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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. You thanked Biggles?? Welcome to the club Hotdog
  2. Wow that was awesome. Except for the girl with the scythes coming out of her forearms.. CGI looks incredible though as expected
  3. This. Is. Weird. I really liked your name in Purple Sarge but congrats on Dedicated finally!
  4. I wanna go back to the good old days on the forums. Mayh3m
  5. My words of wisdom: Don't ask for a more colorful shoutbox or Jester will make your name black. If you catch my drift
  6. Really liking my next interviewee

  7. My personal favorite games of all time are games I grew up playing. Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door - Quite possibly one of the best games ever to come out on the Nintendo Gamecube. Need For Speed Underground 2 - Undoubtedly the best Need For Speed game to ever come out and it had the best soundtrack. Tony Hawk's Underground 2 - Best Tony Hawk game with the best soundtrack once again. It was just a hilarious game with an awesome idea. The Halo Franchise - Seriously. Batman: Arkham Asylum & Arkham City - Probably the best super hero games to date. Grand Theft Auto IV - Personal favorite, me and a lot of my friends would go on and have tons of fun haha Guitar Hero Franchise - Revolutionary way to game.
  8. Try visiting The Halo Forge Epidemic part of the site. I'm positive you'll find skilled Forgers there for you
  9. This was a long time coming and I hope you all enjoy it like I did. There's a question in there that occurred before January so we didn't know SykoWolf would be our next MoM. Shout out to our January MoM and second Aussie MoM SykoWolf! Azaxx wrote this in his signature yellow font which made my posting of this interview much easier. Enjoy all: DD: "So Azaxx, what's an Azaxx?" AZ: "Thats a question so many have asked, but I'm afraid I must disappoint you. It honestly means nothing xD. About hm, 5 years so I think, something like that, I was thinking of syllables to put together to make a name for some game on the computer at school. Oh yeah, I wasn't doing work. But the two syllables Az and axe came into my head. I thought Azaxe doesn't look so great, so I put Az and Axx together giving the same sound, just looking better." DD: "That sheds a lot of light on that topic and I hope a lot of people who were curious before read this haha not doing work as usual I see. Azaxx what do you like more: Ponies or Mudkips?" AZ: "Well, that's a very tough question, since the older members know I used the Mudkip profile pic for over a year, but now I changed to ponies. Honestly they're both pretty equal. Mudkips are funny and lead to lighter conversations, however ponies also lead to a little trolling, there's nothing better than seeing someone get a little annoying with constant spamm-.... talking in the shoutbox about ponies. But if I were to pick one over the other. It would be ponies, because Fluttershy is best." DD: "I am surprised by that answer haha I was sure you'd pick Mudkips! So Azaxx, what's your favorite thing to do when you're on the forums these days? I remember when you and Donut used to compete neck and neck for the Top Shouter Award when it was still around and you actually took that award from Donut!" AZ: "My old favourite thing was to yes, try and overtake Donut for title of the shoutbox leader. But once I did that, I lost the motivation to continue to well....."spam" as some say. These days I just prefer to lurk, talk via PM's and help members any way I can... And continue to do the occasional fast paced typing in the shoutbox." DD: "Good, that makes me feel like this forum is still a familiar place knowing that you still love to light up the shoutbox every now and then with your rapid shouts . Now I know you and IrishElf or Zelda as she's named now are very good friends and I already know without question that you were ecstatic when she was awarded MoM this month. Shout out to Ms. Zelda and congrats on MoM! Do you have any honest, helpful candidates for January's MoM in mind?" AZ: "Yeah I do have some people in mind, but their names won't be told because that takes the fun out of the surprise doesn't it? Some members have truly been outstanding these past couple months. So I have no doubt that my thoughts in my head will come true in the next couple days. So I say good luck to the special members who may get that incredibly special honour." DD: "Keeping it a secret! That's no fun! Ok that's kind of fun and I guess we could wait a little to see who it is haha. So if you read my interview with Kurt that just came out but was very old, I asked him about the old Top 15 List and if it was biased or unbiased and then it disappeared for a few months. It's made its return now and I want to ask you the same thing. Do you think it's possible to have a list like the Top 15 and have it be unbiased? Also, do you see it as a popularity contest?" AZ: "I see it unbiased. I've said that in the past, and still believe it now. Sure people think it's a popularity contest, which has made some debates over its existence, but when you have a good team looking at the members of a whole, well except the banned. They look for the character of a member, someone who is kind, unique, willing to be friendly to others for no return and other good features, a list will be unbiased. The most recent one written up by Sykowolf was one of the best I think we've had. Old to very recent members got on, some shoutbox users, and some being not. So I think it's a good addition to the forums." DD: "Yes and a shoutout to SykoWolf because you are very right Azaxx, I think it was one of the best because it had such a wide array of members: old and new, forum posters and shouters. So imakequilts was just added to the Staff roster as the new head of Promotions/Events! What do you think or hope she'll bring to the title being that she's a senior member?" AZ: "I hope she can run incredibly smooth play dates and events like some great ones on the past. The occasional giveaway are hard on my view to work with, just like the Christmas tree one Absolute Dog and Syko were working with, I saw a lot of stress but also a lot of happiness from the end result. So I hope she can stay and make these things work without any worries at all." DD: "I don't have the slightest worries about imakequilts because I knew she used to be a very active and very kind member from what I've heard and she's fun to play Halo with haha. Let's jump to another subject that's more personal to you Azaxx. What's your most, or one of your most, fun or fond memories on this site? Our wonderful 343i Community Forum !" AZ: "Ohhh, of the so many things I've done this would be hard. I think it would have to come down to two options, becoming Australia's first MoM or taking Donut over for the most useless title of the shoutbox king. As much as I like well, brag over my obsessively high amount of shouts, and the time it took to beat donut. I think being MoM was the best moment I've had on the site. Probably because it felt so unique and special being someone not from USA or UK." DD: "Being the first Australian MoM is a very big deal. Being MoM in general is a hugee deal in itself! What do you think of the new crowd that's flocked to the site since before the release of Halo 4? Do you find yourself meshing with them and making a lot of new friends or do you like to lurk because you wait for some familiar names to pop into the shoutbox?" AZ: "I lurk a huge amount more these days. Only coming on for friends or to help someone who isn't getting anything from the shoutbox users. Sadly the shoutbox has gotten a little more "hostile" with the huge flock of haters, but nothing that should deter our lovely members here. As for the new crowd, they can be incredible, but at the same time a worry. Great friendships I have seen have been made with the newly greens and the older members of all colours. But those specialisations code members, big worry trying to sort it out." DD: "You bring up a very significant issue that occurs here on the forums and I like to talk about those and what the members think of them. What's your take on members trading codes and posting codes for MS points and so on and so forth? And do you think we do a good job of keeping this issue at bay?" AZ: "I think moderators made a great choice with the new policy with code trading. It's also risky giving a code or something that you can't physically see, because of the risk of fraud. The idea of trading with someone is nice, and special to get something you want in exchange of something else. But that does not always does that go to plan, as we've found out unfortunately." DD: "I couldn't agree with you more there Azaxx. And with that said I'd also like to say it's been great getting to know you more and I hope a lot of the newer members get to reading this. So Azaxx what is some advice you have to offer the newer members with hopes of becoming long term members here like yourself?" AZ: "Be yourself and make the best of things around you. Make long lasting friendships with the great people surrounding you, be kind to everyone, even if they aren't you best of friends. Being kind shows all who you really want to be and that is a great member." Nice and simple! Azaxx was very fun to talk to and interview and although it took a while for me to finally get things going, it didn't take too long to get it actually finished. Thank you Azaxx for participating and thank you 343iCF for reading and commenting and liking these and encouraging me to keep doing more. Once again shout out to our MoM SykoWolf who got a nice mention by Azaxx for just being the great member he is. Thank you again!
  10. I respectfully disagree with this. I think that the first one was fantastic. It was so simple with its rock-paper-scissors damage style yet so fast paced because you constantly had to micromanage: attack while training more units, upgrade these, occupy this, build here, build there, take this base. It was really great and it had the best cutscene graphics of any of the Halo games. I jump on almost every Halo Wars 2 thread because I look forward to it so much. Halo Wars 2 will happen, I've said it before and I'm saying it again. It's a very big success with a lot of Halo fans because of the freedom of controlling a small army using units from the Halo Universe. That's just awesome in itself! And being able to zoom in and see the action up close is very fun haha. I don't exactly know how the story would work but wait some years and it'll come up I know this. Frank O'Connor already mentioned how very possible it was or would be if they weren't so occupied with the Reclaimer Trilogy.
  11. Welcome imakequilts to Staff I hope to get to formally know you better!
  12. Merry Christmas 343i Community Forum!

    1. ZB-85


      Merry Christmas to you to, Drizzy_Dan.

    2. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      Merry Christmas Drizzy! :)

  13. Part 2 of the Interviews Double Feature! Thank you guys for retaking interest in these like I have and I'm glad I got back into things. This is an older member that most of the newer members probably don't know but ought to get to know. He's been around for a very long time now. It's Kurt! Enjoy: DD: "So Kurt what have you been up to lately on the site? I haven't seen you in the shoutbox much really or posting in the forums so I'm wondering: are you mainly lurking ?" KURT: "I've actually been really busy of late. I was home schooled last year for freshman year and didn't really enjoy it so I decided to go back to public school. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get back into school as a homeschooler here. It was easier to get into three different private schools then the local high school. So i spent most of the summer studying to get back into school. But now that that's over with, I hope to spend more time on this great site." DD: "That sounds rough, was it only your freshman year that you were homeschooled for education in your life? (If you don't mind me asking)" KURT: "Not at all. I've been back and forth from public to home. Specifically I've been home schooled 1st-3rd, 5th-6th, and 9th grade, the rest public school." DD: "Alright so that right there is just a little fun fact for the readers . What's the biggest change you've noticed recently at 343i and what is the best?" KURT: "Whew, that's a tough one. I think the most important change is the addition of staff positions. By staff I mean "News Group" "Event Organizer" stuff like that. I think it relieves some pressure off the moderators and helps keep the forum running smoothly. I know, not that recent, but I think it has been a great change to the forums." DD: "I joined after the two positions were made so I could only imagine the stress the Moderators had to deal with in the before-time. So Kurt you're a very senior member here, how have you seen the site evolve and what do you think of the site's evolution overall?" KURT: "Well, the first major change to this site I was present for (that i remember) was the new skin. I think this is a huge improvement over the plain white skin that was present when I joined. I've also seen the addition of awards, some new sections in the forums, and once again, the staff positions. I think that all these changes and tweeks have really contributed to the site as a whole and have improved user experience here." DD: "Could you tell us your most memorable moment on 343i.org?" KURT: "That's tough. There's been so many! I'd have to say when one of the mods, (I never found out who) kept on changing users names in the shoutbox. I actually think I recorded it. Here's a link to the video on dropbox. Zing! (ignore the skyrim theme. It's an old thing i recorded for someone. And if those aren't the correct videos im sorry, i don't have any way to view them as I am running windows 8 until I can get windows 7). It's a little long and probably boring but basically, a mod started messing with Azaxx by changing his name to troll him. It then turned into a lot of laughs and fun. I don't know why that particular moment stuck with me but it has to be one of my favorite moments on the forums." DD: "That does sound hilarious . So you do video recording? Have you ever thought about recording playdates or doing videos for the forum or is this just a small hobby of yours?" KURT: "Actually I don't really use it. I just got bandicam so I could just record a few minecraft creations to show a few friends. I couldn't really use it effectively on my laptop because of performance issues but I have yet to try it on my new computer. I mainly use it just to monitor my FPS, not for actually recording anything. So to answer your question, I don't do it with any seriousness. It's just nice to have if I see a funny glitch in a game or create something epic in minecraft, or if a funny moment occurs in the shoutbox. :awesome:" DD: "That's a nice little hobby you got there it sounds pretty cool! I want to talk to you about your personal opinion on something Kurt, what do you think of the Top 15 list that comes out monthly? I've seen a lot of contraversy over it and it's made with no bias from people who swear to be fair. Do you think it's as just as it was when it started or do you feel it's turned into a popularity contest?" KURT: "Hmm... I haven't seen the last one yet but I remember it started as just a fun little topic (but i'm not sure. There were quite a few top users lists a while ago). I don't think it has turned into a popularity contest. And if it has, I haven't seen anyone trying to get on it. I haven't seen a significant change in user behavior since the first one." DD: "I agree with you there, I never thought it was about popularity and I haven't seen users act differently to achieve a spot on the list. The users who are nice and helpful are nice and helpful because they want to be. Ok let's bounce to another topic and get to Halo. When it comes to Halo are you a campaign player or a multiplayer kind of person? Which do you prefer is what I mean." KURT: "I am more of a multiplayer person. I just love the satisfaction of being at the top of the leaderboard and just PWNing then killing a few grunts. I still enjoy the campaign though. I just get more satisfaction and enjoyment out of multiplayer." DD: "Wow interesting! To be honest I thought you were more of a campaign person being that you're very into the Halo Universe lore, specifically Ghosts of Onyx. What's your favorite thing about Kurt Trevelyan that made you want to model your profile after him?" KURT: "He is, to me, a very heroic figure in the halo universe. (Spoiler alert) I love the fact that he sacrificed himself for the saftey of his spartans, and stopped the covenant from getting to the shield world and getting their hands on all the forerunner tech. And of course, his epic quote "Didn't you know? Spartans never die." (kaboom). Ghosts of Onyx was my favorite in the halo series, and he has been my favorite character." DD: "Wow Kurt it's been an honor getting to know you more because you are one of the senior members that I don't know very well. Or at least I didn't until now! This is also important because with the population of the site growing exponentially, it's good that they know who some of the longer term, dedicated members are even if they are not as active. So Kurt can you give words of wisdom to the readers who want to be recognized as you are recognized?" KURT: "For words of wisdom, I can only say to keep active in this community. Stay active in the forums, have some fun in the shoutbox, and participate in playdates if you can. There's really nothing else to it." So that's it for the Double Feature! Everyone give it up for Kurt :clapping: . Again I hope you all enjoyed that or thought it was interesting thank you all. Another fun fact: Kurt wrote this all in his signature choice of lime color text even in the PMs. Watch out for this member out there and get to know him! And look out for the next one!
  14. WOW it has been a while. Well in my off time I've had a lot of schoolwork, commuting, paperwriting (I guess that's schoolwork), real work at my actual job, and xbox playing. But now that my semester's over, this forum hit me smack in my mind like a rock thrown by an angry customer. I've missed this place and all of its great members and I hope to meet all the new ones because I know we've had hundreds join since around the launch of Halo 4. Keep in mind that this Double Feature Interview is old. Very old. But good none the less! So without further ado, here's my interview with one of our top Moderators on the site: Total Mayh3m. Enjoy: DD: "Why did you choose the name 'Total Mayh3m' for your username at 343i?" TM: "Well, actually not many people know that I signed up under the name ljp1125 at first. I then swapped to my gamertag which was Total Mayh3m because I figured since it was a gaming forum I should probably use something that people would be more familiar with. Anyways, Total Mayh3m(or Mayhem) comes from the Greek meaning... nah just kidding... basically when I signed up for Xbox Live, I wanted something that was pretty cool and that people would think "That guy means business" when they saw it. I first wanted "Extreme Mayhem" but it was taken already. So I thought to myself, why not use a number? I knew what 1337 was so I took the E out of "Mayhem" and replaced it with a 3. After I submitted it.. it was still taken and I was about ready to give up and swap to a totally different gamertag idea. Then I thought "What about Total Mayh3m? So I typed it in and sure enough it was available. " DD: "I love your sense of humor Total . That sounds like a complicated process you had for your GamerTag. Let's talk about your life here on the site when you were a newer member. What members did you connect with early on in your membership?" TM: "Early on I connected with Absolute Dog, Spectral Jester, and a guy named Headhunter (now known as SuperIntendant). Then there was this guy that I briefly connected with names Choot'em who is now our MoM. I would always greet them with a ♥ in the shoutbox. It wasn't until the first playdate I attended when I really got connected. Playdates are a great way to get connected to the community." DD: "Those are some of the biggest names in our community today! I see you got yourself a slice of pizza!! Congratulations again Mayh3m! I say again because of your semi-recent promotion to Community Moderator that I want to talk about. When you joined the site, did you ever think you'd stay long enough and put it in enough time and effort to become a Community Moderator?" TM: "Yes, Pizza is good. hehe. Well, honestly I never imagined I would make it to a moderator position on such an established forum/website as this one... ever. I always admired what those guys do as I had held a position of Moderator then Admin on a much smaller site. When I first joined this website I just wanted to really learn more about Halo and what people were thinking Halo 4 would be about. I already had some forum experience and lived out my spam days long long ago before this place was created. Occasionally I like to visit the offbeat section and play the games. But I never expected I would be this close to 2000 posts and in the position I am now. It was an incredible honor to even be considered for the facebook staff and it means even more to wear the colors of the Moderators. It is a great responsibility and it is one I enjoy doing. Because simply put.. I ♥ everyone here. :)" DD: "That must be a wonderful feeling! When I joined the thought never crossed my mind to become Staff but when I was asked I went out of my mind crazy happy . You've been an awesome contributer so far and a great Mod. So you say you've been to other forums and have been a Mod and Admin on one? How many forums had you been a member of before this one? Do you still visit the site where you were an Admin on? If so, how do you manage the time between the two?" TM: "Well, I was a member of two Lego themed forums but the first was based off of an old series called the drome racers, the game had 5 or 6 different teams and I was on a team called Nitro, so some of the best of the best on the Lego game created a board and called it the teams HQ. So I joined and we all shared our secrets on how to get good at the game and what not. I eventually became an admin there and was honored to become great friends with the creator of the board. He and I are still good friends today and we talk fairly often. That site is still on the web, however it is not very active at all as not many people go there anymore. We all check in occasionally and see how everyone is doing. The second forum was a forum called iBricks, it was huge and closer to the end of the forums life I was actually considered as a moderator but never was offered the position.. I believe I got a small position of helping with art requests there. That site had about 70k posts when the owner abruptly closed it down. Those sites shaped me into the forumer I am today. So I have grown a lot over my forum lives and have no plans of leaving this place. " DD: "Wow you really have had a lot of experience with forums haha and that's great news. I don't think any member here would like to see less of you on here. So Total what is your most proud moment here on the forums?" TM: "Well thanks! My most proud moment? Gosh, I don't know. Being able to look back at what kind of member I have been and looking at the example I left behind make me the most proud I think. Knowing that I have come this far by doing my best to be honorable and encouraging. Another thing that makes me proud is when I can help a member out. :)" DD: "And that's really great for you to say especially because this is what got you to where you are at your Moderator position. You really are a great member and easy to call on for help . So I've been noticing more and more people joining lately seeing as Halo 4 is about to arrive, as a Mod has that made your job any harder at all? Have you had to deal with more spam and misbehavior than you used to? I know you haven't been a Mod for too long but still ." TM: "Well, you don't know what Jester is like in the staff rooms.. hehe jk. Does it make it harder, I wouldn't say so. Then again I may just be getting use to things right now . As for dealing with more spam and misbehavior, yes. I have noticed that we are pulling in a decent amount of new members and some of those cause trouble within the forums and shoutbox. We get a good amount of reports a day which helps us a lot. Having a great group of guys to work with makes things fun and always entertaining. So when we do have trouble, it is not too much of a problem" DD: "That's awesome, yes a big shout out to all the Moderators of 343i Community Forum! You guys do a great job of keeping this place clean and friendly. So this one is a joint question really but there's no point in separating them. Doc was named MoM for October and Choot 'em just became a Legendary Member. Could you provide the members with some incite on your relationships with these two members and what you think of their new achievements?" TM: "Well, to be honest, I have not had as much time to build a relationship with either. However I do hold them in high respects. Choot'em I always enjoy talking with because he is just that kind of guy that is always fun to talk to. Doc I've not gotten to talk to as much (sadly ) but from what I have seen he has done so much in the forums. 3000+ posts, DGL, and helping members out. I think both these members deserve their respective awards. Both decisions for Choot and Doc were unanimous. They are very well deserving and I am honored to be a member here with each of them. :)" DD: "I agree completely that they are completely deserving and just overall amazing members, those are two of my good friends. So Mayh3m let's talk halo 4 now. It's getting awfully close to the release, what edition are you getting and what do you plan on doing first when you start playing?" TM: "Well, first I am getting the standard edition. However I pre-ordered the game from Amazon.com so I could get the web skin and look like spiderman... hehe. The first thing I plan on doing in Halo 4 is playing through campaign, finding some screenshots of Cortana, and sending them to Jester (Pretty sure it will earn some brownie points). Jk. But I do plan on playing through campaign (Heroic first) and learning about what the new story will be about. So far I have not looked at any campaign spoilers and I won't until I actually beat campaign. After campaign I plan on playing some matchmaking and leveling up like a boss. Seems like every Halo game I always level up slower than everyone else. Anyways, after that I guess I will test out Spartan Ops, Forge, then Theater (If I haven't had a sick play before then). Maybe we can get a huge playdate going and play the new zombie mode. Who knows. :awesome:" DD: "Definitely will get you some brownie points from Jester . And the new Infection looks amazing, I think it's exactly what everyone's wanted for a long time now and people had been asking for it for some time now. That sounds like a solid plan for Halo 4 and it sounds like you're impressed and happy with what you saw as I'm sure everyone else is. So Mayh3m are you going to be at any of the Community Playdates coming up this weekend?" TM: "To be honest, I will try to make it to a playdate but I can't promise I will be there. My schedule is tight with school and work and my window of opportunity is small. I am trying to draw up some plans for some stuff.... But that's a different story (one that I won't get into lol . )I love getting to be a part of the play dates, but time is limited for me and that makes it hard for me to get to join them. Survivor is a handful as it is hehe. if I am able to open up some time then you all will certainly see me joining you all." DD: "That sounds great! I hope I get to play with you again! So could you please provide the readers with some advice on how to become as great a member and achieve as much as you?" TM: "Well, honestly I just respected those above me and didn't be anyone but me. I have always tried making quality posts and reporting anything bad I see. Being honest and throwing ideas out there. Shoot, I knew nothing about the Halo books, Prometheans forerunners, precursors, etc. until I asked someone about it. They invited me into a chat via the messenger and they explained it to me and it helped me understand better. So what I would tell anyone reading this is, be yourself, get involved, respect those over you, and have fun. Quality posts are better than quantity. Definitely. Building friendships here is a wonderful thing. So don't take those for granted either." So there it is! Part 1 of the Interviews Double Feature! If the font color for Mayh3m's responses is too hard to read GET A NEW COMPUTER SCREEN. No, just comment and I'll change it later for everyone, I've had someone in blue before but I put them as a darker blue and it actually was harder to read. This one looks ok by my standards. Comment, like, do whatever it is when you do when you read these because they're back and you might be next! But not really because someone is already next. But you could be after them!
  15. Not at all, in fact I have some coming soon and plan to revive this
  16. What an amazing episode. I knew she'd die unfortunately but that did not keep me from almost tearing when she did. What a great episode again
  17. Waiting to see who our November MoM is!

    1. Cooliest


      Me too. xD excitment is building.

  18. Words literally cannot express how happy I was with the effort put into this and how amazing it looked and how real it felt. It was like watching a thriller. Spectacular. I could've cried at amazing this episode was and I literally cannot wait for the next one
  19. This was an incredible find that only you are capable Adam. My theory is that they are giving out these symbols and these will be the password to a new terminal video
  20. Nope he's been inactive on the artifact URL since June 15, but I PMed him yesterday on that site. Highly doubt I'll be getting a reply haha
  21. Right but the only time I've ever heard it referenced was in Forward Unto Dawn and by Aurora Cygnus
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