This is the third week of the Weekly Site Wrapup thank you guys for taking the time to read this, I hope it's colorful enough to keep your attention
. Another pretty packed week this week so here we go:
I've changed my font to white throughout the post making this topic mobile UNfriendly. No more mobile site if you want to read these. You can be the judge of whether that's good or not haha.
The Crazy Grunt's Riddle Challenge is a humorous and brain stimulating forum game. One person comes up with a Halo related riddle and then the rest of the participants have to solve that riddle and the one who gets the right answer wins the point. The rule is that each player gets one guess per post and waits for the riddler to respond to whether they were right or wrong before they can post again.
The score to win has varied over the 4 rounds but this round players have to solve 10 riddles to get the prize: The Riddler Award
Round 4 has just begun. If you want to play, go ahead and follow it right here.
Previous winners of the Crazy Grunt's Riddle Challenge include:
Hᴜᴍᴘsᴛʏʟᴇs, SykoWolf, and Vaulting♥Frog
Spades N AZ's Custom Games Night
This week's Custom Games Night was pretty interesting. This week I was in the 20 and under lobby hosted by Lil Dog. We started with Ro Sham Bo (Lil Dog's favorite), then we played Rocketeer which was this awesome map where you're in like a giant ball with no gravity so everyone's jumping all over and you spawn in the air and everyone has rocket launchers. It's crazy. Moving on. This was different the when Spades hosts, there were shorter games and more slaying. Eventually I made it into Spades's lobby and we played Flood gametypes on very aesthetic maps and race maps.
Forum Dinosaur, Lil Dog, skummgummigubbe, HaloGeek, D-38 Boss, SikSlik7, DocSpartanO07, RelevantEagle22, Absolute Dog, Spades N AZ, URBAN B0BCAT, Darth Human, Vaulting♥Frog, >, and Sam The Great
Can't get on Spades's friends list? Click here to find the new GamerTag he made so that members can friend him and join!
- All participants of Custom Games Night hosted by Spades N AZ receive his Golden Spade Award.
In the DGL again, Week 3 started on Friday. The featured map of Week 3 is DGL Pharoah.
The DGL Slayer gametype was modified last week. The time limit is now 12 minutes and you can call in Personal Ordinance.
Info on the DGL can be found at these links:
A71William, Ryboss96, Skys, Drizzy_Dan, asdf_wrex, Gazzy Mill Mill, Neurotic Kasper, Vinceee, Real Talk, Vaulting♥Frog, The208Hunter, Kalaphite250, IKKSE2113
da monsterchief, Hater, GermanShepherdD, Oni, Sarge, SikSlik7, M4L1C1OU5, EpicEthan97, Lil Dog, Badass_Sniper, Choot 'em, Liam Simmons Sheeran, Forum Dinosaur
Second Week Match Results:
2/1 - SikSlik7 lost to Oni 20 kills to 14
2/3 - Gazzy Mill Mill destroyed A71William 20 to 3
2/3 - Hater beat Lil Dog by one kill. Final score 18 - 17
2/5 - Liam Simmons Sheeran defeated EpicEthan97 20 to 10
2/5 - Oni won again against Forum Dinosaur 14 to 8
2/6 - A big win for Skys when he beat Kalaphite250 20 - 7
2/6 - Liam Simmons Sheeran played his first week match against M4L1C1OU5 losing 5 to 14
2/6 - Forum Dinosaur gave Choot 'em the business beating him 20 kills to 6
2/6 - M4L1C1OU5 won his second match against Sarge 20 to 6 as well
2/8 - Drizzy_Dan played against Vaulting♥Frog and won 20 - 2
Our current division leaders are M4L1C1OU5 and Gazzy Mill Mill!
Quantum - Former Staff member mainly working with our Art Department who has just recently retired. This is an old interview I did with him last year.
Chris Schlerf - Halo 4 senior writer,
Chris Schlerf , was interiewed by Insane54, the Community Manager of our site's affiliate: Halo Customs.
Site Moderator Absolute Dog is not new to Forge. He has always supported, promoted, and expressed intrigue and appreciation for Forge and Forgers alike. It's because of him that our Forge community is so populous. He's always active in the Forge forums and this week he posted some very helpful tutorials on how to make maps for gametypes such as Flood , GrifBall , and Extraction .
Dog's also made a thread for people looking to get into Forge that have not yet because they didn't know where to start. Here's AD's beginner Forge Tutorial Thread
Also in Forge news:
343 Industries Community Forum and The Halo Forge Epidemic bring you the Meet Your Maker 4vs4 Infinity Slayer Forge Contest. Lots of huge names in the Forge community of Halo will be judging, I'm talking top Forgers of all of Forge.
Check out the trailer video and the rules here.
There's already a submission thread that you can post in here.
Senior member, former Member of the Month, former Staff of the Art Department. These are just a few things that could define Quantum as a member on the site. Quantum was someone I looked up to on the site immediately because of how maturely he presented himself even though he was one of the youngest members on the site at the time. You can find his resignation thread and tell him to come back soon here.
PLEASE, I urge everyone who is reading to take the time to read this: Quantum's 1000th post milestone, and a HUGE milestone at that. CLICK HERE.
Some of you may know him, some of you may not know him but his name is Mr. Biggles. Mr. Biggles was a very influential and well behaved Staff member on the site, a model for how Staff should act in my opinion. But one day personal life got intertwined with forum life and anger was displaced onto some members leading to a ban for Mr. Biggles. But right now he has been allowed back to the community with a fresh start as Member. Former MoM with a post count that used to be over 4,000, Biggles gives his formal apology here.
Reach Play Date
The Reach Play Date wasn't bad. It's too bad it wasn't as populated as I thought it'd be. We played fun customs like free for all slayer and infection and a really cool race map. Eventually we went into matchmaking and we destroyed our first team of opponents. Second game not so good
Here's who I saw there in my time:
Absolute Dog, Bobo Magroto, HaloGeek, Frankenzer, highplainsdrifter, Onma 'Aerusee, Insignia, skummgummigubbe, and Vaulting♥Frog
Everyone who participates in any Community Play Dates gets the Gamer Award:
The Podcast just came out! The Podcast is run by LiQuidßioniX♠, SykoWolf, Sarge, and Minuette. It basically does what this thread right here does except they talk and have guests and you can really feel the energy when you listen. The latest podcast included SuperIntendant as its guest and it was really great, you could tell that they had so much fun doing this. It was the fourth installment of the Podcasts. For those of you who have not seen it, click here!
You wanna also subscribe to the Podast's YouTube Channel by clicking
Signups for Survivor: Halo Style Season 2 ended on Friday.
Season 2 Tryouts began Saturday at 5 pm EST.
Questions will still be answered by Absolute Dog in the Survivor Q&A here.
The United States of the Forum Election is a fun mock election, started by the member Spyro, where a member becomes the President of the Forums for an indefinite amount of time until the next election. The President doesn't have any special powers whatsoever other than being able to say they're the President but that doesn't keep the fun out of it.
Candidates who ran in the election:
Twam, Drizzy_Dan, SuperIntendant, Winry Rockbell, SykoWolf, 343iBot, Choot 'em, Harbinger, Absolute Dog, Pbrabbit, AshyAngel, Barack Obama, and GermanShepherdD
Our new Forum President is 343iBot! With Choot 'em and SuperIntendant as the runner ups.
Find the announcement here.
Choot is set to have a baby with 343iBot and they have a name for it! Here's a quote from 26 time father Choot 'em:
Ducain and Absolute Dog made an excellent video promoting the site and YouTube submissions to ours and Ducain's channels. AD gives some tips on how to post your videos in a presentable way and Ducain does a great job of making us sound good as a growing site. This is sure to be the precursor for even bigger things to come. Please watch.
That's it for the WSW this week so thanks for reading. More big things on the way. Now scroll up to the top and read it all over again.