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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. ANARCHY! I swear I was just thinking about why I never saw your name around the site anymore dude! Hope you return soon
  2. Yes they'll definitely make one. Do I have proof? No. But they're gonna do it.
  3. I think the list should be edited to include Harbinger and Vaulting Frog
  4. THIS IS SO ATTRACTIVE IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY. IT'S HILARIOUS. Who is number 49? (No offense just never seen his name before haha) Edit: Come to think of it I actually don't know quite a few of the names on here
  5. This is excellent! I love this can someone please direct me to the first one!
  6. Yes but they don't directly say this is Jun is the point I'm trying to make
  7. Actually the event you refer to takes place in Halsey's diary that came with Reach's Legendary Edition and it states that Halsey's Spartan guard was shot in the back while protecting her. Bungie's never confirmed this to be Jun although it's highly likely. Jun is almost definitely dead and I can say with full certainty that he won't be in any Spartan Ops episodes
  8. Welcome back to the site Admiral William
  9. Hello and welcome to the best forum ever in the world: The 343 Industries Community Forum. We've got an awesome set of diverse members and it's easy to make friends here. I like your enthusiasm and I hope you stay for a long time EpicBeaver. If you need help finding things don't be a afraid to shoot me a PM . Note: This topic should be moved to Introductions/Goodbyes ....In before Jester... WOO
  10. I've already been seeing a 343iCF Renaissance lately
  11. Make one list that's like everyone who's active and people you like and then make another that's just people you've never made any contact with and aren't active at all on the site I think it'd be hilarious. It'd be better if I didn't ruin the surprise by posting this idea haha
  12. Comment here if you want another MAM list. 10 and miniamp will do it!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      Zag's reply counts as a vote

    3. Fox McCloud

      Fox McCloud

      I want another MAM list...Go for it!

    4. Grif.


      I want in on this party!!

  13. GermanShepherdD is about to get there too most likely by tomorrow
  14. My friend would love this stuff. Very good stuff Meta Knight
  15. Which Playdate would you like to join? You can find upcoming events here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/23437-contest-and-events-schedule-for-343-industries-community-forum/?do=findComment&comment=223592 And this weekend's registry is here: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/23449-reachs-monthly-community-play-date/?do=findComment&comment=223655
  16. Hello everyone and thank you for tuning into the 22nd installment of Interviews with Stars of the Community. These have come a long way I didn't really think I'd make this many to be honest. I was worried people would get bored but the support I get keeps these coming all the time. Anyway let's get on to what went on in a really great interview I had with senior member: SuperIntendant! DD: "So what's the story about your intrigue with Super Intendent from Halo 3: ODST?" SI: "I actually did not play very much of ODST's campaign, I mostly played firefight. Despite that I always thought he was a pretty cool little side character. The idea for my name actually came from a parody thread on bungie.net which involved taking the SuperIntendent (who was a button) hostage. I just so happened to read that at the same time I wanted a new name and had a eureka moment." DD: "That's a very funny name-origin story haha are you still an active member on bungie.net now or any other forums for that matter?" SI: "I still go on Bungie.net from time to time, but not that much any more. Currently my main 3 forums are Reddit, here, and Battlelog which is the Battlefield 3 forum." DD: "Here? I hardly catch you on here! Maybe I'm not looking hard enough haha I remember when your name used to show up in the shoutbox all the time, around the time when I first joined. Back then your name was cyan colored. Would you mind sharing your history on Staff and what it was like then?" SI: "Well, I'm planning to change that, haha. I really enjoyed my time as staff on here. It was really fun to be a part of the inner workings of the site. I first got the position as part of a competition to fill two more News Group slots. You had to submit a review of a game and based on how well it was written, amongst other factors, you would be either accepted or declined. I was one of the two people who got the position and was part of it for a few months. Unfortunately some things from my personal life ended up getting in the way and I was mostly inactive for about a month and lost the position because of that." DD: "I do remember that. I was so shocked to not see your name in that color anymore. Do you have a most proud piece of news that you've shared or newsworthy story that you're most proud of?" SI: "My most memorable moment was when several people were complaining about not being able to watch an interview about Halo 4 on G4, so as it aired I took out my phone and recorded the whole thing. I had it edited, up on YouTube, and posted on here within 10 minutes of it airing. The quality was absolutely horrible, but it got the job done. As for a favorite story, I don't really have one, I liked them all equally ." DD: "Yes you did do that! I watched your phone video because I was one of those people who missed it and was complaining . So what do you do mainly when you're not frequenting the site?" SI: "School work mostly, also xbox live and PC gaming." DD: "Schoolwork can get very time consuming that's something I know firsthand. Do you have a favorite memory on the site? You've been a member for over a year now so I'm sure it'd be hard to think of haha" SI: "I think that would have to be the origin of Twammybear. Father Bullet was the one who first used it, and I've since adopted it. I remember that I was actually crying from laughing so hard, it wasn't so much the term that was funny more of the context it was used in. We were talking about something rather serious, like that huge spam bot problem we had around September of 2011 and he was making a very serious statement and he just used it in the middle of the statement like it was nothing." DD: "TWAMMYBEAR? That name alone is seriously funny . Over time how have you seen this community change SI and what is your opinion of the change?" SI: "As with any community I have seen people come and go, it's just a natural process. The biggest change has been from being that small website that people accidentally stumbled upon while trying to find Waypoint(that's how I got here ) to a forum consisting of more than 50,000 members, and that was amazing to watch. We went from being the small neighborhood in the suburbs where everyone knows each other to being the city itself. My opinion on the change is that it has its ups and downs, more members mean more opinions and a much more diverse community, but it also means that you stop knowing everyone on a more personal basis." DD: "I think that was one of the best answers I've ever gotten to one of my questions in any interview. By the way that's how I ended up here too but I couldn't be more glad to land here than there . I agree with you 1000% on everything you know we used to be so small and everyone was active and everyone knew everyone and now we're more than twice what we were maybe 6 months ago. It's pretty incredible. So when you first started on the site August of 2011 who were some names that you connected with and saw a lot?" SI: "When I first started I connected to Spectral Jester the most, I'm not quite sure why, I just did. Later when I started posting more and figured out my place here I started to become more connected with One, AD, Twinreaper, Choot 'em, and just about all of the really active members. I don't really remember who the most active members were, for a while I had the highest post count just about every day and second to me was Spectral." DD: "Really? And was the Top Dog Award still available at that time (award for having highest post count)? Those are some of the biggest names on the forum right now and it's cool to say that you were there when it was all starting. And did you and Jester ever compete for posts or did you just post in things you were interested in?" SI: "Well, I'm talking about before we had the award system. Some of the time I'm talking about was before we even had the new layout and we were still on the temporary white one. For me it was a little of both, I liked the idea of competition, but I would only post in things I was interested in. As for Spectral, I don't think he even knew I thought we were competing ." DD: "Wow I totally forgot that that summer didn't have the awards system yet and they didn't come for another half a year. That must be a very cool feeling to say you were there when there were no awards, no banner, no blue space background, no shoutbox. So Mr. SuperIntendant this interview was absolutely fantastic. Do you have any words of wisdom to provide to the newer members on the site?" SI: "Never be afraid to give your opinion, don't be afraid to talk ask questions, and keep it clean!" I sincerely hope you all enjoyed that as much as I did, it was truly a great interview. Thank you SuperIntendant for agreeing to be interviewed and thank you 343i Community once again for you support. This was another member who posted in their signature font style which I'm thankful for . I hope this is the start of SI re-frequenting the forum again. Look out for the next one!
  17. Halo 5 is just going to be his debriefing. It'll be more of a sequence of dialogues than an action game. The cool thing will be that you get to choose his answer to certain questions and it affects the game!
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