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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. This is excellent gameplay footage, very informative. But the guy playing is really annoying.
  2. Well yes the difference is though that this guy doesn't even work for 343 I don't think. It was fun but it would've been better if his clues made any sense
  3. He would've if he ever wanted to take on the job
  4. This is a great honor. Good for you both!
  5. Adding this to the Community Calendar Equinoxe
  6. Pretty sure this guy was a fake to begin with and we just all fell for it so hard haha
  7. His name's Rtas Vadum and I don't think he'll be in Halo 4 unfortunately
  8. I'm still a strong supporter of Twin's 'Call to Arms' thread and I think every step that CAN be taken, SHOULD be taken when it comes to getting Halo fans back together.
  9. An excellent find by Teh Spearhead! And thank you Adam for bringing this to us
  10. Good job Fail! We hope to see more of your failure in the future
  11. Actually judging by Johnson's screaming and that there's an animation I'd say it was more of an Easter Egg than a glitch
  12. YES. No more scrolling through and trying to find these or going to Skys' profile and looking at his topics. No need to give him more profile views...
  13. These just keep getting later and later and I apologize for that. I'd say I'm about two behind right now and after this it'll probably be three. The end of the summer is very busy for me but I'm not thinking about leaving or even saying that I'm leaving and then returning that afternoon. After this week I should be on top of everything and back on the site regularly, it's already started a little now. Anyway these threads aren't about me. This thread is specifically about Insignia: Chief of the Art Department. Insignia reminded me just how fun these could be so everyone please enjoy this read: DD: "How did you come upon the name 'Insignia' for your username on the site?" IN: "Well, originally I used my Gamertag as my username which was CRS Caboose at the time, but upon seeing another member named Caboose in the shoutbox on my first day, to avoid any issues I changed it to a name I have often used on other sites; Insignia. To me, it seems artistic. Defined as a distinguishing sign.... Ironic in a way, as that is what I now do for people.... ;)" DD: "And you are great at what you do it's shown through all of your sig work. How long have you been practicing graphic design and what program do you use?" IN: "Thanks man, you flatter me. I started with design work back when I was in school (About 9 years ago). Can't remember the programs I used back then but as time has moved on I have become quite partial to Adobe Software and currently use a mixture of CS5 and CS6. Primarily After effects and Photoshop. However, every so often I will pull out some 3D software to aid in design. Zbrush or 3D Max. It's always useful to have access to 3D models. I haven't used those techniques for anything on here yet though as it can be incredibly time consuming and it has not really been necessary." DD: "That's pretty awesome I gotta say. So you are our sole member of the Art Department on the site. What do you think about getting a new partner to assist you?" IN: "Well, for the moment, even with work I am pretty confident that I can pull off pretty much anything thrown my way. The sig shop isn't overly busy and I can pretty much cover most requests during my time off work. However, as the site grows and we get more members, I think it would be pretty stupid of me if I was not to ask for help at least lol. So yeah, I am not opposed to having a partner at all. So long as they are willing to put the work in and are not just after the sexy green name I would also like to say thank you to Quantum in this answer aswell for all his help with the sig requests whilst I have been busy! A partner without the title lol." DD: "I think Quantum is a great member and I wouldn't mind seeing his name in our lima bean green color haha. I like your spirit when it comes to your job here, that you can take on any of the requests you are given. It's very admirable and sets a great example. So we've had yet another addition to Staff lately and that is the addition of Azaxx to our Communications team running the Facebook page. No doubt Azaxx is a great member and will have no problem with this job so I want to ask what your relationship is with Azaxx, are you guys good friends would you say or is he someone you would want to get to know more?" IN: "Aha! Azaxx! I knew it was only a matter of time! Let me assure you that Aza and myself know each other well enough. A great member, an amazing friend but most of all, My arch nemesis! That's right, our friendship is just a facade.... I know he is secretly plotting against me. A plan so devious it may even beat my own plot again..... I shouldn't have said that. You heard nothing! In all though, I do believe he will be a great asset. Until we declare WW3 between us hehe. ;)" DD: "Hahah that's great! Last interview I talked about how Spectral leaving affected a member now I want to ask you Insignia what you think now that he's back and in orange alongside Absolute Dog. How do you think things on the site will be from here on out?" IN: "Well, for the short while I have known him, I believe that Spectral, along side Dog, is one of the people who makes this place run smoothly. It's great seeing him back in action and I just know that the site can only get better. Each of the members here is like a finely tuned gear. Spectral and Dog are the guys that keep the gears maintained. One of the gears breaks... well, out comes the hammer hehe. That's just the way I look at it though. With Jester back we can look onward and upward. :D" DD: "And I'm right there with you on that. It makes me nostalgic to when I had first joined and they were always in the shoutbox making jokes and playing pranks on members. I just hope it goes back to that. So Insignia, what's your favorite thing going on on the site right now?" IN: "Haha yeah, I have fallen victim to the power they have before. My favorite thing going on on the site? That is a hard question to answer. I am pretty hyped about the SWAT playdate, given that I should be able to get Reach again tomorrow. Other than that, we are getting great new members, all eager to make the community a better place so the whole site and the way the community is growing has to be my favorite thing. It's always good to see these things grow, and it's an honor to be a part of it." DD: "One thing I love is progression and this site is progressing a lot. The SWAT Playdate is definitely something to be excited about haha. So let's talk about Halo 4 now, we've seen a pretty good amount of news spring up recently. Ate you liking what you're seeing and are not worried about the game at all or how do you feel about Halo 4?" IN: "To be honest, I like the route that 343 have taken with Halo 4. In my opinion, they have given it exactly what it needed; A fresh new look. They have given Halo a new face, yet they have retained the feeling of halo. I know many people have compared it to other... and let's be honest here, lesser games, but from what I have seen so far, it is still Halo at heart. The look of it, the music, the sense of wonder you get. The only thing I am still not too sure on is the multiplayer armors. They just don't seem like Spartans to me. Still, definitely a game I'll be buying and no doubt, enjoying for hours at a time." DD: "Spartan IV's do look a bit skinnier than the other Spartans and I think that is mainly because of their armor. I usually ask questions about a main conflict going on on the site and the interviewee's views on that but right now there are none! Thankfully. So what is your most proud accomplishment on the site?" IN: "Lol, i could create a conflict? I would have to say I am proud to have made it onto the art dept so quickly. From green to light green in a month or so. :D" DD: "You might be the fastest member to join the Staff since joining along with Undead. You both chose to skip the ranks and go straight to the bright colors haha 'green to light green'. So as of now how much time woul you say you spent doing your job making signatures for people who have requested them?" IN: "As of this moment in time, not much as I have been quite busy working and helping get a brand new Bar/nightclub off to a start. As for overall time on the staff, when I began, it was pretty much day in day out, just trying to keep up on the requests. Thankfully, the shop hasn't had too many requests recently, and those who have requests waiting, I believe understand my current work situation. (I'll probably have knocked out a new batch of requests by the time this gets published, depending on work) Signature-wise, when creating a signature, the time in which I complete it all depends on the complexity of the request. Some, I can finish in as little as Ten minutes, where as others will take up to 2 hours. :)" DD: "Now that's dedication! Alright Insignia it's been great so far and I think we'd all love it if you could give us some words of wisdom!" IN: "Well, as far as wisdom goes, I can offer a little advice. When walking on water, ensure that the water is freezing before you venture out onto the lake. As far as words for those on site, the foundations have been layed, but only when we work together, can we build a great community. Treat others how you would wish to be treated, help out wherever possible and most of all, just enjoy yourselves!" Now that was fun . Thank you Insignia for a wonderful interview and to hopefully get me back into the swing of these. Thank you 343i for being such a great community and I can't wait to get to you next! Until next time!
  14. Why have I not seen a MAM list since June?

    1. The Director

      The Director

      Because Miniamp hasn't been on much lol

    2. Baby Boo

      Baby Boo

      Lol. Miniamp isn't as active...

  15. You have a knack for these Skys, I really do love every character!
  16. That's actually my major in school haha but I have to agree with Jester and Biggles on the matter although it's nice to know that you're being so friendly to the new members
  17. Miniamp this is probably one of the best threads I've ever read. Probably
  18. This is one of the best things I have ever read as long as I've been on the site. This is nothing short of fantastic and I NEED more Skys!
  19. These are insanely epic reads all the way through I freaking love these
  20. Wow. All I can say is wow and that was awesome. Bout to read Chapters 2 and 3 now
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