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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. I'm with you Biggles, this does not look balanced
  2. I agree. I think it's enough that the Plasma Pistol EMPs vehicles. If you can start with an EMP grenade in your load out there will be no use for vehicles.
  3. I think P-1609 has a really interesting theory. Precursors were a civilization known for being transentient life forms which means they could live like AIs and do this. With Flood being created by the AI and sharing many qualities such as transentience. The Graveminds are already able to control Flood forms from another galaxy with this and I'd say it is very possible for the Timeless One to have sent himself to a different body of a different Gravemind. Maybe is the at the top of all Graveminds? All in all I doubt he's gonna be in Halo 4 because 343 said that we will be seeing no Flood.
  4. Yea Derp King that's kind of what's happening
  5. That's me in the middle. Those are my girlfriends on each side of me
  6. Welcome to the forums. I hope you like it here!
  7. This makes sense actually. I guess we'll have to see how the campaign ends.
  8. If Precursors came to Earth then we'd be so screwed I think. Seeing as we haven't met them I wouldn't really know how tough they are other than what I've read. You think Halo 5 would take place on Earth again?
  9. Alright so we know what Spartan Ops is by now and have seen gameplay and all but what or who we don't see is the Master Chief. It makes sense because we're all assuming Chief won't be around. But why won't Chief be around? Do you think he goes on a wild chase to end something like the end of Halo 2 or do you think he's on the Infinity just not going into the Ops?
  10. In the concept video? Was it?
  11. The Precursors created the Flood with Transentience like themselves and the Prometheans you see in Halo 4 are just a new enemy class. The Prometheans of the time of the Forerunners were the warrior caste
  12. I would download the video and snapshot the image to get a better comparison next to the others but this video's way too big and that'd be pointless. If you keep the video at 10:34-10:35 you can see the similarities between all three images. The image in the video has the same large light with two small lights on either side at the top of the figure as the picture pieced together by the concept art video. And it has a long tentacle-like arm I'd say or just a long arm like the ones seen on the image on the left in the drawing. Although I see the resemblance to the Promethean Knight and hope it is an early drawing of the Promethean Knight in the shadows because I don't believe Precursors will make an appearance in this game. The image in the video has the same smaller, inner arms, but the outer arms are different whereas on the Promethean Knight they seem to not be attached and are floating on the side.
  13. I have a question slayerofall, so you already know the Primordial was a Gravemind as you stated above. So if you think he is in the game then you would think the Flood is in the game as well?
  14. 10:34. Major major find right there. That resembles the picture pieced together of what was thought to be a Precursor from parts of the concept art video. And this certainly answers my question of whether the Flood has a part at all in Halo 4. It was said that we wouldn't be fighting the Flood but not said whether they'd make an appearance. Until now.
  15. It was both. Precursors and Flood were the same... And different. As for the picture above on the right, it's not even a full picture. It's parts from the concept art video reflected, and pieced together in a way that it could possibly resemble a Precursor. The pic on the left is a fan-made drawing of what a Precursor is thought to look like.
  16. We'll be finishing it. Absolute Dog will be heading it once again
  17. I think it'll feel like Halo: CE mixed with some fast paced awesomeness like in Halo 2 and the core gameplay and competitiveness of Halo 3. Therefore, it is the perfect game.
  18. Did they? Do you think you can link a video?
  19. That was a clear throwing of the Oddball, which is now a blue flaming skull.
  20. Drizzy_Dan


    Sangheili don't age like humans do, they have longer life spans
  21. They have to remake all the classic MLG maps, I bet it'll be announced later. They have to give it a chance
  22. John this is pretty cool, if you've ever seen Halo: Evolutions and seen the weapons used by the Prometheans it really resembles their actual weapons!
  23. Drizzy why are the Interviews getting later and later?? BECAUSE FACE IT, THEY'RE GETTING OLD. ... Ahem, ahh but the life is young in this one. With so much hype surrounding this member I couldn't not interview him. So without further delay, here's our lucky number 13: Undead. Enjoy... DD: "Alright Undead, with a Gamertag like Map The Streets, how'd you choose this username for the forums?" UD: "Well I got 'Map The Streets' from a song by a band named 'Senses Fail' and my forum name 'Undead' came from the band 'Hollywood Undead' I really enjoy music and its actually a big part of my life." DD: "I love Senses Fail, and music is a major part of my life. Mainly Hip-Hop but Senses Fail is a great band that me and my friend like. Do you have any musical talents or hobbies that involve music?" UD: "Not really haha. The only thing I can really play is the Piano. I taught myself how to play a few Hollywood Undead songs but that's about it. I just let the professionals make the music then I listen to it. :P" DD: "Alright still cool, still cool haha. Alright so you are our comminuty's newest Member of the Month. How shocked were you about that? How does it make you feel to know that you are so appreciated and respected among the users on the site?" UD: "When I first got the Private Message from Arch I couldn't believe it. I was extremely happy that I made an impact on this great forum and that a lot of people thought I deserved it. I'm very honored to be Member of the Month and I'll continue to contribute and show my love to this site until I die. I love this site and everyone on it." DD: "That's awesome Undead. That's what we like to hear from our MoMs haha. These Undead Tornament's that you have set up, how did you think of an idea of hosting a tournament each month?" UD: "Actually it was only going to be a onetime thing until me and Jester talked about it. He told me I could make an award for it and I changed it to a monthly thing. But my Swat tournament for this month isn't going all that well. I still need a handful of teams to be able to start it. But it will be done. :)" DD: "I'm very sorry to hear that Undead. For anyone who wants to be in the tournament or is in the tournament and has not PMed Undead about teams, here is the link: http://www.343indust...ds-tournament-2. I think the monthly tournament idea is very fun and good for getting the members together. What is your avatar picture from?" UD: "To be honest I had 'Insignia' make me this avatar and I think he did an amazing job! I think he said it was from an old movie or something but he definitely did a good job." DD: "Yes I'd say he did an awesome job. I love insignia's work, he rendered my Award . Ok now this is a big dilemma that's been brought to attention many-a-times on the site recently, what do you think of members' behavior in the shoutbox? Do you feel the shoutbox is going downhill?" UD: "Its not really going 'downhill' but there are times where its hard to even have a nice conversation without being rudely interrupted. But other than that the shoutbox is an amazing place to be. Especially when all the funny people are on. haha" DD: "Haha so are people you enjoy talking to in the shoutbox or what do you like to talk about with anyone in it of you have no one in particular in mind?" UD: "I just kind of go with the flow. Whatever people are talking about and I can relate to it or just chime in I do it. But if the shoutbox is kind of "dead" I start talking about music or new games coming out. That usually works but if it doesn't I just go help out on the forum the best I can." DD: "Which is what we love about you on the site Undead . When you're not on the site what are you up to?" UD: "I'm usually chilling with my friends or playing video games on my PC or Xbox. I tend to play Basketball and Football on my spare time as well." DD: "Nice you sound like a very laid back individual haha what do you like most about the site?" UD: "Thanks haha. And I love all the Halo information on this site and the community. I honestly think this site wouldn't be as good as it is without the amazing members that are on this site." DD: "I have to agree with you 1000% percent on that one. Every member is just great and they bring so much to the table. So Undead, as we conclude your spectacular interview, what is your advice to the members who admire you and your Member of the Month title?" UD: "Just keep up the good work and stay active. Also be noticed. If you want to be noticed be helpful, nice, and be yourself." Simple and to the point, he is. Thank you Mr. Hollywood Undead for the great interview . The answers reminded me of ZB's from the very first one in a way. Sorry to Mr. Bullet if this is your text color, when I interview you I will change this slightly then make this yours and bolden it. If this is not your text color then I am not sorry... But you're a great guy ! Anyway thank you to everyone who still reads these and enjoys these, the fact that you ask me where the interviews are when they're late fuels me to keep making these. The last thing I want to do is bore you all. I love you 343i, watch out for next week's Star!
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