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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. There were no Marines aboard the Forward Unto Dawn when it split and the Arbiter went back to Sanghelios as stated by Karen Traviss's novel Glasslands. This link to Earth right now is ambiguous until he gives us another clue or we find something hidden in what he's written that we didn't catch before.
  2. You've got classics in here I like these, they're funny!
  3. I aim to please with my guests on these threads I make and surely you should be pleased with this one. This time I diverted my attention from the Dedicated section and went to the Members, but this is no ordinary member. This one has been here much longer than most of the Dedicated Members here on the forums. Ladies and Gentlemen: Nova. Enjoy. DD: "Where does your name come from Nova?" NOVA: "My name comes from two things. The place from which I live, Nova Scotia and comes from my [initials]. N.E.W. New is Nova in old Latin and from where Nova Scotia gets it's name, New Scotland." DD: "Wow that's interesting, that holds much more meaning than my name does I'll tell you that haha. And Nova, what is that symbol you use for your display picture? It looks Forerunner in origin." NOVA: "Yes! when I saw Adam's avatar of [Offensive] Bias's symbol it intrigued me. I decided to make my own and came up with that design a few months ago. It doesn't quite follow the rules but I liked it and it was my own." DD: "A unique Forerunner-influenced symbol, that is something! Master Chief thumb up on that one: . Ok Nova you're going to be one of the few members who have been here a full year in about a week, as many of our users may not have known, so what has kept you coming back to the site for this long?" NOVA: "Like a new life was to people coming to america, Halo 4 is the magnet that seems to bring everyone in. That same drive went for me. I joined before Halo 4 was even announce and was thirsty for that little drop of Halo 4 information at the time. I left for some time and came back to a new and prosperous forum. I stayed for the community and the people and in these last few months the forum has become something so much more." DD: "Indeed everybody wants their scoop on Halo 4 haha. Being here for almost a year now, have you seen the sense of community change? Has it gotten better, worse, or stayed the same?" NOVA: "It has gotten better but mostly stayed the same. I know everyone has been a little freaked out about people leaving or taking a break lately but people have always been leaving. That is why I am now one of the oldest members. I believe the community has gotten better overall. With more people joining we will always see more spam, etc but with more people we will also gain more members that will contribute to the forum and improve it overall :)" DD: "I see and are you ticked off in the least that they took away the 'One Year Member' award?" NOVA: "Sorta... I would like it if it had stayed and not only me but older members could get it as a little respect for the time they have spent on the forum. But if we had spent this amount of time, I don't think we would really care about an award, we would be happy with what we have on the forum and let our one year anniversary be like any other day. I wont be treating it like any other day but I will give thanks to everyone. It wont be a day about me but the people who make my day, everyday." DD: "Awesome Nova just awesome. Everything you do just has so much meaning and I think it's great. Now... We have all experienced a great loss here on the site, but it seems to have affected you a lot more than some other people: the absence of Absolute Dog. I know you've posted your thoughts about it in his thread but what kept you so close to AD?" NOVA: "Honestly, I don't think I was that close to him. Jester and many others where great friends to him, but still I looked up to him and he was a friend. Playing play-dates with him were just amazing, he had and I believe still has so much to say. Like I hinted before. The forum has made my day, everyday and for the last months, it was needed. My friends and I went our way. They were the same that introduced me to halo and life wasn't quite the same. I have recently dragged myself out of that dark pit and the forum was the drug that kept me pushing. Loosing AD is like loosing another friend, it was hard and I teared up slightly when I heard he was leaving. Everyone has silently helped me though and I thank everyone, [including] AD with all the thanks I can give." DD: "I teared up a bit too reading AD's real post about leaving realizing it was not an April Fools joke this time. With Fire rejoining the Community Moderators I've still heard talk about the possiblity of there being a new Mod. Who do you think would be well suited for the job?" NOVA: "I couldn't say on the fly. There are many members that do and do not deserve to be a Mod. A good person who takes place in the play-dates, is always there for people on the forum and for goodness sake has a sense of humor sounds great to me." DD: "Alright Nova, what achievement do you feel most accomplished of (an award, your membership length, a thread, etc.)?" NOVA: "None , I have yet to make something I am proud of yet but of those I would have to say my membership length. I still have so much I want to do and I believe this quote says it all. 'There is much talk, and I have listened, through rock and metal and time. Now I shall talk, and you shall listen." -Gravemind.'" DD: "Very interesting so what is it, or one thing in general, that you wish to achieve in the near future?" NOVA: "Well, I would really like to help Theorix by making signatures. I still have yet to bye the supplies to help him. It will also take some time to develop at least half of the skills he has achieved." DD: "I support the idea of more than one artist in the Sig Shop! Although you are still only at Member status, you are a senior to the majority of users on the site which entitles you to give your advice to newer members to the forums. So, Nova, what is your advice to newer members of the forums?" NOVA: "Yes I am still just a member and any advice I could give to newer members would be, be nice to others. I wanted to come up with a great big an nice piece of advice but just be nice to people. The internet is a place of no regrets. Only people with self confidence can be nice to other people, so have confidence in yourself also, don't be afraid to play things close to the edge if you are confident in yourself." There you have it folks! Thank you to Nova for giving me his time because these interviews do take about an hour or more through PM haha. Shout out to theorix once again, congratulations on being the most mentioned member in these threads. Thank you 343 Industries Community Forum and tune in next MONDAY for another new Interview with Stars of the Community! Remember just because I haven't interviewed you doesn't mean I won't.
  4. Like I said Adam, you have a clear knack for making connections my friend
  5. You have a knack for making connetions adam dude. This is a very logical idea.
  6. Interesting idea Aggregation Unit, only time will tell. Adam was right when he told me things are starting to come together and a story is forming here. I'm expecting more real life connections to be made soon. Or more connections in general at least.
  7. ADAM! GREAT FIND BUDDY! We need to work off of this now.
  8. You are not welcome here VivaLebowski find another forum...
  9. Nice thread Director you've got a lot of hits! Is Drizzy_Dan the man?
  10. I think the numbers are galactic coordinates. As for the rest, it's still a mystery.
  11. Sounds to me like the rogue construct is just finding out about the Greater Ark?
  12. I think this is an interesting find, good work Adam
  13. Interviews with Stars of the Community is moving to Mondays just to give people with a case of the Mondays something to look forward to after their weekend is done. Add Interviews with Stars of the Community to new Adventure Time and Regular show and you've got a kick ass Monday. Tomorrow's guest is well known.

  14. Just awful. Halo is one of, if not the, best games to watch on MLG. I thought made a great revival with the TU, I'm almost disgusted by this news.
  15. There are many topics discussing on whether Elites will be playable or not but to answer your question they're not in matchmaking. They might be in forge and customs and the possible Elite Ops.
  16. I'm cool with a second sig shop, it takes some of the workload off theo who's amazing but now there won't be as much backup!
  17. Hey welcome to the site, it's really nice here everybody's friendly and we have the latest gaming news as soon as it comes out thanks to our News Group. Enjoy your time here!
  18. Choot 'em why are you talking like that and are suddenly not human anymore? I miss good ole Choot!
  19. I want to do something that earns me Fire's Heart
  20. Nice find Tyrael I can tell Cortana's situation is going to be a tear jerker..
  21. Lol crap I thought the kid who edited his post was posting the second part of the message. Damn for all that binary we got such a little amount of words. Imagine if he wanted to send us something long??
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