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Everything posted by Drizzy_Dan

  1. Well the Forerunner army, the Prometheans, were controlled by the Didact. If I had to guess that's who I'd say the Forerunner army belonged to
  2. I'm mad I didn't find this earlier good find adam. I would love to see some campaign footage I hope they show something.
  3. Yea I think it is too. Check this out for a better look. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/6987-69086-archive-03-slowed-down/page__pid__68629#entry68629
  4. I recorded it with my computer's regular sound recorder but used Mixcraft to fix the sound
  5. What I did was record the sound myself on my computer maybe you can try the same?
  6. Yea I saw that too. It looks like the Greater Ark is inactive because it was taken over by the Flood.
  7. I was thinking Flood as well. It looks like a Forerunner city that was overrun because you can see structures in the background towards the end of the tenticle.
  8. That's a brand new comment seeing as his youtube account is brand new. What a weirdo!
  9. Yea his Halo Wiki page got deleted and he's on Twitter but he's sharing the most info on here.
  10. Not a clue haha and that's why he's so interesting. He's believed to be involved with 343 somehow and is releasing clues about Halo 4 and that's why all of his archives are important.
  11. Nice Choot'em those are the important images!
  12. I'm in love with Halo Wars but if you're looking for a first person shooter go with ODST, it's a great game and walking the streets of New Mombasa at night is a really cool and eerie feeling.
  13. It's brand new posted by 69086 AURORA CYGNUS tonight that I hopped on immediately
  14. He's a tease is what he is haha. Here Firen this is the transmission from earlier: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/6975-they-dont-have-faith-like-you-do-my-analysis-of-the-69086-transmission/page__pid__68506?do=findComment&comment=68506
  15. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/2961-system-integrity-resumed/page__fromsearch__1 From here good sir. Click on any of his artifact links and go to Archive 02.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVBcAcikn_4_ Alright we start with a galaxy which is important because it's the first image seen in the video, I would say that this sets the scene. The second thing I noticed was the flash of AC's symbol before it goes to what looks like a storm cloud. At 0:42 you'll see some Sentinels I believe and then at 0:43 you will see what I believe is the Greater Ark. It has 6 arms as described. It looks like it's open and is releasing some object. Next it skips to some blobs for lack of a better word, I don't know what they are, they look like cells. Next is this image of something of an hourglass shape, it reminds me of where the Monitors met in the Halo: CEA terminal. The image after that looks pretty important, it's an image that shows 2 grids which I think are the boundaries of real space and the in between would be slipspace or a different dimension. The helix shapes are most likely coordinates of some sort. I don't understand what the Halos' significance are of being there. Then we see something falling from the sky in a blaze kind of like Chief did at the beginning of Halo 3. At 1:30 we see what looks like a Flood Stalk or part of a Flood Stalker form. I think it is Flood because in the bottom left there you see the red feathery things that are found on the tops of Infection Forms. And the rest of the video is just a blue screen of binary code that probably has some meaning but I'm not willing to find it out. It looks like the Greater Ark is inactive in the video because the pillars of plasma it uses to light it are not activated but there is an outside light source.
  17. Already working on 69086's new archive video

    1. Adam91


      compromise him, lol

    2. Adam91


      also did you get my last pm?

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      Yes and I shall do that soon, I did that with the new video

  18. Humans were ancient enemies of the Forerunners before the humans lost the Forerunner-Human War and they devolved us. Since then many Forerunners did not like Humans.
  19. Remember their armor and don't let anyone else get in the way of me killing them back. I don't teabag back because I'm better than they are.
  20. I'm skeptical about believing this but there it is on the magazine on my screen. I hope we get new info in April.
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