to the lack of matches played.
Eliminations from DGL caused by inactivity begin this week.
Absolute Dog - Our humble Site Moderator's story of his time between his hiatus and his position now.
343 Industries Community Forum and The Halo Forge Epidemic bring you the Meet Your Maker 4vs4 Infinity Slayer Forge Contest.
I mentioned that the judges would be huge names in the Forge Community and so I actually got a list of the entire team and it is awesome. I asked Absolute Dog who some of the judges were and he told me:
"The judges are Alzarahn (of Blueprint Forge Group), WARHOLIC(of The Halo Council), Ducain23, SaItyKoalaBear, Rezix333, OakleyHiDef(of THFE), Psychoduck(of THFE), Spades N AZ and myself. That is the entire team."
Those really are HUGE names.
Check out the badass trailer video and the rules here.
Submission thread that you can post your maps in is here.
Featured Map
Here's a map that caught my eye in our Forge forums. The map is called Dusk and was Forged by a member named @Yama. His map is very aesthetically pleasing and aims to be ideal for 1v1s and 2v2s. I'd love to provide a screenshot of the map but for some reason I'm just not able to copy and paste a picture nor use the media BBCode for it. *cough Choot 'em help me cough cough* I immediately knew this would be a good map when I saw that THFE's Psychoduck posted the last comment really thanking Yama for the time and information he provided. Check out the map here please.
Member of our 343i.org News Group, Lil Dog, has begun a wrap-up of his own. It's well done and shows you pictures from the topics discussed and he also includes his own blurbs on them.
If you're interested in all that gaming news has to offer in a week click here.
Halo 3 Play Date
Much better turn out with the Halo 3 Play Date than last week's Reach Play Date. We started off with some matchmaking then went into some custom games. We played Slayer mostly but we also played some objectives like One Flag, Juggernaut, and Territories. There was a good amount of lag to no one's surprise but that wasn't going to make us quit a game that we all love. All in all it was a good time. If you weren't there you missed out.
Here's who I saw:
Absolute Dog, imakequilts, JXZAW, Red Death, EliteISnip3r, HaloGeek, Elite, skummgummigubbe, Bobo Magroto, DoctorB77, adamj004, and Lil Dog
At the later lobby after 6PM EST:
Total Mayh3m, SweatyBagels, Harbinger, HaloGeek, Absolute Dog, and imakequilts
Everyone who participates in any Community Play Dates gets the Gamer Award:
Attend Play Dates, rack up awards!
Signups for Survivor: Halo Style Season 2 were prolonged until Friday.
Season 2 Tryouts began last week and were run again Saturday at 5 pm EST.
Questions will have answers provided by the Absolute Dog in the Survivor Q&A here.
The Podcast is run by the Dedicated members LiQuidßioniX♠, SykoWolf, Sarge, and Minuette. They host these every Friday and then they are posted during the week after that. They're long but they're very funny and a good deal of work actually goes into making these. LiQuidßioniX♠ happens to be the Podcast's editor so he provides the music and clips and such. This week's Podcast featured Brony and, briefly, Zaguroth.
Catch the 5th 343i.org Podcast here.
You should subscribe to the 343i.org Podast's YouTube Channel by clicking
this or, starting next week, by the title of the section that says "PODCAST"
That's it for the WSW this week so thanks for reading. More big things on the way! Now scroll up to the top and read it all over again.