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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. This is a slight example of favoritism this thread but it's all in good fun! Well there are too many members that I like so this isn't necessariily a top ten this is just the ones I can think of and I made a list: 10. theorix - Graphic artist extraordinaire, working on a little picture for my award! Definitely on my top ten! 9. Nova - One of the oldest members on the site. Absolutely, positively dedicated. One of my favorite interviewees truly and is also extremely polite 8. Choot 'em - Excellent forum member and former holder of my staff position. Father, husband, and just an extremely dedicated member of the site. 7. Quantum - In all seriousness, if I ever lost my title for whatever reason I'd want Quantum to have it next. I'm really hoping I don't though. Quantum is a fantastic and interesting member of the site. 6. miniamp - Mini is definitely one of the funniest members I've met on the sight. Is Most Attractive Members threads are great, they always have more than what they say they do and his profile pictures always make me laugh a little. 5. Vitamin PWN - Such a great Community Moderator. Always on top of things like reposting, shoutbox spamming, and thread spam and language. All new members should get to know Vitamin immediately. 4. Absolute Dog - If you don't have AD on your list your list is wrong and must be edited. Absolute Dog, the now Legendary Member, had done nothing but help and tend to this forum and I love the times when I see him pop on. 3. Spetral Jester - Extremely attentive Moderator. Always replies to PMs and is always on top of things. He has a great sense of humor and that's a great way to get my attention and me to like you. He banned me once as a joke and that taught me to NEVER do anything against the rules 2. adamj - Not a hard choice. Adam and I have gotten along ever since I joined the SIR thread and he's a valued member of the News Group. I like to think of him as a good friend of mine on or off the site. 1. ZB - The nicest member to hit this forum. He is The Welcomer because he welcomes everyone as they come in just like 343iBot. He's a sincerely generous and very interesting member and he lives about 3 or 4 hours away from me! Zis eez my leest.
  2. I'm pretty sure he's waiting till after E3
  3. It's very cowardly if you ask me but HLG is good for beta testing. That's the only thing I can think of it being good for
  4. Once a month is good and I am all about this podcast for the forums idea, I think it's awesome.
  5. Welcome to the site Trevor, you'll like it a lot here and you sound like you want to be here for a while. I hope you are
  6. All the greatness comes from the interviewees and from the members that read and comment. I just have tons of fun doing this haha it's you guys that make it great!
  7. Hmm I shall take this into consideration Doc. I'll look for a good font color for myself now!
  8. The rule is that the interviewee can't know they're next until I tell them. But you're on the list Fal I'm very interested in the Sangheili lifestyle and could see that as a great interview.
  9. This interview was extremely fun I just want to say before hand. Choot 'em is an excellent member and if you weren't stricken with excitement when you saw the title you're brain is uncooked scrambled eggs in a bowl. Beaten and ready to fry on the pan but just sitting in the bowl as a yellow thick gloppy liquid. Ok but back on topic this is how the interview went down. Enjoy: DD: "What does your name mean Choot 'em? And how'd you come up with it?" C'E: "Always with the name, lol. It is the saying 'Shoot him' with a strong Louisiana accent. The name Choot 'em was chosen as a username because of my roots in Louisiana. It's a saying that the great alligator hunter, Troy Landry, has become famous for." DD: "It's a necessary question! Myself and other people I'm sure are glad to know this now! Your member title is 'Retired Staff.' What position on staff did you have exactly?" C'E: "When promoted to Staff, I was Community Events Coordinator (the position you currently hold, lmao) and also a part of the News Group. My main priorities were scheduling and hosting playdates, giveaways, and challenges for the community to participate in." DD: "Events Co-Ordinator and News Group that was a lot on your plate! So why did you decide to retire? Do you enjoy the forum life of a member better?" C'E: "Unfortunately I had to retire because of personal family matters that needed attending to and could not give the full devotion I was once able to. I took the position and title, along with all responsibilities that came with it, very seriously. To answer your second question, I was ALWAYS just a member, even with the title of Staff. It's no different. Always a member first! (AD taught me that)" DD: "Very well said Choot 'em and I think that's a great way to think of membership on the site. When you were able to come back to the forums, did you think about getting your position back?" C'E: "I think about it everyday Drizzy. It was a great honor to be a part of the few that were there and I was very proud to know that the Administration, Mods, and Staff recognised the energy I could bring to the site." DD: "And the energy that you continue to bring to the site. Every time I see a post from you it's a must view . Your thread about Memorial Day was very nice by the way, it was a great thing to do. So Choot 'em you're a parent and husband so I know for a fact you're a busy man. How do you blow off steam and relax when you have time off?" C'E: "Time off?? Seriously, lmao! I hardly ever get a break. My children are always involved in some kind of activity and if they are involved then I am involved. Relaxing time for me is spending valuable quality time with my wife." DD: "And that's just awesome. I'm glad I caught you at this rare time when you're available haha. What is your favorite thing here on the forum?" C'E: "I enjoy reading the community views and opinions on different aspects of the entire Halo universe. It really is quite a diverse group here. It is an honor to be a part of it." DD: "It truly is an honor to be apart of this and you are one of the most honorable members on this site. What is one of your best memories on here?" C'E: "I don't consider myself to be among the most honorable, lol. Best memories....hmm....(may take a while, i'm old, lmao). The best memories I have are the times spent on XBL with members of the site battling it out in Halo 3 / Reach MM. Absolute Dog joking around and consantly betraying me, imakequilts getting her revenge for the 31 day challenge, AgentLoFi always having my back, and Vitamin Pwn inserting a grenade magnet in the back pocket of my Mark VI. The hilarious incidences of name-changing in the shoutbox are also a timeless classic, lol." DD: "Trust that you are Choot. Vitamin mentioned that when I interviewed him, it sounded like quite a time! What makes a member stand out to you when you see them on the forums? And who is a member that does stand out to you?" C'E: "The way a person presents his or herself in their posts and in the shoutbox and their sincere desire to want to do more for the site. As for the last question....I think I will let that one remain unanswered as there are many unique personalities here, all of which I enjoy the company of." DD: "You're also quite the graphic artist, I don't know if people realize it but what program do you use and how long did it take to learn to do the things you do?" C'E: "Me a graphic artist? Not hardly, lol. I use Gimp 2.6. I began using it to create my own sigs for the forums here because I found it interesting and just began to test out different functions that the program had to offer. I guess you could say I 'self-learnt' myself, lol. Trial by error. I have only been using it for approximately 6 months with very little actual time invested in it." DD: "Yea and your signature and profile picture look great to me. And your ability to recreate symbols using it is awesome like how you recreated the Forerunners letters you use for your signature. Choot 'em, you may not be aware but you are and will always be an immensely respected member here. And for those reading that do not know Choot 'em, get to know him. Choot, what would you like to say to newer members who want to follow in your footsteps in contributing to this forum?" C'E: "The same message I have always said.... 'Contribute to contribute, not for reward nor recognition. For the members.....by a member.' :thumbsup:" I had a great time with the always cheerful Choot 'em and he ended on a great note with his signature thumbsup smiley. Thank you Choot for agreeing to be interviewed and not making me beg and thank you for just being you on here: someone that the other members respect and look up to. Interviews are back to TUESDAY! See ya next week!
  10. If you don't like my next interviewee, you are an enemy to this forum

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Azaxx


      Spectral Jester

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      No! No more guesses! It's a secret!

    4. Azaxx


      Nevar! Moar guesses!

  11. I will personally lead a right in New York City if this happens. I doubt it will cuz Barack is cool as ish but every gamer in New York is gonna riot
  12. Monday Night Matchmaking starts now!

  13. Enemy Azaxx fainted. Fal 'Taralumee gained 575 exp. Fal 'Taralumee is now level 54! Welcome Fal I feel like we've met before... Strange.
  14. Why are we ruling out the possibility of 343 making a totally new species until we encounter Forerunners, ancient threats and such?
  15. I feel like multiplayer for ODSTs would be like a Halo version of Rainbow Six. There should be something like spartan ops where you complete actual missions as an ODST in a squad (with successful drops and everyone stays together). I think it'd be awesome to make another new character and not take the viewpoint of one that already exists and have it take place post-war where the rebels are cooperating with the covenant
  16. I actually do. I wanted it to be CE Multiplayer and was disappointed when I found out it was Reach maps. The Anniversary playlists are alright though I guess
  17. Interviews are moving back to Tuesdays due to my work schedules and how late we get them done on Mondays

  18. I'd like to use this thread to honor my friend who's in boot right now for the Marine Corps. He's not dead but I sure as hell miss the memories we've had. Can't wait till he graduates so we can see him before he gets shipped off.
  19. I'm so happy to be staff and not just to say that I'm part of the staff like I'm genuinely happy that I can do something for this community because that's what every Dedicated Member dreams of doing. So I'm going to do the best I can, I don't like to disappoint. I'm glad to see John back on the staff as well . Thank you Jester, Tyrael, One, VitaPWN, Adam, Fire, Biggles, Mayh3m, theorix, and Twam for seeing this potential in me that I had no idea you saw. :unworthy:
  20. Welcome to the forums Vplus2, Halo 3 was awesome and is still my favorite right now. Have a good time on here!
  21. I LOVE X-Men. I've seen all the shows old and new but have not read the comics and I've seen all the movies and I love the way the movies represent the characters. If I were a mutant I'd want Boom Boom's powers. I mean I know she's a girl but those little time bombs are freaking awesome and can be used for many things haha. I've been a fan for like 4 years only but love them nonetheless. My favorite Marvel movie was X3: The Last Stand because it had an amazing finale. AVENGERS WAS AWESOME and better than X3 but that doesn't make it my favorite.
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