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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. Anybody notice in Forward Unto Dawn what Laskey's superior says to him? "At the end of the game, the king and the pawn go back into the same box." A little suspicious no? Maybe our friend isn't fake after all?
  2. To me this looks like a human analysis of the remains of the Covenant recorded by ground contacts or prowlers surveying the planets. Any chance you can bring the pictures over?
  3. I guess we'll have to wait and see because the only things 343 has been releasing lately were the vidoc, the email, and Forward Unto Dawn... Doubt we'll find any clues there though
  4. I'd also like to know how many of these are in existence right now besides C and 3. Or those the only ones released so far?
  5. Well if anyone has ever read "The Impossible Life and Possible Death of Preston J. Cole" from Halo: Evolutions then you'd know it's very possible for him to be alive. I believe that he still has secret ties to the UNSC but did not want to live the military lifestyle anymore and keeps in touch under the codename: COALMINER. As far as SURGEON goes I'm drawing blanks but I'd like to believe it is someone that goes under the prefix Dr. I don't believe it's Halsey. Parangosky, being the head of ONI, is a good guess because she knows everything about Section III but from Adam's research it sounds like they're a little less important than the head of ONI
  6. Truly brilliant work and a great find Adam really
  7. This was the best way I could think for this election to end! Great job Zelda and Vplus2!
  8. YES IT'S ABOUT TIME. Choot's been a legend for as long as I've known him and has always been someone I looked up to. Huge congrats Choot
  9. Thank you to everyone who said happy birthday to me last week. I know I've been gone to the point where it felt like I was gone but I got oral surgery done last week and was in pain in bed all week and I'm back and there are events coming! Also thank you to the special members who said happy birthday to me on the 26th!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DarknessX03


      Would have said it then if I had been registered xD Happy belated birthday! ^_^

    3. DaveAtStateFarm


      i be late...happy birthday though!

    4. Drizzy_Dan
  10. Well if Choot's no longer running then I am nominating......... Sarge. !!!
  11. I nominate Choot 'em and he gets my vote as well. I love playing these mock election games haha
  12. Wow it's been a while. I haven't been taking a break actually from interviewing it's just that with transferring, work, and homework for classes I just transferred into, things got kind of busy. So I've been doing the interview process verryyy slowllyyyyy. That was my slow motion typing. This time we've got DocB. He actually gave it away in the shoutbox about a week ago but not too many people caught on , he's been my friend on here since a little after he joined pretty much. Me, him and Adam would spend hours trying to decode messages from 69086 AC while he was still posting (that lying piece of trash..). Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did: DD: "Doc, what's the reasoning behind your name 'DoctorB77'?" DOC: "Well the name DoctorB stands for Doctor Brendan. I originally tried DoctorB as my gamertag to find that it was already taken. So I added 77 on the end. The reason I chose 77 is because when I was 3 I started playing ice hockey. When we were choosing numbers I chose 77. I don't know why but that is what I picked. Anyway for the next 12 years I have always been the number 77 in my recreational leagues. Now the reason I chose DoctorB is in 6th grade I was forced to do a science fair project. However it ended up being the one thing that I enjoyed that year. Me and my partner decided to video tape us doing our experiment while I who was named DoctorB explained and performed. I am also interested in becoming a Doctor or be into a position in the medical field. So I hope to be called Doc online and in real life soon enough DoctorB77 has been my little superhero identity on the internet for the past 5 years. Even though I get an occasional Doctor877, most people just call me doc." DD: "That's an excellent aspiration, but a tough one. I hope your ready for many years of school . So if you don't mind me asking, what made you want to become a doctor?" DOC: "Well, I was born into a family of medicine. My parents are both pharmacists and they seem to enjoy what they do. I have always wanted to help other people and there are always people who need help. If I ever do go into the medical field and become a physical therapist or possibly a different theraputic profession I also want to study and try to do something to not just help patients but the world. I would study genetic mutations along with different forms of pyschotherapy. My family line on my fathers side unfortunatly has alziemers. My grandmother thinks I am a girl. I do enjoy science and anatomy and I hopefully get the chance to help hundreds or even thousands of people. But it helps to know that I can have a way to understand myself down to a cellular level." DD: "Wow that is truly amazing Doc and I think everyone reading would have to agree with me. You have very high goals and you sound confident in reaching them and I think that's a very admirable quality. Let's talk about your aspirations on here now though. Do you ever hope to assume a position of Staff on the site?" DOC: "Staff on this site would be quite amazing for me. I had recently tried to join the art department because both drawing and image editing is one of my good hobbies. I do not think that a moderator position is really suited for me right now so I do not really have any aspiration to become a mod. I hope that opportunity could come up in following years when I am around 17 or 18 and I am heading to college. So around when halo 5 is coming out I might try . My current goals on this site currently are - Win a Forge Contest - Beat Mr. Biggles in an MLG Match - Get the Absolute Dog award with a slice of pizza from My main goal though is to become friends with all on this site and try to be looked up to by a few :)" DD: "I would think that you are already looked up to already in a big way. I mean the DGL was not easy to get started am I right? Could you tell us the story of the DGL? Influences and progress and such?" DOC: "Thank you. That was a very nice comment. So for the DGL... I for a while saw Undead's tournements that he has been hosting and it seemed that people who were participating were having a lot of fun. I have always had a history of going balls out whenever I do something. So yes you could call me a bit of a try-hard . I wanted to run a tournement like him as well. But I never wanted it to end. So I came up with the idea of forming a league. The name just came to me I guess But I created the website over 2 days and worked on the rules, setup, and requirements for the league and the forge contest. After those two days I worked on the announcement thread. I had a couple people say they were interested and that excited me. I then released the forge contest sign-ups hoping tjat I would get to see some really good maps. I was very fortunate to catch the eye of one of our prestige forgers, Donut, who submitted his very unique map called Astonished Arch. After seeing his map I grew very excited to see what everyone else had. Then right before the buzzer skuumigummigubbe submitted his map as well as Absolute Dog saying he would contribute a map. After coming out of the forge contest I asked for sign-ups. Now at first a couple people jumped on the chance. But not enough to form a season. It really sucked to have gone through all of that work for nothing. After the failure of the DGL I went to try to see if I could host the Sig of the Week contest. That dropped like a rock as well. Then a few days later I see that Choot em had replied in the sign up thread in the most enthusiastic way I have ever seen. I messaged him amd said that the DGL was unfortunatly cancelled due to the low sign up count. Despite me telling him it was over he went out and sparked peoples interest by updating his status to talk about the DGL as well as to talk to people in the chatbox. Then I start tp see more members post on the closed sign up thread. I was then able to restart and recruit 12 members to play in a short 3 month long season 1. I want to really thank Choot for the support he gave. Without him I would have wasted hours upon hours of time spent on my computer setting up the DGL. Thank you so much Choot for keeping the DGL alive I also have to thank Absolute Dog for providing admistration and moral support to the league. The of course thanks to Donut and Skumm for making maps as well as Quantum who helped me judge them. Then of course thank you Dan for allowing me to do this in the first place along with the support you have given throughout. Sorry for the novel :P" DD: "Not a problem, that's all important info up there Doc! I've always supported your idea of the DGL since you first pitched it to me and I'm glad to see the way it's going. Me and Choot just had our match the other day actually, hello Choot 'em . And so with all the hard work you've put into the DGL, are the participants cooperating well enough for the league to progress? How are the matches going?" DOC: "The league is going very well. About 3/4 of the games are being played and that is a lot better than I had first expected. Mr. Biggles seems to really enjoy the DGL and was eager asking me when I was going to put up the third match list for season 1. He has completed all of his games almost immediately and destroying the competition while doing so. Gazzy Mill Mill and Skummgummigubbe also seem to be enjoying the league as well as Bullet and of course Choot Em . I think that we could have a lot more games being completed if we all would add eachother on our friends list for Xbox Live. But everyone who has signed has to know how much I appreciate them participating. They all really made me want to participate on this site more and I hope I am able to get them an award for doing so ." DD: "Doc let's get off the topic of your wonderful DGL and go deeper into DoctorB77. How did you come across the site and what made you become a member?" DOC: "Well, before I was on this site I was involved in a clan on Xbox Live called the 251st. I enjoyed my time there on the forum they had as well as with them online. However the group started to fall apart and I bailed out before it blew up in my face. Currently the group is in 3 pieces and I have decided not to get involved. After the failure of the group I was in I was talking to one of my friends about how cool it would be to have a halo game feature every single map ever in the halo franchise. Now I wanted to share this idea so I went over to the bungie.net forum. Now since they do not have discussion about Halo anymore I was given a link here by a bungie.net member. Now I asked around here and met Bullet. I asked that question in the Halo 4 thread and I am glad that I stayed. I stayed because I found that everyone was very kind and there was SO much information. I have been here active since. If you want to see that thread go here : http://www.343indust...hl__+halo +maps" DD: "I remember when I first joined. I felt like I belonged here from the beginning haha. What's your favorite game or game franchise besides Halo?" DOC: "Haha. My honest answer to that would be halo, but if I had to choose it would definetly be Assassins Creed by Ubisoft. The game is very fun to play and it is amazing how much work is put into it's creation. I have always been stealthy in video games and that is definetly my tactic in Halo reach. I may not be as good at shooting as the next guy but I will add on a few more assassinations in a game, whether it be some sprint from behind or a ninja in a stairwell. Assassins Creed also is fun to me because I can mess around a lot. In RPGs I tend to just do what entertains me. Assassins Creed can ensure that for me. :)" DD: "I love the Assassin's Creed franchise and I think Ubisoft does an amazing job at improving it with each game. Great choice . This is an honest opinion question now: What do you think of the site's new home page, the news hub?" DOC: "I love it. It is a really quick way to get all of the news that you want without sorting through opinional topics. The set up is very attractive and it is one of the greatest additions to the site. Whoever thought up of this wonderful idea should be awarded a medal. And thanks to all of the people who set it up to work. It has made this site seemingly more professional and more informative." DD: "I have to agree with you, I think it's great and convenient. Recently, 343i has made a HUGE collaboration with The Halo Forge Epidemic. What do you think overall of this collaboration and what it could mean for both of our communities?" DOC: "Well at first I was unsure about how I would feel about the THFE. I thought that it might just be some site that is just recruiting members and putting ads on the site. But after the forums and subforums were made I was very excited for the epidemic. The THFA has brought so many more members to our site and a lot of them have great talent in forging. I myself love looking at pictures of user-made mapd. The epidemic has not only brought new members but has inspired other members from our site to forge in the epidemic." DD: "Wonderful! Though I haven't met any of the new members from THFE I'm also a great supporter of our alliance with them. Now as someone who's made quite a name for themself by starting the site's first league of gaming, what advice do you have for members that look at what you've done and want to make a name for themselves as well?" DOC: "Thank you for the compliment. For all of those who want to make a name for yourself you dont need to do something huge like me. Just be a good member. Be active on the forum and in the shoutbox. Make friends and play with them online. If you do want to do something for the forum make sure you enjoy it and that you will not grow bored of it. Don't lone wolf it either. Have friends help and support you. But just make sure to enjoy yourself and try to make others happy as well. All in all, just be the best member you can possibly be :)" And there you have it! It took forever but this is back up and running and I'm currently working on two others as you read this! Two amazing other members on the site! Thank you Doctor for being awesome and having the patience to deal with my lateness and business, thank you 343i for being a second home to me that I don't think I could ever give up. And last but not least, thank you internet for being the internet. Watch out for the next ones, they might come out within the week!
  13. Great job to the 15 who made it this month, you all clearly deserve it . Can't wait for next month's!
  14. I didn't even realize this was made haha this is actually my first time making the list and my third time help create it! Bravo to everyone who made it and watch out for the new list coming soon!
  15. This latest ViDoc is nothing short of fantastic, truly
  16. A spectacular MoM post. Definitely a legend among these forums. Choot you're an awesome, charismatic, happy-go-lucky, member that everyone wants to be friends with and no one deserved it more this month than you buddy
  17. Finally some confirmation that he's in the game. I mean I already strongly believed he was in the game but this is solid proof! I think you should try to get this promoted to an article.
  18. I'm really liking the weapons I'm seeing so far. Halo 4 looks absolutely amazing if you ask me.
  19. I love this choice of MoM and I believe Choot deserves MoY
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