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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. Welcome to the forums Kyo, we've already met but this is more formal haha
  2. Welcome to the site XxitachixXZZ!
  3. A week ago I experimented with an interviewing project that I thought had a 50-50 chance of being a success and it turned out to be a big hit. Thank you to the community for that . Now when I told Quantum I wanted him to be interviewed next he was thrown off to my surprise. But he complied with my request and this is what we got accomplished in our time: DD: "Quantum, being a previous MoM and member that many (including myself) look up to, why were you surpised when I asked you to be interviewed for 'Stars of the Community'?" QM: "Well, I guess mostly because there are many in the forums who stand with much superiority to me. Take any of the moderators for example. All have been here longer than me, with more posts than me. I didn't think I had NO chance, but I definitely didn't think to be asked within the first few months." DD: "Nonsense Quantum, you stood out to ME enough for me to want to get to know you more and let some of the other members you speak of to get the chance to know some things about you that they may not have known before. Now, your 1000th post thread was fantastic. And I think it was timed greatly because it stirred a lot of hype about you and showed how great the quality of posts you make is. I remember you talking about how you were making your 1000 milestone something epic when you were at 960 maybe and you really did it. What inspired it?" QM: "What inspired me? Oh, my love for Halo. I know it's a video game and all, but it has been with me pretty much my whole childhood. I remember when my friend got the original CE. I would beg my mother to let me stay the night at his house so we could play it. I remember all the craziness about Halo 3 coming out. That's what excites me. I saw a truthfully awe-filled story, just with the releases of the games, and the chaos it caused. I put some of that energy into a few short paragraphs, and left it as a benchmarker for my career here. What inspired me? Halo did." DD: "Excellently put. Now let's get into the personal 'Quantum.' Quantum, what made you to lose the 'Matrix' part of your name and switch to 'PWN'? And then what made you decide to drop that suffix?" QM: "Just to clear this up, the PWN, was not an official name It was a fun joke I played with Vitamin... Now the Matrix part... see, I just wanted a more, MLG feel to it, if you know what I'm saying. I looked into a couple other names, and researched GamerTags for about a week, before I realized I should look closer to home. I decided to just drop the second part of the name, and changed my GT to suit. It was really more of an impulse for change. Now you may not know this, but I was originally another. All you oldies know this, but I was once Spartan-468. And maybe Sponge-Bob along the way (curse you, mods )." DD: "That sounds pretty funny haha so what's your favorite thing about Halo in general?" QM: "What I like about Halo is 1.) the futuristic FPS shooter aspect. It has weapons, cool weapons. But not only that, it has Spartans. See, Spartans are harder to kill, so you actually get a chance to play, rather then COD games. 2.) All the game modes!! I absolutely LOVE Team SWAT and Living Dead. Usually when I play matchmaking, I am playing one of those two. 3.) The storyline. You cannot hate on the storyline. Most connected series EVER. It has furthered through the games, to the point where I am begging for more. I could go on and on, but let's not impose on the readers " DD: "I feel the same way haha. So that leads right into my next question: What's your take on the whole 'Halo turning into COD' debate?" QM: "Halo is expanding, and changing in ways that may be compared to Call Of Duty titles, but it is just ways of making the game better. You may say Halo is trying to copy Black Ops and blah blah blah, but I think it is just another great way to reward players for playing more. Halo will remain Halo. That's pretty much it. I have nothing else to say on the subject." DD: "Alrighty let's get off that topic then and talk about what other games you like besides Halo. What is your favorite game or game franchise besides Halo, Quantum?" QM: "The SSX games. Definitely. They are a bunch of snowboarding games. Fun fun. I have SSX 3 for Playstation and the new SSX for 360. Great graphics, cool runs, fantastic music, and beast tricks you gotta check it out. Also, a runner up would be the Ghost Recon: Future Soldier." DD: "I am a fan of the SSX games as well. SSX: Tricky was by far my favorite, I used to have it on Gamecube. What's your most cherished award that you've attained?" QM: "That's a toughie.... I would have to say my 1,000 post award. It took me the longest to earn. I spent countless hours here, trying to help people out, and even having a bit of fun on the offbeat topics. Yes, my Diamond Award." DD: "The Diamond was well deserved with that milestone post you made. Again, great job on it because not only did it serve as your milestone post but it let the passionate fans reminisce the days of when the games were first coming out and what it was like, I know I definitely did so thank you Quantum for that post. What is an achievement you hope to accomplish on the forums now that you've reached that milestone?" QM: "The only thing I can think of working towards now, is a position of work. I mean, like not just community member, but have something I do for the community, wether it be watching over us all as we go about our business, or managing a site that we have under our wing. I don't want to sound selfish by saying that, but it's true. I want to help out more." DD: "Oh no I understand exactly where you're coming from, I think we all feel that way Quantum you're not the only one. So who is someone that stands out to you on the site, for helping out, or just having a good personality, or anything at all?" QM: "Well, you know there is a couple thousand people I can say, but I'm gonna have to say the one that has stuck out very very recently, my buddy, theorix. His contributions to the community are amazing, including the Youtube channel layout, the Signature shop, and the brand new community forum Wallpapers. Great job, theo " DD: "Theorix is a great choice, he's a great artist. Finally, Quantum, what are your words of wisdom to newer members to the site?" QM: "My words of wisdom are simple. Treat others as you would want to be treated. This can be taken many different ways, so let it touch you in a way that helps you become better." Thanks to Quantum for his time and answering every PM when they were sent, I know how time consuming and annoying it is. FOR ANYONE WHO HAS NOT SEEN HIS MASTERPIECE, CHECK HERE. Tune in next Tuesday for Interviews with Stars of the Community!!
  4. Here you go Doc Edit: Ok so the images don't show so click the loop button up at the top left to go directly to the post.
  5. No just the email named "Ancheron" and his archive that contained binary code.
  6. Latest Artifact: >/[sENDING >/ROGUE DATA/XRX_4%|x|>/502XRT>/505XRT>[i010]> >/INFILTRATING >/TRML/37YT|x|> >/TERMINATING >/BEACON/TRNS TRKS> Also does anyone recognize the symbol 69086 AC is using now?? We're starting to see a full change.
  7. 1366 x 768 Resolution por favor on the newest pic!
  8. Thank you theorix for honoring us peasants. You are too kind. :unworthy:
  9. Bullet I remember when you made your return to the forums only last month after some time and you were trusted and look at you now. Great job Bulletstorm.
  10. Anarchy is a beloved member here in our community so it is very nice to meet you Ms. Archy. I hope you enjoy it as much as he does!
  11. Quantum this is excellent :unworthy: This is why I chose you good sir!
  12. Spot on Choot! That's an excellent interpretation. How can we explain the serial number he gave us that corresponds to "The Prefect"?
  13. I know the brother part seems dumb but I can't really come up with anything else. It doens't exactly make sense but that's what it sounds like he's saying.
  14. Mixcraft but it can't reverse audio files unfortunately, it's more for producing sounds than editing them. Also, bad news. My roommate's asleep and I can't record the file and edit it now anyway.... It's gonna have to wait until tomorrow morning.. Sorry guys.
  15. I'm on it Quantum Edit: It might be reversed, if that's the case there's nothing I can do.
  16. New interview tomorrow with another Star of the Community!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Quantum


      I think it was when you were gone for like a week or so.


    3. Adam91


      who are you doing next ?

    4. Drizzy_Dan


      You'll see later today! Or tomorrow morning in your case adam haha

  17. I agree with the Director on this. Also at first I thought the skin texture resembled Gears of Wars' Locusts but now I feel like they resemble Arkham City graphics like Killer Croc's texture.
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