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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. Wow they really do look like Godzilla.. Why would they change the Jackals' faces though? Jackals are supposed to have beaks and be almost bird-like. I liked the other changes but not this one.
  2. I would definitely say that the numbers in the gif are found on three different terminals. They're identical sans two numbers.
  3. This was a long time coming. Congratulations Bunni!
  4. I have actually seen this video itself in the theater. They play it at certain Regal Cinemas here. I was going to video it but I knew someone else would have it up and didn't want to make the effort haha
  5. fzdw, fantastic! Really nice work and Choot, ..... "Scorpion Tank"
  6. It may not be July still in some of your countries but it's early in the evening in mine so we're going to count this as July. As you all know, the Top 15 List is something that has been coming out every two months because we get lazy and have to pull people together and compile lists and reasons why and all that. I won't get into it but just know that all of you are fantastic members. This list will not be ordered because in the Top 15, everyone in that group is number 1. And it is as follows: Absolute Dog CandiBunni A.K.A Ms. Mystic Archangel Tyrael Undead Smokin Shadowz ZB-85 Quantum Choot 'em DoctorB77 Bullet One adamj004 Insignia King Brony II SωєaмуBagєℓs So congrats to you all! You all showed how dedicated, nice, and (to describe everything in one word) great you are! Also thank you to the committee who helped make this list, job well done. I think we did this one right
  7. The only connections I can make between the three terminals is the Flood. The 4th terminal shows Guilty Spark passing Forerunner Lifeworkers in a lab of some sort that hold dormant Flood spores. The 9th is Keyes being taken over by the Flood. And the only thing I could make a connection to the Flood to in the 1st is that Guilty Spark warns the Pillar of Autumn about dangers being on the Installation.
  8. This is an incredible find Choot 'em, your sleuthing skills are unmatched! I'm going to look into this in great depth
  9. That's a good question. We really are all the "stars" but these are merely my opinions. People that stand out a lot to me and most others on the site
  10. I'm glad you're actually following up with this Hotdog good work!
  11. This is a good way to get more good members the attention they deserve!
  12. This interview was so late that I could've posted it for the upcoming week's interview. This week was a busy one. Every time I found free time it was destroyed by people. Crushed into debris... Anywho let's not talk about me, let's talk about One! Yes One, our fine Moderator . Enjoy: DD: "One, why is your name One?" ONE: "I pretty much chose the name because it wasn't taken. When I joined this site was fairly new so I thought I'd get a good, short name to go by, and this is what I thought of. Nothing exciting, lol." DD: "But you're number One! Like Smitty Werben Yeggerman-Jensen! That's very exciting. Can you tell everyone how long you've been a Moderator here?" ONE: "I have...no idea who Smitty is, so i don't know whether to take it as a compliment or insult, I'l go with both. I have been a mod for 3 months maybe? I can't remember what I had for dinner last night so I don't even know if I got that right." DD: "It was a Spongebob reference, just ignore that completely. I know Fire will understand if he reads this haha. On a very serious note however, before, there was you, Vitamin, Fire, and GSD playing the sneaker beaver on the Mod squad. Now GSD's out of hiding and Fire is no longer a Moderator. Are the Mods still looking for a spot at the moment or do you think 3 is enough?" ONE: "right now, I'm not going to say if there is a mod spot open or not. I can say however that at the moment, I feel as though the site has a very capable group of moderators. But, it wouldn't hurt to have more." DD: "I think we are fine with or without a new one. It's good to hear the viewpoints of a time like this from a Moderator's position though. How do you feel about the new Staff change around we had recently?" ONE: "While it is sad to see Staff go, the reasons are always justified, so there is no need to get worked up about the changes. But while we lost staff, we also gained 2 great assests to the team. All the staff do a good job and I know they will continue to do a fantastic job." DD: "I agree with you there. Shoutbox misconduct has been a growing problem over the past few weeks, with you being a Moderator it's very important to get your views on this. Do you think shoutbox misconduct is minimizing or is it still continuing?" ONE: "It seems like, from what i hear and see, it still continues. The shoutbox is the instant thing people see upon opening the site, and we need to make sure it looks good. The mods try and make sure this happens, but there needs to be effort on the members part too." DD: "That's disappointing seeing as the shoutbox conduct thread was made a few weeks ago. For the readers who haven't seen it, please read it here http://www.343indust...for-moderators/. I've heard more than once that being a Moderator is a tough and sometimes thankless job. What keeps you on the site as a Moderator?" ONE: "Well, seems like I'm the only mod that signed the contract saying if I leave they kill my family.... But no, I stay because there is no reason to leave. I enjoy my time here and hope to stay for as long as this site remains up. You can't get rid of me easily!" DD: "That's a great attitude for a Moderator to have and I'm sure you're not alone on that, Vitamin and Shep most likely feel the same way . On average how many PMs do you deal with on a daily basis?" ONE: "uh, honestly, most days I don't even get PM's, lol. How many do people think mods get? :P" DD: "Billions. I thought Mods get PMs every day about awards and complaints and a whole bunch of other crap. Anyway haha what's your favorite thing about coming onto the site ?" ONE: "I'd have to say the best thing about this site has to be the community. It is one of the best I've experienced." DD: "I love that answer when the guests give it. The community is what this site is all about, it's so much different than every other site it's great. And what do you like to do most when you're on this site?" ONE: "I probably use the shoutbox more then anything, so I'd have to say I like that the most, it's nice to just have a place where people can IM chat on site, rather then have to use PM's, I don't see chatboxes on sites much and think it's a fantastic addition to the site.Except when people spam emotes....I hate those things." DD: "I think everyone's a fan of the shoutbox and that's right, not a lot of sites have one. Ok One, to conclude this please give a final message to te readers: words of wisdom maybe?" ONE: "Me? Wisodm? Hah, that's not right. Anywaaay..um...I'd have to say, trust what the mods say. If they do something it's been thought out, you'll generally lose if you challenge them." Ah another one down. Great final answer if you ask me, I think that's something members should all keep in mind. Thanks One for taking the time out to do this and being patient while I was gone. Thank you 343i Community for being awesome because without you all this would not exist. The next interview is going to be late, I'm just going to come out and say it now. There's no avoiding it haha. Look out sometime this week!
  13. I still have faith. And if it's fake me and Adam are hunting him and killing him
  14. No homo (also no offense for that phrase) but I was going to say the same thing haha
  15. That's great news good for your site. Good luck to you
  16. This is a sad sad read for me. Who's going to be the first like on all my interviews?? Azaxx I wish you the best of luck in the real world
  17. Nice! Saw some weapons I had not heard about, those are good pics!
  18. 343iBot - The first female bot to steal the hearts of thousands of members
  19. I'd like to move past our differences and wish your site the best CyReN
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