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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. Interesting introduction John, welcome to the forums I hope you like it here!
  2. I like you Relevant Wolf. Stamp of approval.
  3. Drizzy_Dan

    Elite Riot

    I understand the feelings of thousands of players that pretend their actually aliens from a different galaxy being hurt but not getting the game simply because you can't play as that race is ludicrous. It's not like taking Spartans out, it's not like taking Locusts out, it's not like taking Predators out. It's like something that's already been taken out being officially taken out. Elites weren't in every playlist on Reach if you recall. I sincerely hope they give you the option of playing as them in Customs and Forge but when it comes down to it, everything's the same in terms of how they play. If they pick up a weapon it has the same reticule as if a human picks it up. The only differences are their physical appearances and their HUDs. If that's what you're fussing about then come on, realize that.
  4. Your problem with Elites being taken out is very well understood but the thing is is that the multiplayer, Infinity, is loosely tied to the campaign where as it takes places on a giant holodeck that simulates all the maps for the Spartans to train on. There is no room for Elites to be there because it takes place on a UNSC ship. Elites being taken out is a very sad thing and I hope they at least give the players the option to use them for custom games and forge but they simply just do not tie in with the story of Infinity.
  5. This is true and I plan to keep this going for some time. I have a lot of people I want to get to.
  6. Conan revealed on his talk show that he will be playing a part in Halo 4. His character is going to be on the UNSC Infinity loading crates onto a Pelican and will have funny dialogue. He's most likely going to be a Marine or Pilot. Here's a link to him in the recording booth: http://teamcoco.com/halo4 Edit: Soon after Conan announced the website, Halo fans flocked to it. I was lucky enough to get there when it was still working. Within 30 minutes the site had trouble loading and crashed due to the immense amount of fans. This site was not ready for the strong Halo fanbase clearly.
  7. Interviewing Twam would be more than awesome but I imagine it'd be almost impossible. Let's see what the future holds for Stars of the Community haha
  8. Tyrael, you're definitely getting one but I already have someone else in mind for next week. I just hope they comply. But again, you'll definitely get one.
  9. I like the idea of two separate playlists like ranked and social
  10. Stars of the Community is a little thing I'm putting together where I interview people who are well known throughout the community from the admin to the mods all the way down to the new members. I ask a series of questions (usually 10) and they answer honestly. For the first interview I chose ZB. ZB is 15 years old and one of my best friends on the site! Here is what went on in the interview: DD: "So ZB, where does your name come from?" ZB: "ZB= Zackary Barrus. 8 comes from one of my favorite numbers. 5 is the members of my family. Thus, ZB-85" DD: "That's interesting! Alright and what do you like to do when you're not on the forums being the friendliest member?" ZB: "I like playing on Xbox. Going outside and playing sports with my brother. Oh, and I LOVE reading . I also enjoy helping my mom and dad when they need stuff done around the house." DD: "It is impossible to be a better person than you isn't it? Haha I guess that's what makes you a 'Star of the Community' though. So what is your favorite thing to do when you're on the site?" ZB: "Hmm, lets see. Probably chatting it up in the Shoutbox." DD: "You DO do all of the greetings haha, you're just as good as 343iBot at that. Do you have any goals you want to achieve on the forums?" ZB: "Well, one goal would be to get Member of the Month. Then, after that achievement probably to become a Moderator." DD: "Good I think those are definitely in your range. What's your favorite award that you've recieved so far?" ZB: "My Teddy Bear award." DD: "That's an exclusive one haha so which part of the Halo universe are you most interested in (Games, Fiction, Conspiracies, ARGs, etc.)?" ZB: "I like the Halo games and books. Those are both number #1 for me." DD: "That's cool I love those too. Who is a member you look up to on the forums?" ZB: "Spectral Jester, I look up to him for the way he moderates and acts around other members." DD: "I also like Spectral Jester for his humor and moderating style, good choice! If you were to have a custom member title what would it be and why?" ZB: "I would like to be 'The Welcomer' because I welcome everyone when they come on." DD: "And that would be very appropriate for you haha. Are there any members you would like to say hi to as a shoutout before we end the interview?" ZB: "Umm. Everyone has been such a blessing to me, so I'd like to shout out to EVERYONE." DD: "Typical ZB answer haha alright and last but not least what advice do you give to newer members who want to be at your status on the site?" ZB: "My advice would be to: Be kind to other members DO NOT swear in the shoutbox And try to be fun in all areas of the forum Thanks for the interview! :)" I'd like to thank ZB for his time. Stars of the Community are chosen by me because they're people that other people look up to and show good character. If I don't interview you it doesn't mean I don't like you and it doesn't mean that you're not a Star of the Community, it just means that I haven't gotten to you YET. So tune in next week for 343i Community Forum's Stars of the Community!
  11. Wow what can't science explain these days.. It's amazing. And it's so obvious when it's explained to you scientifically you're like "Why didn't I think of that before!?"
  12. Hey Graham welcome to the forums, everyone's really cool here so you shouldn't have trouble finding anyone to talk to or share interests with. The shoutbox is also a good resource if you need any help. Have fun!
  13. Alright with the release date revealed today to be November 6, 2012 what does that mean for this?: http://artifact.at.ua/index/0-25 The countdown to November 27, 2012. BS Angel explained slightly what the significance was of November 6th in Halo history but what does November 27th have to do with it? Edit: One thing I just picked up on while looking at that artifact. In the upper right it says "Contact I010." I'm assuming I010 means Installation 010 so could this countdown be counting down to when John hits Installation 10? Is Installation 10 the Greater Ark? Do I ask too many questions that no one knows the answers to?
  14. Here's the news Firen: http://halo.xbox.com/blogs/Headlines/post/2012/04/17/The-Halo-Bulletin-41712.aspx
  15. I want the Choot'em Award or to be in the Top 15 along with the Pizza I mentioned in an earlier post. I sound greedy but really I just wanna be a help to this community somehow haha
  16. You'd be correct in saying this is a great place! Welcome to the forums, if you have questions just shout em in the chat box up at the top of the screen. Enjoy your stay!
  17. No it's a photoshopped sig they wouldn't leave his last name hanging around like that
  18. Welcome to the forums Steviathon, any questions can be asked in the shout box and answered immediately or you can PM other members. Have fun here
  19. Ah good point I don't know why I didn't think about that, you're right there's no way. But this ghost.713 rogue process thing reocurring is a little odd.
  20. adam do you think Mendicant Bias can be involved in this because of the ghost.713 rogue process occuring in AC? It's the same one that happened to Adjutant Reflex.
  21. Instant spawning is only in the new gametype Regicide. You should read up on these things to stay up to date.
  22. What do you guys think his next clue will involve? I mean what with the Game Informer article out how much else could he really tell us?
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