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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. Hello everyone Drizzy_Dan again trying to bring you the latest news of the site. This week was pretty busy so this might be a doozy of a read but well worth it if you ask me. Enjoy guys! First and foremost in our site news: I have finally figured out a way to correctly hyperlink! And no Azaxx it's not the URL BBCode, it's the Topic BBCode. Thank you for not telling me that Choot... CUSTOM GAMES NIGHT Spades N AZ's Custom Games Night Keeping it rolling with Spades's Custom Games Night, this weekend's proved to be quite successful once again. I participated this time around and I was glad to make it. In my time there we played fun custom games like Hot Potato, Race, Mantis Warfare, and Clue. Here's some of the members I saw on Friday: Spades N AZ, imakequilts, Lil Dog, Absolute Dog, Vaulting♥Frog, GermanShepherdD, SikSlik7, skummgummigubbe, and Yoshi176. Spades's friends list actually became full and he was actually generous enough to create another account for members to friend on Xbox Live and you can find it here. What a guy! - All participants of Custom Games Night hosted by Spades N AZ receive his Golden Spade Award by attending. . DGL Back with the DGL, Week 2 started on Friday. The featured map of Week 2 is DGL The Garden made by DGL participant Forum Dinosaur. The DGL Slayer gametype has been modified. The time limit is now 12 minutes and you can call in Personal Ordinance. Info on the DGL can be found at these links: Rules_and_Info Weekly_Match_ListMatch_Results/Leaderboard Gametype_and_Scoring_Info Participants: Crimson A71William, Ryboss96, Skys, Drizzy_Dan, asdf_wrex, Gazzy Mill Mill, Neurotic Kasper, Vinceee, Real Talk, Vaulting♥Frog, The208Hunter, Kalaphite250, IKSSE2113 Majestic da monsterchief, Hater, GermanShepherdD, Oni, Sarge, SikSlik7, M4L1C1OU5, EpicEthan97, Lil Dog, Badass_Sniper, Choot 'em, Liam Simmons Sheeran, Forum Dinosaur Here are the rest of the first week's match results: 1/28 - Drizzy_Dan and asdf_wrex faced off. I lost . 13 to 11. 1/28 - Choot 'em versed Ryboss96 in an interdivision match winning 12 to 7. 1/29 - Lil Dog was beat by Sarge pretty badly 20 to 8. 1/29 - A71William lost to Neurotic Kasper 10 to 7. 1/31 - Another blowout of a match similar to GSD's, Gazzy Mill Mill did a number on IKKSE2113: 19 to 1. 2/1 - Neurotic Kasper faced asdf_wrex for the first match of the second week and won 20 to 14. As of now, your division leaders are GermanShepherdD and Gazzy Mill Mill. FILE SHARE Wonderful news about Halo 4, the File Share is now working! You can find the topic about posted by the ecstatic Spades N AZ here: FILE SHARE IS WORKING!!! FEATURED INTERVIEWS The Director - One of the most charismatic Moderators the site's ever seen. He's very easy to like and he knows it . RedStarRocket91 - Our newest MoM. It's an old interview but even then he still had the highest quality posts I'd ever seen. MEMBER OF THE MONTH A new Member of the Month was awarded on February 1st and this month it went to RedStarRocket91. A Scotland native whose posts are the gold standard of quality here on the site. Round of applause for Mr. Rocket . Announcement Thread found here. PLEASE read RedStarRocket's MoM Post I would also like to use this segment to commemorate our old MoM, SykoWolf who has received the MoM Award and was added to the MoM Wall. NEW MODERATORS New Moderators were announced on Saturday the morning of the Staff vs. Members Playdate. Everyone please give your congratulations to skummgummigubbe and DocSpartanO07 who had been training under AD for some time now and finally achieved their goal. Post here. and here. I don't think anybody could've seen this coming. Definitely not if you were at the Staff vs Members Playdate or Spades's Custom Games Night. PLAYDATE Staff vs Members Playdate Participants I Saw: Absolute Dog, imakequilts, RedStarRocket91, Smokin Shadowz, Barack Obama , Bobo Magroto , skummgummigubbe, Air Snitch 2, Frankenzer, BaconShelf, JXZAW, OrangeSpartan, Osama Bin Bungie, Lil Dog, D-38 Boss, Pbrabbit, Vaulting♥Frog, Hater, DocSpartanO07, Halo Geek, It was another fun and successful Community Playdate. The Staff were outnumbered but they did a pretty good job at winning against the Members. We played competitive gametypes like King of the Hill, Dominion, Capture the Flag, and mainly Infinity Slayer. Thank you Members for trying.. just kidding we had really intense battles it was a lot of fun. Everyone who participated, regardless of whether I saw them or not, will once again get the Gamer Award: And the brand new Staff vs Members Play Date Award: PODCAST The 343i.org Podcast is a wonderful thing. Run by the excellent members LiQuidßioniX♠, SykoWolf, Sarge, and Minuette, the Podcast basically does what this thread right here does except it is about 20 times more fun and they have guests and talk about random things. The latest podcast included SuperIntendant as its guest and it will be spectacular. It was the third installment of the 343i.org Podcasts. Your link to the great Podcast is right here. SURVIVOR: HALO STYLE It was a long and difficult process but Survivor: Halo Style Season 1 finally came to an end. Everyone please congratulate the 1st Season Survivor winner Donut. Announcement of Donut's triumph can be found here! Season 2 of Survivor: Halo Style is starting soon so everyone sign up here! Any questions that arise in your mind will be answered by the almighty Absolute Dog here. Donut, Elite, Total Mayh3m, skummgummigubbe, Lil Dog, Zaguroth, and Dypse Lasalle automatically qualify for the second season. YOUTUBE The Halo Forge Epidemic, one of the site's affiliates, now has a subforum link to their YouTube Channel. You can check out THFE Videos here: http://www.343indust...12-thfe-videos/ There's your weekly fix, hope you got all caught up. Thanks for reading now scroll up to the top and read it all over again.
  2. Another new Moderator who knew!? DocSpartan great job and do this site proud!
  3. Skummgummigubbe it's been a long time coming! And just in time to join us for the Staff vs Members Playdate!
  4. Halo 4 was a rushed game. It was and that's why it felt like it was rushed and incomplete. In fact it still is incomplete right now and 343 is working on completing it as we play it and that's why there are new playlists every week and probably why Spartan Ops season 1 wasn't released as a whole. The main reason why Halo 4 feels different is because of exactly how you set the OP up. Everyone was expecting a Halo 3 or at least a Halo 1 or 2 feel to the game but it's not those games and it's not about the same thing. It's still Halo, and I have a lot of faith in 5, but it's not supposed to be like Halo 3 or 2 or 1. If you'd never played those games you would probably think Halo 4 was better. You have to look at it that way really. If you think about it though you do have a lot of the old game's features besides a title and the way the game operates. You've got this huge open unexplored world just like Halo 1 but you don't get the full extent of that feel because we've already played Halo 1. Then you have the the wide variety of weapons and the introduction of a new enemy species just like Halo 2 but the fact that they're mechanical and don't really react when we shoot them kind of takes away from the feel of it. And then there's the mechanics of the game which are just like Halo 3 and it makes multiplayer all the better. The gameplay is definitely faster what with sprint being default now but its core is mostly like Halo 3 even in campaign. You've got this sense of urgency like you did toward the end of Halo 3 like you do in Halo 4 that you need to get off the planet or die and you have to fight everything in your way to get the hell out. Also the gravity and body mechanics! My favorite. I hated how every time you killed someone midair in Reach they'd either float up and then back down motionless because you'd just killed them as they were jumping or they'd start flailing and spinning. Every freaking time. But now it reminds of Halo 3 when you could tell the sniper is so powerful that if shot in the head the body will fly back head first lucky that it didn't come right off. The differences are pretty obvious but I just wanted to show you why they were different to everyone because not everyone seems to realize that yet. I do agree with your opinions on each of the games OP.
  5. Excellent RedStar buddy I read the whole thing. You're a historical landmark of a member here on the forum and we're all very glad that you've stayed so long. It really says something about the forum and to its members. It says that this place is worth the while and it's great to have you as our MoM. I hope to catch you at the Staff vs Members Playdate tomorrow playing on our side . WHAT'S YOUR MOM WISH?
  6. I propose you make this your Member Title RedStar. 'The True Gentleman.' Very suiting!
  7. This week's wrapup is long

  8. YEAH REDSTAR Very good job on MoM congratulations my friend
  9. Makes sense that it's set there. They actually brought back some San Andreas features including the ability to ride a bike and idk if you guys have ever done the cheat but the Hydra. The Hydra originated in GTA: San Andreas
  10. This is going to be awesome. Really looking forward to this one guys
  11. Oh my god longest day at work today.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Church


      And you have us...to recuperate...AS YOU PLAY HALO!!

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      Church it's like you know exactly what I'm thinking!

    4. Church



  12. Can One, Mayh3m, Director, SI, and Kurt be awarded with the Special Guest Award please

    1. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Not One. He has left the community.


    2. Drizzy_Dan


      I've missed quite a few important things while I was gone huh? Alright well thanks if you did send out the rest Dog. You're always there to answer even my smallest favors haha

  13. He probably still is on the Infinity, it's a huge ship and if they wanted to keep him from knowing where she was and her from knowing where he was then they could probably do it
  14. I really hope this is what happens. It's a credible theory Bagels
  15. Sure you are, just ask one of the Mods. They know it's a forum game
  16. Yeaahh. You kinda gotta be nominated by another member (Bill Lumberg voice).
  17. After I interviewed THFE's Psychoduck I thought it was about damn time to interview one of the site's most important, most memorable members: The Director. Great Moderator and member overall. Please read and enjoy: DD: "What is your name's origin sir?" D: "Well, originally my username was AAN2, which is both my gamertag and initials. However, AAN2, while memorable, is a bit lackluster. So I decided to go with a character from everyone's favorite webseries Red vs Blue. Everyone went for Church, Sarge, Grif, Caboose, etc. but no one went for two of the more important characters in the series. The Councillor and The Director. The reason I say they are more important than most characters is simply because if it wasn't for them, nothing that happened in RvB would have happened. So I changed from AAN2 to The Councillor, but then had two realizations. One, I didn't really like his personality, it wasn't really a match for mine. Two, there weren't any pictures of him... So I went with The Director, and it has served me well for over a year. lol" DD: "And a very respectable name at that! People see The Director and they automatically respect you. I'm gonna go out on a limb at the risk of embarrassment that that's what I kinda did . So Director how long have you been a Moderator for our site?" D: "About five months now. Give or take a week or two. lol" DD: "5 months and 2 weeks but who's counting right? . So you've been a member for well over a year now and you've been active for a very good percentage of that time. In fact for as long as I've been here I've only seen you go inactive once and I've been here a year now. You've been here since before the blue background, before the shoutbox, and before all the Staff positions that are available today. What do you think of the site's exponential growth and changes?" D: "The site has gone through 3 background changes (x-box background, white background, blue background) and now has so many members that it's mind-boggling. We are nearly at 50k members now, you know. We've come so far and done so much. It gives me a sense of pride to know that in some small way I've contributed to such an amazing community, and I believe that we'll get even more amazing. It's been a long, strange journey, and it's not done yet. lol" DD: "I believe you on that last line haha and you have contributed a great deal to this site. Just by being a Moderator. Now what took you so long to accept the Moderating position??" D: "Lmao that implies that I was offered the position every other week. xD But yeah, I have always known that being a moderator isn't easy, no matter what you are a moderator of. And the more people, the more difficult it is. You've got to make calls that aren't popular, and have to be prepared to take the flak for it. You've got to be prepared to ban people that you get along with if they refuse to follow the rules, you've got to be prepared to turn the other cheek to opinions that you don't agree with, and you've got to be prepared to spend a ton of time on the site. lol I have already been a moderator of a pretty popular IRC server, so I already had some experience with how difficult being a moderator was and therefor avoided ever taking the position. But when AD asked me if I wanted to become a moderator, I had already done pretty much all that I could for the site. Things were getting pretty mundane for me, and I hated that. I love this site, and feeling bored of it to me would be comparable of being bored in a marriage (feels wise, not that I'm married to the site wise lmao). I thought about it for a while, and realized that not only would I be able to help people (which is something that I like to do), but I would also be helping to keep the forum clean, tidy, and friendly. So I sucked it up and said yes, and I'd have to say that while it is difficult at times, it's something that I enjoy doing." DD: "Great answer Director . I always say this but it's true: I love to see that kind of spirit in the 343 Community Forum Staff. It's what keeps this place going. So what's one interesting site related fact you can provide for the readers?" D: "Oh? Why just one? lmao http://www.343indust...-did-you-knows/" DD: "Ah I was actually hoping you'd bring up one of your great threads! I was expecting you to bring up 'Ask The Director' to be honest haha. The 343i Did You Knows thread is a great one and I hope all of you take time to read it after reading this. Director is true that you were the first non Staff member to obtain the Notoriety Award?" D: "Actually, if I recall correctly that was a tie between a couple of members, including Azaxx. lol However, I was the first non-staff member to receive an award. I just happened to be in the shoutbox while Twam was testing them out. lmao And for about a month I was the only member on the forum to have two "trusted" awards. lol I was also the first person to get the Good Samaritan award. And the "Ask The Director" thread is currently on the sidelines until such a time that I have a bunch of free time on my hands again. Lately I've been pretty swamped with work, moderating, and a semi-serious back injury. However, in another couple of weeks I will have a lull in my work-load, so I might unlock the thread so members can once again attempt to stump me. Until then, if anyone wants to view the thread it's located in my 'About Me' on my user profile." DD: "You have a lot of history on this site Director, truly. Are there any awards that you miss that have been removed?" D: "I don't really miss any awards, but the "Quantity not Quality" award was pretty funny. If I remember right, it was removed because it was seen as awarding people who spammed their post count to get higher forum ranks." DD: "I remember that award, and there was also its counterpart 'Quality Not Quantity'. Can you recall the most memorable time you've had on this forum? If not at least one very memorable moment?" D: "I've had a bunch of memorable times on this forum. One of them was definitely the time that a lot of us were roleplaying in the shoutbox. I decided to jump in at random, and in most people's opinion I completely stole the show. Another time was when Ashlynn and I went on a spree of innuendo that lasted nearly the entire night, without actually saying anything that was bad. xD And one more was the few months that Azaxx and I were competing over absolutely everything. Post count, awards, likes, you name it we competed on it. It was taken more seriously by other members than it was by us, though, and there were some people who called us out on our "oneupsmanship". The thing is though, from that competition between Azaxx and I came some threads that were pretty helpful, both by him and I. That's the nature of competition for you. Even though on the surface it appears cutthroat and brutal, out of the smoke comes the finely forged products of people pitting their wills against each other. lol There are many, many more, but those are the ones that pop into my head at the moment. Basically my entire year and seven months here has been memorable." DD: "That all sounds hilarious and I remember vividly when you and Azaxx were competing for who would get to post count first and I'm still not sure who reached it first? I think you both did it literally in the same minute . So what award are you most proud of that you've gained?" D: "Difficult decision, considering the amount that I have. xD I think it is a tie between the Choot 'em award, The Dog, Pizza?, and the well-spoken/quality posts awards. When I got the well-spoken award, I had quite a few posts, so most people assumed that I did what other members did at the time (i.e. frequent the offbeat forum, if you know what I mean). So getting the well-spoken award (along with the quality posts award) did a lot to deter those rumors. The other ones are just testaments to things I've accomplished, I guess, but I'm still very proud to have received them." DD: "Well Director believe it or not, I can't really believe it myself, but we are about done with this interview and it's time for your final questions. Do you have any advice for the great members of the forums? Do you have anything else you want to say in general? By the way you hold the record for second fastest interview, runner up to ZB." D: "Hmm... How about something like, "Remember remember, everyone is a member." That basically means that no matter how high up the totem pole you are, the rules still apply to you. Except Twam, because he can make a rule saying the rules don't apply to him, but that's neither here nor there. lol As a matter of fact, we are usually a bit harsher with dedicated/staff members than with normal/trusted members because dedicated/staff members are supposed to be role models for the newer members. As for the speed of the interview, what can I say. I have experience answering questions. lol" Great parting words from the great Director! Heed those words members! And it's true, he holds the record for second fastest interview not that they're races but he just shot back as soon as I shot. We started this 2 days ago . Thank you Director for your time. Please look out for the next one!
  18. This was such a great video did anyone else read all of the credits? They're probably the best part
  19. I'm honored, thank you very much
  20. Fixed Doc! And thank you Adam buddy I appreciate it
  21. It's called Volume 24 for a reason Mr. 007! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/8505-interviews-with-stars-of-the-community-index/
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