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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. This is true, 3530 RG told me he had no relation to SIF but then again SIF was trying to tell us he had no relations to 3530 RG anyway. He told us he was merely someone who was researching like we were. But the idea of him being a red herring to throw us off is very plausible. I haven't had contact with him since April 28th however (SIF). And the last PM I sent to 3530 must not have been worded how he liked so he didn't respond. He only responds to questions he can or wants to answer and I must've asked the wrong one haha and he's not so nice I don't want to bother him for another while lol
  2. Unfortunately Viva Frank already said the Arbiter will not make an appearance in the campaign but will definitely be in Spartan Ops
  3. I don't know if it's just because there are a lot of people using our school's wifi or what but I've been having trouble loading this page

    1. Azaxx


      Actually, i am having problems with the shoutbox, happened yeaterday, and happening again

    2. One


      I blame the new members.

  4. That's whacky Choot, good analysis! I wonder if you could mark all those cities on a map and connect all of them together with lines and find the center point? Would that be outrageous or what if this turned out to be a major clue haha
  5. And then you should get The Fall of Reach, The Flood, First Strike, Contact Harvest, and the Cole Protocol
  6. Um. Interesting introduction Majora. Welcome to the forums.
  7. Terminal 1 - Present: 044657. (21 characters, on the POA) Terminal 2 - Past: 000003. (18 characters, on Installation 04) Terminal 3 - Present: 100002. (21 characters, on Truth & Reconciliation) Terminal 4 - Past: 044657. (21 characters, on Installation 04) Terminal 5 - Past: 044657. (21 characters, on Installation 04) Terminal 6 - Past: 044657. (21 characters, on Installation 04) Terminal 7 - Past: 89875. (20 characters, on Installation 04) Terminal 8 - Past?: 051207. (21 characters, on Installaion 04) Terminal 9 - Present: 044657. (21 characters, on Truth & Reconciliation Terminal 10 - Present: 100002. (21 characters, on POA) Terminal 11 - Present: 100002. (21 characters, ???) This was made by fzdw a while back. I'm bringing this back because along with some audio work, this is driving me crazy. There has to be an answer in these terminal numbers. They're a filing system but how does it work? I also wanted to stir up some ideas between everyone. Remember, this is fzdw's not mine.
  8. Well none of the pictures are real so I wouldn't consider them leaks really
  9. Welcome split second you sound like a cool guy. As stated above me if you need help just ask by throwing it in the shout box or PMing a member. Welcome and enjoy!
  10. THAT. IS. AWESOME. I have Elamite's signature haha
  11. I wanna thank you every time you bring great news to us on the forums Adam but it happens so often that I'm afraid it'll get redundant and I'll get a warning for boosting post count by thanking you every time Keep it up bud
  12. Choot you can't leave this thread. And if you do at least share what SIF tells you in the PM. But forget that, because you're not leaving. We need you here. Every time it says Choot 'em repllied to this thread I'm like oh crap we got a big find here!
  13. His realness is on the fence. He knows a good amount about the Halo Universe and talks like an AI and what not but he makes mistakes accidentally. Grammatical errors. So I've PMed him in the past and we've had long conversation but I'm still unsure how real he is.
  14. That is true but he's missing and no one knows where he is and I highly doubt we'll ever hear from him again in the Halo Universe
  15. Stated in Dr. Halsey's journal with the Legendary Edition of Halo: Reach. It says her "Spartian guardian" was shot in the back defending her.
  16. Thank you guys for being interested in the topic and don't think that I won't get to you. Everybody wants to know a little more about everybody. I just try to keep it random and satisfying as possible.
  17. He actually PMed me in default but I saw that he used this color in the thread you made so I used it here haha he doesn't use it permanently.
  18. True but I just can't see the Forerunners being an enemy to us. Or not a permanent enemy at least.
  19. The Didact maybe? BlackBox the AI of the UNSC Infinity? There is no better way to thank you for your awesome news than with the Assist Award. You deserve it dude
  20. Adam I haven't read the whole thing yet but I will. I just want to tell you AWESOME JOB BUDDY before hand on this find. Wow.
  21. No they're absolutely at a higher level of reading and totally appropiate for adults. They're written amazingly. I'm only 18 but I can tell you for sure that they're a great read. You can go to amazon.com and search them up and see previews of the insides of them if that helps. I recommend picking up Halo: The Fall of Reach first because it is the first book in the Halo Saga.
  22. I think 343 should make a Halo 4
  23. Week 4 of these interviews, I'm surprised. Thank you 343i Community Forum once again for supporting these. This week I chose a member of the community staff and previous MoM to interview: Mr. Biggles! Now, let's go on board with our MLG expert and gaming guru Mr. Biggles (Chris Puckett voice). DD: "Most of the other members who have been here a while and myself know why your name is what it is but for people who do not know that will read this, would you mind explaining the origin of the name Mr. Biggles?" BIGGS: "Basically, biggles was a fictional character out of a book called "Biggles Learns To Fly" and since i like the idea of flight and my mum always calls me "biggles", i always thought it was nice, and i always like been called Mr, so, Mr + Biggles = Mr.Biggles :D" DD: "That's very sweet. So what's your favorite thing about the site in general?" BIGGS: "The forums, i love the forums and how many people like to express their opinions about stuff, and just in general. i love how the community is quite close together compared to most communities and how the forums actually bring us closer together. The forums are bascially the heartbeat of the forum and im only too happy to be a part of them." DD: "Yes and you've done a great deed for this forum by bringing the idea of the 'Offbeat Items' forum and the Facebook page . What would you say is your motto, or what is a quote that you really admire?" BIGGS: "Practice Makes Perfect. i like this quote or saying rather because its so true, no matter how much natural ability you have at something, if you practice, you are going to be much better at it obviously, and this is what i do for EVERYTHING, i practice, practice, practice until im really good at it and beat everyone, a good example of this is halo, and this quote means quite a lot to me because i have examples to back it up." DD: "I could see that. Record is 24 and 0 in the forums in MLG 1v1s that's very impressive! How were you introduced to MLG and what kept you involved in that aspect of the Halo?" BIGGS: "i just played it, there was no introduction, i was terrible at it originally but i improved, and with some tactics and playing with better people i improved so much, always play with better people, it improves you so quickly. and ive always been good at 1v1s, and thats because of my MLG experience;." DD: "With that being said then how do you feel about Halo: Reach's MLG competitions being held online and not at the events anymore?" BIGGS: "im gutted but im not surprised, halo has been in going downhill since 2011 with halo reach bloom and sprint, no one liked it, and by the time it was changed, it was too late, halo is retty much a dead game MLG wise, and eventually it will be dropped permanently most likely as it brings no profit. Overall, im unhappy but it isn't a shock." DD: "I used to be really into MLG during Halo 3 days, even attended the Meadowlands event as a spectator. I just remember the immense joy of competition and winning a tough game of CTF AMP and what not. I am deeply upset that they took it out but I have to agree with you that with Reach not appealing to the MLG community's playstyle. When was the first time you encountered Halo in general?" BIGGS: "First day of halo CE, i didn't really get into halo much at the beginning, but it was a game that grew onto me, and by halo 3, iwas HOOKED, i couldn't stop playing, however, ive kind of lost the urge to play now because i don't really enjoy reach much now, and since i play WoW a lot more, i prefer WoW to halo right now, but that may change with halo 4. Halo is still the best game i have ever played." DD: "I'm sure a lot of people are doing what you're doing right now haha based on what you've seen so far, how would you say you felt about Halo 4? What would make the game ideal for you?" BIGGS: "Halo 4 looks quite good, but it seems to be getting a little out of context with forerunner vision etc etc, and, a ranking system which is like the halo 2 ranking system would be good for me, and still keeping the classic halo feel and not letting it get too far out of hand." DD: "Yes it's been said that the ranking system is going to be kind of like Halo 3 where there are true skill ranks and experience based ranks. Anyway, being a previous and MoM and a member of the 343i Community Staff in Communications, do you still have any goals you want to achieve? Maybe beating Jester in post count? ;)" BIGGS: "haha, i have many ambitions, some i won't share here, but, Beating Jester in post count is definitely a massive goal to me :D" DD: "Some you won't share... Hmm... Very interesting haha alright almost done. Now, who do you think is an underrated member on this site? What I mean who is someone you think makes quality posts and is a nice member but doesn't get much recognition for it?" BIGGS: "hmmmm, Can i say you to get extra recognition? haha hmmm, lets see, Definitely Twinreaper, he posts long quality posts and no one reads them which kinda sucks, he is so intelligent its unreal and he knows so much about computers and this website and halo 4 that none of us even acknowledge, definitely should be MoM again. :D" DD: "Thank you but Twinreaper is a great choice and I agree with you. His posts are very informative and he's super smart. So Twin if you're reading this just know that we respect you very much. Lastly Biggles, please grace those newer members that read this with your words of wisdom on how to act on the forums." BIGGS: ofc i will bro, the new members are essential to the forums. Um, try and be different from everyone else and stand out from the pack with a sick idea be respectful and try to help in anyway you can, and you willl get rewarded justly Thanks for the interview!" Thank you Mr. Biggles for participating, much appreciated. I thought you were going to bail on me a couple of times haha. Thank you everyone in the forums and just keep in mind that you could be next. There should be a smiley that bows like people do at the end of a play or something. NOTE: The question about the ranking system was before Archangel Tyrael posted his news about it which can be found HERE: http://www.343indust...4241#entry94241
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