This interview was extremely fun I just want to say before hand. Choot 'em is an excellent member and if you weren't stricken with excitement when you saw the title you're brain is uncooked scrambled eggs in a bowl. Beaten and ready to fry on the pan but just sitting in the bowl as a yellow thick gloppy liquid. Ok but back on topic this is how the interview went down. Enjoy:
DD: "What does your name mean Choot 'em? And how'd you come up with it?"
C'E: "Always with the name, lol. It is the saying 'Shoot him' with a strong Louisiana accent. The name Choot 'em was chosen as a username because of my roots in Louisiana. It's a saying that the great alligator hunter, Troy Landry, has become famous for."
DD: "It's a necessary question! Myself and other people I'm sure are glad to know this now! Your member title is 'Retired Staff.' What position on staff did you have exactly?"
C'E: "When promoted to Staff, I was Community Events Coordinator (the position you currently hold, lmao) and also a part of the News Group. My main priorities were scheduling and hosting playdates, giveaways, and challenges for the community to participate in."
DD: "Events Co-Ordinator and News Group that was a lot on your plate! So why did you decide to retire? Do you enjoy the forum life of a member better?"
C'E: "Unfortunately I had to retire because of personal family matters that needed attending to and could not give the full devotion I was once able to. I took the position and title, along with all responsibilities that came with it, very seriously.
To answer your second question, I was ALWAYS just a member, even with the title of Staff. It's no different. Always a member first! (AD taught me that)"
DD: "Very well said Choot 'em and I think that's a great way to think of membership on the site. When you were able to come back to the forums, did you think about getting your position back?"
C'E: "I think about it everyday Drizzy. It was a great honor to be a part of the few that were there and I was very proud to know that the Administration, Mods, and Staff recognised the energy I could bring to the site."
DD: "And the energy that you continue to bring to the site. Every time I see a post from you it's a must view . Your thread about Memorial Day was very nice by the way, it was a great thing to do. So Choot 'em you're a parent and husband so I know for a fact you're a busy man. How do you blow off steam and relax when you have time off?"
C'E: "Time off?? Seriously, lmao! I hardly ever get a break. My children are always involved in some kind of activity and if they are involved then I am involved. Relaxing time for me is spending valuable quality time with my wife."
DD: "And that's just awesome. I'm glad I caught you at this rare time when you're available haha. What is your favorite thing here on the forum?"
C'E: "I enjoy reading the community views and opinions on different aspects of the entire Halo universe. It really is quite a diverse group here. It is an honor to be a part of it."
DD: "It truly is an honor to be apart of this and you are one of the most honorable members on this site. What is one of your best memories on here?"
C'E: "I don't consider myself to be among the most honorable, lol.
Best memories....hmm....(may take a while, i'm old, lmao). The best memories I have are the times spent on XBL with members of the site battling it out in Halo 3 / Reach MM. Absolute Dog joking around and consantly betraying me, imakequilts getting her revenge for the 31 day challenge, AgentLoFi always having my back, and Vitamin Pwn inserting a grenade magnet in the back pocket of my Mark VI. The hilarious incidences of name-changing in the shoutbox are also a timeless classic, lol."
DD: "Trust that you are Choot. Vitamin mentioned that when I interviewed him, it sounded like quite a time! What makes a member stand out to you when you see them on the forums? And who is a member that does stand out to you?"
C'E: "The way a person presents his or herself in their posts and in the shoutbox and their sincere desire to want to do more for the site. As for the last question....I think I will let that one remain unanswered as there are many unique personalities here, all of which I enjoy the company of."
DD: "You're also quite the graphic artist, I don't know if people realize it but what program do you use and how long did it take to learn to do the things you do?"
C'E: "Me a graphic artist? Not hardly, lol. I use Gimp 2.6. I began using it to create my own sigs for the forums here because I found it interesting and just began to test out different functions that the program had to offer. I guess you could say I 'self-learnt' myself, lol. Trial by error. I have only been using it for approximately 6 months with very little actual time invested in it."
DD: "Yea and your signature and profile picture look great to me. And your ability to recreate symbols using it is awesome like how you recreated the Forerunners letters you use for your signature. Choot 'em, you may not be aware but you are and will always be an immensely respected member here. And for those reading that do not know Choot 'em, get to know him. Choot, what would you like to say to newer members who want to follow in your footsteps in contributing to this forum?"
C'E: "The same message I have always said....
'Contribute to contribute, not for reward nor recognition. For the a member.' :thumbsup:"
I had a great time with the always cheerful Choot 'em and he ended on a great note with his signature thumbsup smiley. Thank you Choot for agreeing to be interviewed and not making me beg and thank you for just being you on here: someone that the other members respect and look up to. Interviews are back to TUESDAY! See ya next week!